Hello All - Been searching the forum for the info I need, and had no luck, so I'm hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction.

I build effects pedals for guitar, and use hammond type enclosures (basically pot metal). I powder coat them, and would like to look into a laser to cut in lettering, logos, drill markers, etc.

It would need to cut through the powdercoat, and leave the bare metal (which is typically somewhat polished pre-powdercoating).

Here's an example of the kind of thing I'm looking to do (not my work):

I only need a 8" square working range with 3" of height (more is always good...I'm sure we'll find more uses for it).

The Epilog Zing looks pretty great, but is a bit more than we're looking to spend (I was hoping to keep it to $5K). I'm new to the world of lasers, so a reputable company with good customer support is a must.

Any ideas of models/makes to look into?

