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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    redsail laser RS6090C

    Hello, has anyone had the experience of purchasing and using a redsail laser 60 watt, if so can you share your experience?:tired:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    No but I have a Rs 3040a 40 watt from Redsail that had been sitting in the shop for the past 3 months that does not work anymore. Want a good deal in it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    redsail laser

    Sorry for your misfortune, did you purchase the machine from the US or China? and did it come with manual? I purchase my redsail from a US distributor and I am having all kinds of problems reach someone for support. I have no manuel on how to fix the machine and I do not know where to get part if it brakes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I imported my one straight from Redsail you can try to reach [email protected] via MSN her name is Lisa she is the translator at the company. or you can try [email protected] that is Leo Shi a company rep in Canada his phone # is Tel: +1-416-441-9834

    The only manual I got was a poorly written adobe pdf

    My guess they will ask you to send the machine back to the company in China for repairs.
    That is why my machine has been sitting for over 3 months now.

    My advice to you is sell it if it is still working get rid of it as fast as you can. I will not recomend anyone spend their hard earned money on cheap china lasers from Redsail

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I too purchased a redsail RS3040A

    I did not find tech support that bad, in the end they helped me resolve most of my issues with the laser, although I did have to make a few of my own modifications to the machine to get it to work to the standard I expected.

    The software is OK but could do with english support in the help files, although I did get great help from tech support via a webcam to demonstrate what was happening.

    At first the cutting lens would move sporadically, even when pressing the test button. In the end I figured out it was to do with earthing the machine. I did earth it as suggested by redsail, but in the end I moved it closer to the distribution board, added a few cables inside the machine to earth the chassis to a better level and hey presto it stared working fine. and used a 2mm earth lead from the distribution lead to the laser. For some reason at higher powers the laser would go back to not performing until I placed the thicker earth lead on, I assume the high voltage from the laser PSU was finding an easier way back to ground.

    The mirror adjustment screws where of quite poor quality, in fact 3 of them snapped. solution drill the old ones out, and tap new holes in the 3 main adjustment mirrors and place new brass screws in, now I can adjust the machine perfectly. As for the machine meeting CE standards, I would say no. The water cooled pump needed to be wired inside the machine instead of outside of the machine with its dodgy looking plug. We also made cut off attached to main lid to turn the power off should it be opened, and are considering placing a timer on the main power switch so that the laser will power up after 30 seconds to avoid tube damage from overheating.

    The only consumable I've had to purchase so far is a fast blow fuse on the what I figured out to be the control curcuit for the lasers High Voltage PSU.

    Given the price of the redsail machines I can not fault them too much, given my experience with the low end unit RS3040A I would suggest you perhaps try to make a trip to China to see the unit in operation (The price of the machines will justify the expense of a trip to look at various the Lasers from manufacturers in China)

    Also replace the FAN if you have a RS3040A - the fan with any serious length of ducting (over 5m from my experience) will start blowing fumes from the back of the fan, not nice if you are engraving rubber stamps, or cutting materials you should not be like vinyl.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by VJK View Post
    Hello, has anyone had the experience of purchasing and using a redsail laser 60 watt, if so can you share your experience?:tired:
    Hi We are the Redsail distributors in the UK. see ctrlasers.co.uk for info.

    Before Christmas two of us from CTRfuture ltd. spent two weeks in China with Redsail. This was a joint venture effort with various goals:
    1/ See the machines and manufacturing.
    2/ Help with the design modifications for CE approval.
    3/ Gain first hand experience of the range of machines.
    4/ To learn enough to translate the documentation into English.
    5/ learn how to service and repair the machines.

    The outcome is that we know what is 'under the hood' so to speak.
    The machines are excellent value for money, but you need to consider the support you will get from your supplier. You must accept that the low price from China is possible because there are low overheads. i.e. No on-site service, training, installation etc. That is why distributors need to charge more. The benifit only becomes obvious to the end user when problems arise. Rather like insurance, it's there when you need it.

