Right on the cusp of cutting some actual parts. Been taking my time. (Been busy running lots of jobs on my other machines.) Doing everything right. Learning the Tormach way of doing things and I have a couple issues.

Not So Little Things

The ETS documented as 80mm in atleast a couple places and in their tool height video is not 80mm. The one I have is shorter. I discovered this when I decided to trim down some soft jaws for the vises going on the machine. I just assumed since they went to such effort to preset the software with the ETS set at 80mm and document it that it should be close. Nope. Never dropped. Never abuse. Never left out. Always stored in its case.

Anway while I was doing this I realized that the tool height offset isn't working properly when I changed tools. I can set the current tool work offset (with the ETS height corrected) and its within about .001, but when I changed tools its not even close. I spent a couple hours yeterday really tying to pin it down, but it just doesn't see to pick up the tool height from the tool table and the tool offset DRO goes to red like there is a problem.

I also noted a little bit of backlash in Z while jogging up and down to determine the real height of the tool setter.

I didn't break any tools, but I did trim the bottom of those soft jaws a bit too short.

It seems the documented settings for the air oiler for the ATC etc doesn't put out enough oil. The ATC started stick when it went to the tray load position. It would retract fine, but the last few inches going to the load position started getting slow and jerky. I put several drops of oil directly into the air line and after a few cycles it improved. I also turned up the oiler a little bit. Seems like it might be a good idea to add a valve so I can dump air and make sure the oiler is primed as part of my start up routine.

For anybody who looks at the Tool Maker Package... It could and should cost a little less than buying the separate parts. It includes parts that will never be used. They should be deleted. I have a fair number of parts that will be going on my scrap metal pile along with a control panel that should have never been installed because of course it had to be removed.

On a positive note I really like the finish with the Super Fly Cutter. Impressive is not to strong of a word.