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Thread: Bobwire v23

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Bobwire v23

    I'm using Bobwire v23 for my Fanuc machine; post processor Fanuc_18i_W_Rev2.
    The problem I have is that I'm unable to output S0D0 cutting condition when I want to cut with just one cut. The cut always outputs S1D1. How can I change this?
    Thank you for your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Today I had some time to digg deper into this.
    I found out, that I can help myself with EDM post scripting API functions. So I now have partial success.
    I made Program block in post processor:
    2008. Program Block #8 (program_block_8)
    Dim conture
    conture = EDM_GetNumberOfContours()
    	If conture = 1 Then
    		EDM_ProcessPostLine("n,'S0 D0'")
    		EDM_ProcessPostLine("n, cutting_cond,wire_offset,wire_speed,wire_tension")
    End If
    With this code post processor outputs S0 D0 for one cut. If I Cut with 2 cuts it correctly outputs S1 D1 for first and S2 D2 for second cut.
    The problem appears when I want to use Glue stop function. With this function program counts 2 contours so my code is no more any good.

    Then I tried with:
    2008. Program Block #8 (program_block_8)
    Dim glu
    Dim conture
    glu = EDM_GetPassIsGlueStop()
    conture = EDM_GetNumberOfContours()
    If glu = 0 Then
    	If conture = 1 Then
    		EDM_ProcessPostLine("n,'S0 D0'")
    		EDM_ProcessPostLine("n, cutting_cond,wire_offset,wire_speed,wire_tension")
    	End If
    	If conture = 2 Then
    		EDM_ProcessPostLine("n,'S0 D0'")
    		EDM_ProcessPostLine("n, cutting_cond,wire_offset,wire_speed,wire_tension")
    	End If	
    End If
    The problem with this one is that it still does not work with use of Glue stop, without using Glue stop it works as first one. I do not understand why it does not work? Is there a problem in scripting or calling wrong APIs?

    So I am stuck again. Any help or idea would be appreciated.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Some additional info/questions.
    From API:
    2.	short EDM_GetCuttingPassNumber()
    pass number	0 = Rough
    1 = Skim #1
    7 = Skim #7.
    From original post:
    418. Offset format (0=prfx + Pass#),(1=prfx+pass#=DataBaseOffset),(2=619=D1 value),(3=619 value=DataBaseOffset),(4=619 value DataBaseOffset)? 0
    419. Cutting Conditions format (0 = S + Pass #), (1 = S + Pass # + value 320), (2 = S+DataBase Value)? 0
    420. Value to add to Cutting Conditions S + Pass# ? 0
    As I understand this, this should work out of the box. When I choose 0 skims it should output S + pass # for cutting condition (as I understand from API pass should be 0 when no skims are selected) which should be S0 not S1.

    The problem is short EDM_GetCuttingPassNumber() never outputs 0 but instead always starts with 1 even when there is no skims selected.

    So more than I read this more confused I am.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Can you attach your post processor your using and a file with a sample feature and geometry setup in it so we can compare outputs???

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I started with generic Fanuc_18i_W_Rev2 postprocessor. First changed it to metric units. Then tried to made changes described in my second post.
    I will attach both versions of postprocessor to this post.
    For geometry I just draw a circle and used 2 axis inside future (for now only code for this future is changed in both postprocessors). When I will have a fully working code I will update other futures too.
    The code processed with Fanuc_18i_W_Rev2 postprocessor (metric), for 1 cut without skim passes and no glue stop.
    (MAIN PROGRAM, 09:32AM SAT. 09/17/2011 )
    N1 G00 G21 G90
    N2 G92 X19.5178 Y.5748
    N3 S1 D1
    N4 M37 M89
    N5 G01 X25.8678 G41
    N6 G03 X0. Y26.4426 I-25.8678 J0.
    N7 X-25.8678 Y.5748 I0. J-25.8678
    N8 X0. Y-25.2929 I25.8678 J0.
    N9 X25.8678 Y.5748 I0. J25.8678
    N10 G01 X19.5178 Y.5748 G40
    N11 M30
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Hi Koblenzer...
    I havnt cracked it yet and need to go to bed but had this input before I shutdown...

    Since you are already scripting it, I had noticed that in your post you have this:


    Calling "twice" the variable "cutting_cond" and then also doing the processing with your scripting block...

    Wouldnt you just replace the cutting cond's with the scripting block???

    Talk later.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Joust saw I attached original Fanuc_18i_W_Rev2 postprocessor which is just changed to metric and my first version of scripting. I will now attach the second one too.
    So yes. In first post there is variable "cutting_cond" but program_block_6 is from original post and does not call cutting condition variables.

    If you open the post Fanuc_18i_W_Rev2_metric_V1.EDMPST you will se that I have done exactly what you suggested.
    Original post:
    40. Start of 2axis contour.
    n, cutting_cond,wire_offset,wire_speed,wire_tension
    my post:
    40. Start of 2axis contour.
    Program_block_6 is already in original post. And from that block I got an idea to script my own.

    For now I concentrated only on line 40 in post as debug mode shows that for this geometry cutting conditions are called from that line. I am fully aware that when I will have a useful code I will have to change other lines to.

    Thanks for looking into this and take your time, I am in no hurrry.
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Ok I have done some more research.

