HI guy's,
I hate posting this but i believe it is hard enought to make it when everyone pays, but next to impossible when people don't pay. And I wanted to give fair warning to all the great guy's here tying to make a living.

I just wanted to let everyone here know about "Nova 9911" AKA: Ron Hamm, from Gateway Machine.

After several months of trying to get him to pay I have had no results. He will not pay his outstanding invoice and will not return any e-mail comunications. So if you come across one of his posts for RFQ please beware that he has not payed on an invoice.

Ron if you are reading this please contact me([email protected]) , I would like to get this straightend out. If you had any issues with the parts please let me know, I would like to know why you won't pay or respond to E-mails.

Mike Hesse
Hesse Machine