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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    Quote Originally Posted by thehose View Post
    Hey Miky,

    As it turns out, the eBay seller fumbled my return so eBay issued a full refund to me and I get to keep the NVEM. I hope you were able to get your cash back too.
    I now have a cheap parallel port BoB to run the machine but since I don't have a tmie constraint on the NEVM I will use it without limits switch to tune my system and cut new aluminum plates to morph my system into a movable gantry style of CNC router.
    I'll keep my eyes on this forum to see how things develop.

    PS: My wife happens to be Chinese, so I'm going to investigate who actually makes this motion board and ask her to contact them by phone to see if I can get a working plugin for this board. I'll post any developments here....

    I had a change of heart, I didn’t want to be asked to send the board back, and have to re order something else and wait weeks before i can use the CNC. I did contact the seller though and hassled him hoping to get a contact for the manufacturer, but it’s like talking to a brick wall. They said they contacted the manufacturer (yeah right) and will keep me posted, meanwhile gave me a contact number for an other Australian buyer who might be able to help. I couldn’t be bothered, It’s probably someone i already talked to via those forums anyways. I’ll still keep hassling the seller, i told him i want the driver source code and to request it from manufacturer, maybe they’ll get tired of me and eventually send it hehe

    Maybe you wife will be more lucky, there is defiantly a language barrier for me.

    It’s a pain but still ‘usable’ as is for now, trying to figure out Vectrics and Fusion360 will keep me busy for a while and at a later stage i’ll look at getting a better board, something compatible with LinuxCNC or Mach4 .

    I made a ‘Project Page’ to document my 'journey' so far, might help other newbies like me one day,


  2. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by miky4u2 View Post
    I had a change of heart, I didn’t want to be asked to send the board back, and have to re order something else and wait weeks before i can use the CNC. I did contact the seller though and hassled him hoping to get a contact for the manufacturer, but it’s like talking to a brick wall. They said they contacted the manufacturer (yeah right) and will keep me posted, meanwhile gave me a contact number for an other Australian buyer who might be able to help. I couldn’t be bothered, It’s probably someone i already talked to via those forums anyways. I’ll still keep hassling the seller, i told him i want the driver source code and to request it from manufacturer, maybe they’ll get tired of me and eventually send it hehe

    Maybe you wife will be more lucky, there is defiantly a language barrier for me.

    It’s a pain but still ‘usable’ as is for now, trying to figure out Vectrics and Fusion360 will keep me busy for a while and at a later stage i’ll look at getting a better board, something compatible with LinuxCNC or Mach4 .

    I made a ‘Project Page’ to document my 'journey' so far, might help other newbies like me one day,

    Miky's CNC6040 2017 Project
    I've not been able to figure out who actually makes the board. Tried to contact ChinaPlcCenter (seem to have made the docs) to see if they also made the plugin. They have a plugin for download on their site, but seems to be the same crap.
    If you can get the contact info on the manufacturer from your buyer, we'll call them and pester them in their own language :-).
    PS: Nice project log; I'm going to read it this afternoon.

    Also, I'm no longer getting emails when you (or anyone else) posts to this thread, not sure why; But I'll keep monitoring.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by miky4u2 View Post
    I had a change of heart, I didn’t want to be asked to send the board back, and have to re order something else and wait weeks before i can use the CNC. I did contact the seller though and hassled him hoping to get a contact for the manufacturer, but it’s like talking to a brick wall. They said they contacted the manufacturer (yeah right) and will keep me posted, meanwhile gave me a contact number for an other Australian buyer who might be able to help. I couldn’t be bothered, It’s probably someone i already talked to via those forums anyways. I’ll still keep hassling the seller, i told him i want the driver source code and to request it from manufacturer, maybe they’ll get tired of me and eventually send it hehe

    Maybe you wife will be more lucky, there is defiantly a language barrier for me.

    It’s a pain but still ‘usable’ as is for now, trying to figure out Vectrics and Fusion360 will keep me busy for a while and at a later stage i’ll look at getting a better board, something compatible with LinuxCNC or Mach4 .

