Hi all, built a wood router in my shop and I am at the point to just draw a circle with a pencil. When I load the road runner it draws the first 500 lines fine, but
when I load the following code i get "Radius to end of arc differs from radius start line 12". I am just wanting to practice with CamBam and Mach3 untill my FUN budget
allows for the full license. Any direction would be awsome


( Made using CamBam - CamBam CNC Software )
( Untitled 5/21/2011 11:13:40 AM )
( T0 : 0.01 )
G20 G90 G64 G40
G0 Z0.125
( T0 : 0.01 )
T0 M6
( Profile1 )
M3 S1000
G0 X1.0128 Y0.0
G1 F10.0 Z-0.015
G3 F30.0 X-0.5064 Y0.8771 I-1.0128 J0.0
G3 Y-0.8771 I0.5064 J-0.8771
G3 X1.0128 Y0.0 I0.5064 J0.8771
G0 Z0.125