The new frame for the oil painting is now finished, much nicer looking than the first effort. Made from an old Tassie Blackwood mantel from around 1905, and some reclaimed Jarrah flooring, the grain looks just fantastic. Shaping the curves was a bit of work, mostly done by chisel and sander. A nice rotary abrasive disc for the grinder is on my wishlist now to make shaping things like this much faster and easier. But I don't mind the manual effort involved, there's something really satisfying about shaping things mostly by hand.

Not much to go on the big leadlight window, the front mouldings had already been cut and fixed in place, and the rest have been cut to size and marked according to the position for the best grain effect and matching,

A trial fit of the leadlight panels showed the foam inserts needed to be thinned down a little, so this was done on the belt sander. Next is a trial fit in the opening to accurately measure the squareness of the leadlight panels and frame in relation to the opening and the arch's, to see if there's any obvious error or deviation I missed, and to mark out the ledge where it needs to be trimmed.

cheers, Ian