    Found out that EDM_GetPassIsGlueStop() outputs only if current pas is glue stop.

    The problem I have is that I do not know how to write script that it will output the same result for cutpas 1? (I always get S1D1 for cutpas 1 and S0 D0 for cutpas 2)

    My script now:
    2008. Program Block #8 (program_block_8)
    Dim noconture
    Dim glu
    noconture = EDM_GetNumberOfContours()
    glu = EDM_GetPassIsGlueStop()
    If noconture = 1 Then
    	EDM_ProcessPostLine("n,'S0 D0'")
    End If
    If noconture = 2 Then
    	If glu = 1 Then
    	EDM_ProcessPostLine("n,'S0 D0'")
    	EDM_ProcessPostLine("n, cutting_cond,wire_offset,wire_speed,wire_tension")
    	End If
    End If
    If noconture = 3 Then
    	EDM_ProcessPostLine("n, cutting_cond,wire_offset,wire_speed,wire_tension")
    	End If
    If noconture = 4 Then
    	EDM_ProcessPostLine("n, cutting_cond,wire_offset,wire_speed,wire_tension")
    	End If
    If noconture = 5 Then
    	EDM_ProcessPostLine("n, cutting_cond,wire_offset,wire_speed,wire_tension")
    	End If
    If noconture = 6 Then
    	EDM_ProcessPostLine("n, cutting_cond,wire_offset,wire_speed,wire_tension")
    	End If
    If noconture = 7 Then
    	EDM_ProcessPostLine("n, cutting_cond,wire_offset,wire_speed,wire_tension")
    	End If
    If noconture = 8 Then
    	EDM_ProcessPostLine("n, cutting_cond,wire_offset,wire_speed,wire_tension")
    	End If
    Which outputs correct cutting conditions for all combinations except rough cut + glue stop. For that it outputs:
    (MAIN PROGRAM, 06:51PM SUN. 09/18/2011 )
    N1 G00 G21 G90
    N2 G92 X23.3879 Y.2874
    N3 S1 D1
    N4 M37 M89
    N5 G01 X29.7379 G41
    N6 G03 X0. Y30.0253 I-29.7379 J0.
    N7 X-29.7379 Y.2874 I0. J-29.7379
    N8 X0. Y-29.4505 I29.7379 J0.
    N9 X29.6295 Y-2.2495 I0. J29.7379
    N10 G01 X23.3026 Y-1.7078 G40
    N11 M00
    N12 S0 D0
    N13 M37 M89
    N14 G01 X29.6295 Y-2.2495 G41
    N15 M00
    N16 G03 X29.7379 Y.2874 I-29.6295 J2.5369
    N17 M00
    N18 G01 X23.3879 Y.2874 G40
    N19 M30
    As mentioned above this is because EDM_GetPassIsGlueStop() checks only if glue stop is in current pass.

    I have tried to implement cupas = EDM_GetCuttingPassNumber() which outputs current pass number and then check for glue stop. But I was unable to get any useful script out of it.
    Not working idea:
    If noconture = 2 Then	
    	If cupas = 1 Then
    		If glue = 1 Then
    		EDM_ProcessPostLine("n,'S0 D0'")
    		EDM_ProcessPostLine("n, cutting_cond,wire_offset,wire_speed,wire_tension")
    		End If
    	End If
    	If cupas = 2 Then
    		If glue = 1 Then
    		EDM_ProcessPostLine("n,'S0 D0'")
    		EDM_ProcessPostLine("n, cutting_cond,wire_offset,wire_speed,wire_tension")
    		End If
    	End If		
    End If
    The code from second post is the same as above for first one.
    If anyone have an Idea, how to make script, which first check if second pass cut is glue stop, and then determine cutting condition for first pass cut please speak up.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Hi Koblenzer,
    I wont be much for posting actual script for you that is sufficient, but reading your script and what you are looking to do, I have a suggestion.

    Your "if" statments can also include nested "else if" to do multiple condition testing.. Also there is the "then" that goes with the if..

    So you are currently doing an If-else.. You may be able to construct an if-else if/then-elseif/then-else type of statment...


    Also, to address the initial issue of getting the post processor to output "0's", you may have better luck getting on the BobCad forum at BobCAD-CAM | Powerful & Affordable CNC CAD/CAM Software Solutions and presenting the initial issue there.. BobCad employee's actually read that forum and may better address if/how the system can produce this number. Else!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Hi koblenzer,
    Sean gave an answer in the BobCad forum:

    - BobCAD-CAM

    He suggested to not script it, but set up the system using the cutting conditions database, and is posting the list of the variables...

    He also suggested just putting in a request to have them help you set it up..

    I never got my class from the Bird on the EDM and it is a bit out of my range...

    Good luck.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by BurrMan View Post
    Hi koblenzer,
    Sean gave an answer in the BobCad forum:

    - BobCAD-CAM

    I never got my class from the Bird on the EDM and it is a bit out of my range...

    Good luck.


    The Bird flew away , Give me a call or shoot me an email anytime, and we can set something up.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Sowen View Post

    The Bird flew away , Give me a call or shoot me an email anytime, and we can set something up.
    Thanks Sean, I'de be an idget not to take you up on that! Soon, I will contact you.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Bobwire v23

    Can anyone send me BobWire V19.3 or More on my email....thanks
    [email protected]

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