WOW.... a year has past since i have posted on this thread.

quick up date..........

i didn't get the turbine finished by April 2008 like i said i would. that's because i got me a milling machine and then cnc'd it up. really happy with the results, but that's another thread.

back to the turbine. due to an unsuspected cash input the other week, i got the following from wren.

turbine wheel with a matched NGV
front and rear nut's
bearing ( £50 each ouch!!!!)
combustion chamber ( worked out cheaper to buy one)
and some other small bits and bobs.

with a bit of luck next week i will be ordering a fedec, fuel pump and the other bearing. all that's left to make is the fuel ring, gas pipe, tail cone and the outer case. i have put all other machining projects on hold till the turbine is done. so it should be up and running very soon.

i wont bother posting when i have started it up as you will all see the mushroom cloud and put 2 and 2 together :-)