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You need to supply more information.

What are your parameter settings at HAAS?
What are the parameter settings at Computer?
How long is your RS232 cable, and what kind of cable?
Does the AC plug to the Dell have 3 prongs?
Is so what happens if you run on battery with the AC cord disconnected?
From the Computer is the sending FIFO set to minium? I do not think it will make a difference on HAAS, but in general it is a good idea.

How large is the file you are sending?
What operating system are you using?

Is the communication program in Mastercam from Cimco? This Cimco program should work well. However, on my Sony FX140 laptop using XP Pro it creates an unexpected break signal and HAAS faults on this. On our desktops using XP Pro the Mastercam Cimco program works fine.

If you run at a low baud rate like 1200 to 4800 does the problem occur?
Does HAAS produce an error message? If so what is it?

Have you used the PDA to send files to the HAAS? Does it work or not? Your comments were not clear on what all you tried with the PDA.

As described your cable appears to be correct.

What seems very strange is the loss of data with no error message. I am assuming no error message because you did not mention one.

Certain kinds of errors HAAS puts into comments. Others HAAS simply aborts the receive function with no useful information provided, for example they do not let you see the program up to the error.

For no HAAS error it implies that whole lines were dropped (delimited by CR LF) and this is an unlikely situation. It takes something other than a random noise error to drop exactly N lines.
