hey all!

looking for a cheap cad/cam package that isn't bobcam. Dolphin seems very nice and in the demo so far i absolutely love it

my only cad experience is with sketchup and a tiny bit in bobcad(maybe 1-2h in the demo)- both are not set up like dolphin, and my only annoyances so far in dolphin are:

1) i can't seem to enter coordinates. it says x,y so i have tried 0,0 or 0,1.4023 et cetera. what is the "format" for entering coordinates into the command? i can work around this with 1/16" grid snapping but there are some random holes i need to place in something.

2) i can't figure out how to make it a 3d model- is this limited in the demo version? i go to view-elevation and its only x-y plane or another plane that you can only draw in the x-y plane.

Cheers! sorry if these have been answered a lot in the past, just weird for me as this seems to be set up like an actual cad program, something im not used to (nuts)


p.s. i hopefully plan on buying partmaster pro within 3 months or so for a 3 axis mill- i just want to know that i can get the software to do what i want before i drop a lot of money on it (im a high school student with literally 0 income)