Self Necro posting here.

Due to a spindle upgrade I am back up against the wall of setting up a spindle with a VFD. The VFD spindle were an ebay combo. Seems nice enough quality. I have installed yet another breakout board with three relays and 6 usable axis'. Regardless Had all axis on the machine working with the new breakout board and calibrated, homing, limits, etc... Got back to doing Mach control of the spindle and couldn't come up with a combo of settings, ports, pins, wiring that would give me control of spindle on/off speed.

BOB is this one: https://www.automationtechnologiesin...face-breakout/

Spindle and VFD this one:

All is working, I have 36V going to the relay section of the BOB, 5V via USB and the parallel port connector. Have 4 axis hooked up with Pulse and Direction to 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 for 3 axis plus A slave for gantry.

Have the 0-10V output from the BOB hooked up to the 10v input on the VFD, have the P2 relay hooked up to the FOR on the VFD, common grounds for all, The VFD flashes 00002 before I fire up Mach3 but the spindle won't run. When I turn off the computer the spindle starts and runs until the VFD cuts out when I cut power to it.

It has to be ports, pins, spindle settings in Mach3. Or I have a fundamental misunderstanding of ports, pins assigned to relay and 0-10V spindle setup, or all of the above. I feel like I am so close.

There are so many combos of VFD and boards I can't find the combo I am working with but it has to be similar to all.

A walk through of something like go to here in Mach assign this to this port, pin, then point this at it and check this box run through would be appreciated. If it has already been done point to a thread where I can follow along.

Thanks in advance.