Quote Originally Posted by macdowswe View Post
The design is available on GitHub, CircuitMaker, and CircuitHub. Please let me know where you looked and failed to find the links, and I will put the links there.

The price is quite high, I agree. This is because I used a turnkey professional manufacturer, CircuitHub, and only did a run of 28 boards. If your friend can have the boards made for less, that would be fantastic for the project.
Please let me know if you, or your friend, would be willing to help with that.

I guess you didn't understand what I was saying.

Your schematic and PCB layout file are not usable by my friend, he only works with eagle files and wont waste time trying to convert the ones you have.

He has a preference for Version 6.3.0 but can accept Version 7.x if you have a licensed copy to generate unrestricted files.

If you need a licensed version of eagle so you don't have any board restrictions, this can possibly be arranged.

What this means is if you can't give me the schematic and PCB layout files in eagle format i wont be able to have my friend make the boards but he did estimate cost to be around $46.00 each (based on parts and board size) for a quantity of 50pcs and less on larger quantities.