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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Uncategorised MetalWorking Machines > Vertical Mill, Lathe Project Log > Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end
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  1. #1861
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by tmarks11 View Post
    You are right in ways you don't even realize.

    Nobody builds a custom mill for the prices Skyfire is asking. Nobody. Including Defeng (although the jury is still out on this).

    For a very good reason. I suspect that Defeng is going to quickly find he needs to adjust his business model so he can stay in business.

    The time to offer customization of a product line is AFTER there is a stable product line.

    Probably from reading the last 200 pages where you had "good idea" after "good idea", all of which Defeng seemed willing to accept and incorporate into his design, despite the fact that you have freely admitted to having no cnc experience (yes, I read those last 200 pages too).

    Defend just needs to get a product out the door, not keep refining and refining before he has even sold one to anyone.

    Oh, and buying from an unproven Chinese vendor using cash instead of a credit card or paypal (both of which would offer buyer protection) is not a good idea. I would strongly recommend future customers wait until they see evidence of product shipping to customers & chose a payment method offering buyer protection.
    BTW, you are spot on when you stated that I have no CNC experience......never having touched a CNC machine in my life, but mechanical things move in mechanical ways, and that's what I'm most familiar with......the application of a bit of G code to make the tool move is just another trick to learn......if you ain't learned the basics of engineering you won't get off the ground even with a swag of G code pushing you.

  2. #1862
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    I find it funny when you ask a engineer to program a coffee maker you find out what type of engineer they are paper or hands on it`s a good test.

    same goes for ag students through them a set of strainers tall them to fix a broken wire tale them they have 30 mins to get it done, come back after 10 mins if they are sitting on there arise or are going back to the shed they get a job I did that test my self I told 4 students to F off, one day 4 people no fixed wire and I showed them how to do it 5 times.

    anyone can use a cnc machine it just depends whats between there ear`s hell I am a horticulturist, viticulturist and a tutor I don't have any problem running cnc gear

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  3. #1863
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by daniellyall View Post
    I find it funny when you ask a engineer to program a coffee maker you find out what type of engineer they are paper or hands on it`s a good test.

    same goes for ag students through them a set of strainers tall them to fix a broken wire tale them they have 30 mins to get it done, come back after 10 mins if they are sitting on there arise or are going back to the shed they get a job I did that test my self I told 4 students to F off, one day 4 people no fixed wire and I showed them how to do it 5 times.

    anyone can use a cnc machine it just depends whats between there ear`s hell I am a horticulturist, viticulturist and a tutor I don't have any problem running cnc gear
    Daniel, the issue is when someone is so vested in his preconceived notions on something, he refuses to take advice or knowledge from others. It's not a contest of who knows more. But one would think with all the knowledge available here our buddy would absorb it like a sponge instead of dismissing everyone who really are trying to help.

  4. #1864
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    true that Lou if some use`s the thing between ya ear`s they might be ok he will be taking it in, if hes not and gets a machine going ever router or skyfire he will ask for help if he get`s stuck I hope.

    what I post about testing how useful someone is that works, but when I started I asked lots of question I listen to certain people on this forum they seem to be always correct so if does if hes does not it going to be his problem

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  5. #1865
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    Sep 2006

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by louieatienza View Post
    Daniel, the issue is when someone is so vested in his preconceived notions on something, he refuses to take advice or knowledge from others. It's not a contest of who knows more. But one would think with all the knowledge available here our buddy would absorb it like a sponge instead of dismissing everyone who really are trying to help.
    Someone in authority once told me...."you're doing it all wrong, it won't work.....forget it"........having "invented "the thing" in question, I was the judge of whether it worked or not, and chose to ignore the "advice" that was not pertinent to the "thing" in question.

    Sometimes you have to be aware of and decide what is relevant and what is just a flow of words.

    I've always chosen to do it my way based upon my accumulation of knowledge....for better or worse.....anything outside of the box can be gleaned from current practices over a broad spectrum, and engineering is about the broadest spectrum you can get.

    I doubt whether I'll ever need or want to be fully competent with a CNC process, but as far as I push it is purely as far as I need to go to satisfy my need to get a tool under computer guidance to go from point to point and make significant marks on metal without crashing and burning in the process.

    Anyone who has taken up machining for the first time will no doubt relate to that process.......nobody fully understands all the aspects of engineering application across the vast field of engineering....... and at best they will become competent to perform within the frame of their accumulated knowledge as it applies to their particular field of endeavour......the rest is there just for the asking.

    I doubt whether I've openly dismissed anyone's advice, but as I proceed, advice, whether pertinent or not, is just another point of view to be analysed for content that may be useful but not necessarily cast in stone.

  6. #1866
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    Sep 2009

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    bloody Ausey`s your worse than kiwi`s LOL number 8 wire best way to go

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  7. #1867
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Some people are so far outside the box they can't see the box.


  8. #1868
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by bhurts View Post
    Some people are so far outside the box they can't see the box.

    And then, some don't even know there is a box.

  9. #1869
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    I actually cant stand even using this forum anymore, and I have a feeling there are quite a few that feel the same, all cause of an arrogant idiot that acts like he knows everything about everything. The only box Ian knows of is the one he lives in, and on the side of that box is "no body can teach me anything as I'm the perfect all round engineer". Wake up!!