    I made a ‘Project Page’ to document my 'journey' so far, might help other newbies like me one day,

    Miky's CNC6040 2017 Project
    If your still trying to work it out I assume the number the supplier gave you was mine. I had a lot of issues with the incorrect dll.

    Got most of it sorted now and running ok apart from a few glitches which I think are related to the spindle drive and computer not the nvem.

    Took hours of trying to figure it out but due to Chinese new year I had to wait weeks to get any assistance. I import pipeline fittings from China so chinglish decoding is second nature now😀

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    Chinno, so you have resolved all the issues that Miky has stated by using a new plugin, if I understand you correctly? If so, can you share the download location or the actual .dll by attachment here ?

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    I have the same problems as described aboveI . Do not buy this device until you have a properly working driver

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by thehose View Post
    Chinno, so you have resolved all the issues that Miky has stated by using a new plugin, if I understand you correctly? If so, can you share the download location or the actual .dll by attachment here ?
    Hi all. Sorry for the delay. Been working 70hr weeks and haven't had any time or motivation to even look at the router.

    All seems to be working but I now get random glitches that make my router shudder as if it's loosing step but if I tell it to go to zero it goes to the correct position.

    I'll upload a few photos of the issues and the dll i have later tonight.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    Link Below to the files that the supplier sent me

    Below are are few examples of what i have done i with it.
    It was running fine for a few weeks but developed a glitch where it seems to miss a block of code and then tries to shoot off to the start of the next block.
    This is on all code from a basic circle to the NVEM mounting plate below.

    Fix one problem and find another.

    Got the below to cut out ok. Lost one set due to a glitch

    Examples below

    Pic of mach3. It knows that its out of alignment but just keeps going. Seems to be missing a block of code and its so inconsistent i can't pin point it.
    All i know is that tuning the motors to 25000 velocity and 2000 acceleration has made it so i can at least run again.

    Also worth noting that once the above has occurred i can zero of run from a specific line of code and it will cut in the exact path it should unless it glitches again.
    It seem to go into a gitter as it tries catch its self up.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    Thank you for posting your Driver Chinno. Same driver as I use , same issues as i originally posted. On the other hand i do not have the problems you are having. It all works great for me , flies and doesn't miss a bit, I use it to mill very small and precise silver jewellery so I would notice missed steps. But the bugs with limits and switches are a pain in the bottom, i still occasionally break a home switch by accidentally jogging the wrong way.


  9. #49
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Yeah I have given up and ordered a new controler. I'm also running on a 1300x2500 router so limits are not really an issue at the moment.

    I will let you know how the new controler goes.

    Quote Originally Posted by miky4u2 View Post
    Thank you for posting your Driver Chinno. Same driver as I use , same issues as i originally posted. On the other hand i do not have the problems you are having. It all works great for me , flies and doesn't miss a bit, I use it to mill very small and precise silver jewellery so I would notice missed steps. But the bugs with limits and switches are a pain in the bottom, i still occasionally break a home switch by accidentally jogging the wrong way.


  10. #50
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card


    Thanks for the reply and the file sharing. I've also been tied up with other issues and my router project is at a standstill and probably will be for a while. The fact that Miky tried your version of the plugin and it did not improve any issues, saves me the time.

    I'll still keep an eye on this thread to see what develops.

    I got my latest plugin form here "http://chinaplccenter.com/support/", so I'll keep checking there until perhaps a new version is posted...

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    Some good news maybe , don't just give up on the NVEM yet :-)

    I'm told the developer of the NVEM plugin has heard us and is now looking at those issues, starting with the problem with dual use of switches (limits + home / Limits override) , Soft limits and slow zones.
    I have been very happy with the functioning of this board , there might be some other issues i haven't experienced myself, but if those few were taken care of, it would definitely make this board a good product i think.

    Will update if i hear more about it.


