Quote Originally Posted by ger21 View Post
If Path Pilot is just LinuxCNC with a different interface, then why don't you just start with LinuxCNC and build your own version?? The Path Pilot trajectory planner is already in LinuxCNC.
Well, there are many ways to skin the cat. It is my impression, however, that if I start from LinuxCNC 2.7 I would need to reinvent the wheel and find all the configuration parameters for the PCNC1100. Since Path Pilot already contains all of these values, I can save on that step.

Allow me to say that I am not the ultimate expert on this area. And what I have seen is that the great majority of us are really not super connoisseurs either. Which is why I think this needs to be a community effort, regardless of whether we do this with LinuxCNC or PathPilot. Way much more questions than answers!

Has anybody shared a PCNC1100 config file for LinuxCNC? This could easily be a nice startup course of action to consider!