So, rfenn ger, and mmoe do not know.

I did look up the specs on the Punch site and here it is:

Windows®: Recommended Requirements: Microsoft© Windows® XP Home/Pro SP3, Windows Vista® SP2, Windows® 7, Windows® 8, Intel® Pentium® or AMD® Athlon™ class processor, 4 GB of hard disk space, 1 GB of RAM, Video card, Mouse Pointing Device (wheel button recommended), DVD-ROM Drive. Macintosh®: Recommended Requirements: Macintosh® OS 10.5 or higher, Intel® Mac®, 4 GB of hard disk space, 1GB RAM or greater, Mouse Pointing Device (wheel button recommended), DVD-ROM Drive.
So is the other user whose experience I mentioned atypical of installing on XP?

I ask one more time, has anybody actually installed V9Pro on an XP Box successfully?