I actually like this little machine but I do have a problem with information flow. Just about every supplier of machine tools out there does a better job of delivering information and specs on their machines.

Quote Originally Posted by vmax549 View Post
From what I understand it uses a STOCK R8 spindle that has a gripper assy pressed into place in the upper side(straight portion) of the r8 area. Next it uses a CAT30 tool holder than has been reground to an R8 taper. Using the stock R8 makes a lot of sense as it is a production item and hence lower cost.
This may very well be true but Fadec really needs to be more forthright in detailing just what their machine is. Especially with something new like this.
Anyone can take an Cat30 tool holder and have it ground to the R8 taper (;-)
Or just chuck some stock in a CNC lathe. I really don't see a problem with the taper being new. It is just another new way of dealing with small machine tool tapers just like TTS. The problem isn't that it is new it is rather the lack of info.
So what is not to love about it? It will also fit where most cannot go in a tight home based shop. Alos single phase power, plug it into the drier plug if needed.

AND an ATC to boot. not just an add on device.

Just a thought, (;-) TP
I actually like the machine. Like many I'm bothered by what appears to be a short Z travel but again the lack of specs here is the bigger problem. In other words is that 8" from above the table, above the vise or measured from someplace else. It makes a big difference if putting a vise on the machine burns up 4" of your travel.

Beyond that it is the Z axis, I would imagine ordering a machine with extra travel would be possible as it is a steel tube.

In any event it is a start up business, I would expect some shortcomings to be overcomed as they get going with production and sales. It is the nature of the beast, infrastructure takes time.