Hi, been studying this forum for the last couple of weeks and everyone seems very helpful.... anyway to the problem

I have a DC-K40III machine running NewlyDraw 1.5 software, i've had some success engraving and cutting different materials but sometimes have a problem with the head movement in both X and Y. On some bmp files especially with lots of detail the head will move erratically all over the cutting area and also sometimes stalls and sticks in one position with the laser light still active and burns a hole through the material. I use CorelDraw to convert jpg images to B&w(1 bit) for the raster engrave. If i import the original jpg image and raster engrave that its fine but there is no shading detail so waste of material really.

Could this be a data transfer issue ?(I have replaced the original parallel cable)

Controller, driver or stepper motor issue or maybe a mechanical issue ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks