
Yes, have to agree, for the money back then it was probably on a par with the Predator 2 Back Plot, just about the 2 best things that BobCAD have ever sold me, doubt any of us will ever get anything of that level of value from BobCAD again

I have stayed at V26 mainly because the pretty large chunks of money being asked for by BC are becoming a bit ridiculous, last quote I had which was last year was $2083 to get the next upgrade, upgrade price before that was $1159 for 2 seats, huge jumps in costs, the very lowest most basic support cost went from $200 up to $400 now in less than a year, that to me is unreasonable, yes, everything does go up (Mostly) but the thick end of 100% in less than a year ! ! !

The other big gripe I have is the rising requirement for more and more resources to just run BobCAD, I have V23,V24,V25,V26 and V27 all on the same PC, I can do the exact same program in V26 and V27 and the toolpath generation and particularly the Modulewerks Simulation is way, way slower, not worth any cash outlay for V27 on that basis alone

Why BobCAD won`t listen to people regarding this aspect of their software is beyond me, almost every other software I have tested has run smoother and faster on my current PC

It is completely pointless for BobCAD to advertise an "affordable" CadCAM solution if the buyer has to go spend x thousand $$$$ just to be able to run it, just about got to the stage of buying the more expensive software and saving on the hardware costs is probably about the same, any increase from BobCAD will inevitably tip the balance towards their competitors in the future, I just do not understand their logic at all

:rainfro: :rainfro: :rainfro:

P.S. Nick, I presume "Not yet Optimally Configured" actually means "CRAP" ? ? ?