Hi Mactec54

I am still going back and forth with TECO Westinghouse, but the prospects are not looking too promising. Here is the latest from them:

"the L510 is a micro not really intended for use on such a high speed application . That said Theoretically it should work (assuming that the driven motor is indeed a standard induction motor and not a permanent magnet motor). The issue here appears to be the minimum Frequency being set so high that the VFD has no other option than to saturate the motor to try to get it rolling. 01-08 and 1-09 should be set back to factory defaults."

After implementing their recommendations, the VFD accelerates up to speed and no longer trips out. There is one minor problem - I have no output to the motor! The saga continues.

FYI - I have a Huanyang HY02D223B ready to go in as soon as I get an RMA from TECO Westinghouse.