
My Tsugami Lathe has two spindle/turret sets. They are controlled by a dual FANUC 0T-B controller(two seperate controllers, one monitor/keyboard and a switch to switch between them).

M50 is a oneshot command that allows indexing of a turret with total disregard to where things are at (dangerous but very useful). The command is put after any Txxxx address to allow turret indexing anywhere/anytime.

On the Back Spindle controller this command works fine. On the Main Spindle it doesn't work. It can be executed but does not have the desired effect of overriding the index safety lockouts.

I'm in an area I know next to nothing about, probably this is some sort of ladder function?

I have some scant Japenglish documentation for the ladder logic but know only a little on how to read it and absolutely nothing about entering ladder logic diagrams in a fanuc control.

Is there some way that I can use the working example of the rear turret M50 to get the Main spindle one working.