    The shear naivety to take everything anyone says and dismiss it as incorrect due to your wealth of knowledge and all these amazing inventions is pathetic. It concerns me, and the reason why Im through with this forum, that you attempt, with overwelming confidence that you and no one else are right, to give novices advice on topics your knowledge it so far behind on.

    The biggest thing us engineers learn, regardless of discipline, speciality, level of education, etc, is to continue to learn through research or from others, something you selfish engineering mind is vastly lacking

  10. #1870
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    I want to know what the 'thing' is.

    Also, truly and without contest, there is a perfect engineer out there that knows everything and everything it does is to perfection the first time.

    Mother nature.

  11. #1871
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    Oct 2013

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by G59 View Post
    I want to know what the 'thing' is.

    Also, truly and without contest, there is a perfect engineer out there that knows everything and everything it does is to perfection the first time.

    Mother nature.
    to continue to learn through research or from others

  12. #1872
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    The "thing" is called methodology.

    That's quite a false premise. Mother nature is not perfect the first time. Species evolve to be better suited to their environment. If they were perfect, evolving would be unnecessary.

  13. #1873
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    Apr 2009

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by rustyh View Post
    I actually cant stand even using this forum anymore, and I have a feeling there are quite a few that feel the same, all cause of an arrogant idiot that acts like he knows everything about everything. The only box Ian knows of is the one he lives in, and on the side of that box is "no body can teach me anything as I'm the perfect all round engineer". Wake up!!

    The shear naivety to take everything anyone says and dismiss it as incorrect due to your wealth of knowledge and all these amazing inventions is pathetic. It concerns me, and the reason why Im through with this forum, that you attempt, with overwelming confidence that you and no one else are right, to give novices advice on topics your knowledge it so far behind on.

    The biggest thing us engineers learn, regardless of discipline, speciality, level of education, etc, is to continue to learn through research or from others, something you selfish engineering mind is vastly lacking
    You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink... or so the saying goes!

    I don't know what Ian posts anymore, because I have him on the Ignore list. But I'm sure he just posted about how great his invention was despite being told otherwise by his superiors (which in and of itself should tell you something), and that he's proficient enough in CNC and CAM despite having no experience. Maybe he invoked Edison, the Wright Brothers... Really, who cares? I think it's puppy dog syndrome - humans have a natural tendency to help their fellow man, or at least steer him away from what we think is maybe the wrong path. but if the guy doesn't want help why are we forcing it on him? It's more about wanting to be the center of attention by having in his mind the best configured system, by knowing it all, and by getting everyone to talk about him. We all got sucked into the trap. Me and G59 got out. Everyone else is swirling in the vortex.

    They say insanity is repeating the same actions over again and expecting a different result. I'm glad to say I've moved beyond that. And if others do, maybe it will change one's mind...

  14. #1874
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    Jun 2007

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by G59 View Post
    I want to know what the 'thing' is.

    Also, truly and without contest, there is a perfect engineer out there that knows everything and everything it does is to perfection the first time.

    Mother nature.
    mother nature gets nothing right.... or wrong. its randomness at its finest.

    id hate to see a cnc machining centre built on randomness though, haha.

  15. #1875
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by ihavenofish View Post
    mother nature gets nothing right.... or wrong. its randomness at its finest.

    id hate to see a cnc machining centre built on randomness though, haha.
    That would be so cool...

  16. #1876
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by louieatienza View Post
    You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink... or so the saying goes!

    I don't know what Ian posts anymore, because I have him on the Ignore list. But I'm sure he just posted about how great his invention was despite being told otherwise by his superiors (which in and of itself should tell you something), and that he's proficient enough in CNC and CAM despite having no experience. Maybe he invoked Edison, the Wright Brothers... Really, who cares? I think it's puppy dog syndrome - humans have a natural tendency to help their fellow man, or at least steer him away from what we think is maybe the wrong path. but if the guy doesn't want help why are we forcing it on him? It's more about wanting to be the center of attention by having in his mind the best configured system, by knowing it all, and by getting everyone to talk about him. We all got sucked into the trap. Me and G59 got out. Everyone else is swirling in the vortex.

    They say insanity is repeating the same actions over again and expecting a different result. I'm glad to say I've moved beyond that. And if others do, maybe it will change one's mind...
    LOL........when the Superior officer retired (the office manager) the idea I invented was adopted by the firm I worked for and I made a lot of money from it too......just to correct the record.

    Apart from that, unless any further posts are on the SVM-0 thread, I'll not post any further comments.

  17. #1877
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by G59 View Post
    That would be so cool...
    anything with mach3 is a little random....

    in the way it crashes :P

  18. #1878
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    LOL........when the Superior officer retired (the office manager) the idea I invented was adopted by the firm I worked for and I made a lot of money from it too......just to correct the record.
    I would love for you to share this single invention that made you such a top class engineer

    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    Apart from that, unless any further posts are on the SVM-0 thread, I'll not post any further comments.
    I doubt that will stay the case

  19. #1879
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    come on boys play nice if you don't like it don't post don't read use the Ignore list easy as

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  20. #1880
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Let's try to keep the discussion to the machines. I'm going to start deleting everything else.

    UCCNC 2017 Screenset

    Mach3 2010 Screenset

    JointCAM - CNC Dovetails & Box Joints

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

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