Quote Originally Posted by mike_Kilroy View Post
"MAYBE WRONG" need to change that to "is wrong." No, your motor resolver should be fine for taping/indexing - folks have been doing that for 30 years with em. Would linear scale with .1um resolution be better? maybe, depends on lots of stuff. if you have any backlash between this new encoder and the motor you may be in for more problems that it is worth since you would not be using it for just position control.... I think it is a no brainer to use the resolver you have and get the system running; if you then feel it is not good enough for some reason then consider changing it out.
ah, cool. the resolver im trying to find specs on. its from liton, that's all I know so far. there wasn't a label. this would be the "new" version
mines a good 15-20 years old.

edit, ok, that link wont post. cnczone needs to work on their forum software I guess, haha.

comment: get the 1Vpp sign output instead - let's us (the drive mfgr) divide it up and multiply it by lots more to give resolutions in millions/billions - all for free. And AMS is not ams encoder.
not sure what that means.

AMS is Austria microsystems. they make low cost magnetic encoders. 14 bit in this case. quite nice for $15.

thanks for all the help.