Hi all,

Today in mid tool change my VSX24 Bedmill shut down and I was left with this message on the console screen.

"Security Device Invalid or Has Failed"

I could do nothing atall and even after 2 consecutive reboots I was unable to clear it.
Anyway after a quick search here I found that it was a 'Dongle' atop the cpu control next to a ribbon cable that was to blame.
I removed it, re seated it and tried agan..No Luck!!!

So afyter a short call to Hurco support UK I was told I needed to send them the dongle for them to reprogram and return to me.
So I asked if there is anything else that could be done and they said Yes they could make my machine 'Dongle Free' but thier technician could still have to call to do it.
So with the boss's permission I took that course of action.
The tech is coming tomorow...

Anyway my question is could another fault be to blame for causing my problem?

Sorry its long winded guys.

Thanks :-)