I have been toying with the idea to make a cnc machine that will inject or pour melted plastic into molds (small molds, cavities less than 1" wide by 10" long by 1" deep). I have several rough plans on the cnc machine, and really like the one posted on this site, however I do not know how the injection piece will work into the system.

I will typically be pouring 3 colors in each cavity in 3 passes (in controlled amounts along the path). I have looked at several stepper driven metering pumps that look as if they'll do the job but I am not sure how this will work as most controller boards seem to take up to 4 axis drivers. In this scenario the x and y axis will be guiding the pour nozzles, while I need 3 more controllable motors turning 3 seperate pumps.

I am fairly new to robotic automation, and am doing this as a hobby/learning project. Please advise as to any solutions you may have or guidance you may give. Is there a way to control 5-6 axis without spending 40k? or 1k for that matter! Also, if someone has done something similar I would love to hear about it.
