Hi Dallas,

Congratulations on your new VF2. That is a nice machine. Is it brand new from the factory with the HAAS Warranty or just new to you?

I know nothing about the VF2 and how it is supposed to operate so you can take what I say with a gain of salt.

I do however own a 2007 HAAS TM1P which I purchased new from HAAS and probably???? has a different air supply system.

One of the few issues I have had was that it starting using and excessive amount of air. It has been quite a while and I can't remember all the details. If I remember correctly, there was a solenoid valve near the top of the spindle housing that supplied air during tool changes. Mine had a bad "O" Ring which caused the air leak. At the time they didn't offer a repair kit and I had to replace the solenoid. After replacing the solenoid it has ran fine.

Probably not the same issue, but I thought I would share.

Good luck with your new machine.

BTW, I have a QT5 Quincy 5 hp Single Phase 220 volt air compressor with a 80 gallon tank that has served me well over the years.