  12. #52
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    Feb 2017

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    Excellent news. If I can be of help (via my wife) communicating with the developer, be glad to do so.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    one more problem with NVEM CNC ethernet 6-axis controller.
    When an A-axis is slave to X-axis (or any other axis), I have a problem with homing of slave axis. it dosn't work. Homing are enable only for master axis.

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    Quote Originally Posted by Referral View Post
    one more problem with NVEM CNC ethernet 6-axis controller.
    When an A-axis is slave to X-axis (or any other axis), I have a problem with homing of slave axis. it dosn't work. Homing are enable only for master axis.

    I passed this on to the Plugin developer and hopefully they will look into this as well :-). The dual use of switches as both Limit & Home has already been partially fixed that's a start :-) , i have tested a pre-release of the next plugin update but i'm not authorised to pass it on at this stage. Slow process but i'm happy someone is working on those issues cause i really like this board. They are currently working on fixing some more homing issues and soft limits . I will keep posting updates about the progress when i know more and when there will be an official downloadable update, soon hopefully :-)


  15. #55
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by miky4u2 View Post
    I passed this on to the Plugin developer and hopefully they will look into this as well :-). The dual use of switches as both Limit & Home has already been partially fixed that's a start :-) , i have tested a pre-release of the next plugin update but i'm not authorised to pass it on at this stage. Slow process but i'm happy someone is working on those issues cause i really like this board. They are currently working on fixing some more homing issues and soft limits . I will keep posting updates about the progress when i know more and when there will be an official downloadable update, soon hopefully :-)

    Just a quick update on my system. I have managed to fix the random skipping of code. All I did was format and reinstall windows 7 x86. Not sure what the real issue was but I am happy to say the issues are gone. Now to wait for the new plugin.

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    Download NVEM Driver/Plugin Updated 23/05/2017

    I was provided with a driver update. There is no official site for it so for now the only place it can be downloaded from is my project page.
    Miky's CNC6040 2017 Project Scroll down to "Step 6" there is a download link for NVEM_P.dll

    - The switch dual function Home/Limit has been fixed so it's now possible to use switches as both Home & Limit . (Works for me)
    - The "Limits Override" has been fixed too , so it's possible to 'Reset' and jog away from the switch when a limit switch has been activated . (Works for me)

    - Soft Limit Slow Zones are still not working, and Soft Limits only work correctly when the mach3 "Machine Coords" button is selected (Red) (I'm told this is being looked at)


  17. #57
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    I checked on my machine a new library. Many thanks for the work done! Definitely there are improvements, but the slow zone and the slave axis still do not work. Considering that there are two motors on the Y axis on my machine, I still can not use all the features of this controller at full capacity.

    Surprisingly, the sellers say that everything works well. I can not prove anything to them ..

    Here is their video -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EGUHFzP3Ns&feature=youtu.be
    And here is my - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/J8NE/tYFvtCzm8

    What am I doing wrong???

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    I tried slave axis, it does not work for me. I dont think you are doing anything wrong :-) . I don't know why it works on their video, i tried many combinations and no luck. I am going to send your video to plugin developer.


  19. #59
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    Quote Originally Posted by floodcooled View Post
    Hi all,

    Anyone else had the same problem ?

    I have set a static IP address of, a subnet mask of and no Gateway.
    Laptop and controller are directly connected through a straight RJ45 cable (not crossover).
    In the Windows 10 command prompt i can see the static address using ipconfig /all
    In don't see any other IP addresses on the LAN except this one and localhost(, using netstat -r
    I tried disabling Windows firewall, enabling network discovery and allowing other computers to use this laptop's network connection
    Still no joy.

    Short of using a router and letting the device figure out the addresses, is there anything else i should do ?

    Anyone else care to chip in ?


    Hi, with mine i threw in another ethernet card and set that ip to and used the normal ethernet outlet for internet

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Re: Help with Novusun NVEM control card

    Sorry for my post, but my NVUM isn´t recognized for my computer WIN7 and another WIN10, I can´t looking for a driver for fix this issue, Can anybody say something for this, help help?

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