    We will have English manuals completed soon. In the interim, check out the web site. There are some tips etc. Use the contact form on the site if you have specific questions.
    Best regards. Neil

  7. #7
    Hi Neil, great to see your still around. Nice looking site.

    I'd like to just mention that maybe you might consider putting prices on the site when your fully up and running. I know that there has been an industry-wide drift away from this in recent years, but I really do prefer to see even an approximate price before contacting the supplier. This way you would also know that the people who contact you are willing to pay whats required if the machine is suitable, and its not just a 'pie-in-the-sky' idea. I just dislike having to make enquiries about price, I'd prefer to see the price and make enquiries about delivery costs and times etc

    Anyway, great site. I notice your not selling the small machines?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Redsail small machines

    Quote Originally Posted by thkoutsidthebox View Post
    Hi Neil, great to see your still around. Nice looking site.

    I'd like to just mention that maybe you might consider putting prices on the site when your fully up and running. I know that there has been an industry-wide drift away from this in -----
    ---- Anyway, great site. I notice your not selling the small machines?
    Thanks for the comments. We always like to receive feedback so we know the areas to work on.

    We are listing the RS3040A which is a benchtop machine. This is on our page http://www.laser_miniengraver_rs3040a.htm However, the machine is not yet CE compliant as far as we are concerned. All I can say at the moment is "Watch this space" for some exciting developments.

    Regarding the pricing: The problem with quoting prices on web sites is that the world is not flat! All things are not equal; which means that people will shop for the apparent lowest price, often without considering the real cost. We see a number of unfortunate owners of laser machines left out on a limb when problems arise (many on this forum). This is not good news for the industry, and we have no intention of adding to the numbers. To this end, we are providing a high level of support to our customers which must be covered by the 'profits'. This includes installation, training, on-site warranty and service, telephone support and technical backup.

    Lasers are not bullet proof machines. The newer the technology, the more care is required. Keeping any laser machine in tip-top working condition needs an amount of T.L.C. (tender loving care). This requires educating the users and providing support. The real cost of a technical problem or breakdown, for professional users, quickly runs into hundreds of pounds per day in lost earnings when you consider typical income rates of £60 per hour.
    We offer machines with full backup (no need to 'return to manufacturer') from £2000 to under £10,000 for the big 1500x900 machines. Please also note that these prices include all the auxiliary items needed to run the machine. The only additional thing you need to budget for is the computer to drive the machine and the site requirements, such as suitable single-phase power and 'the hole in the wall' for exhaust/ extraction. We even supply a reasonable amount of flexible ducting with the extraction fan.

    I'm sure after indicating these prices and explanation, some will still say "I can get that cheaper by going direct". I wish those people luck and success. However, for laser owners who want to sleep at night, just consider that our customers have comprehensive backup, and the peace of mind that it gives.

    Best regards. Neil for CTRfuture Ltd.http://www.ctrlasers.co.uk

    P.S. If you have any requests for tips or 'how do I do that' questions related to laser machines; please contact us through the web site. We will be adding to the support pages as an on-going project as a resource to all.

  9. #9
    Thanks Neil,

    I would certainly consider the extra support worth the extra cash, especially as you mention after seeing the problems on this site. Im sure some of those owners who have problems would have paid the extra if they had the option, and knew then what they know now.

    Keep up the good work. Happy New Year.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    To Aksess.
    Mr Dwight, I am very upset hearing your such words. When our company provided the free laser tube to you, you promised that 1)you will weld the laser tube and fix the problem under our instruction by MSN camera, 2) you will send the machine back if you meet any other problem because you have done too lot about our machine without our permission when it is still in warranty. In this case, our company wants to inspect the machine. However, you broke both promises you made. Even though, our company still did a lot work for you. Though you disseminated the incomplete story everywhere, our company still wants to help you. But I cannot step twice into the same river.

    For others,
    If need more information about this case, please try this link
    http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showth...=14100&page=23 and the pages followed. No matter whether you buy the machine from Redsail, our distributors and some individuals, please feel free to contact with me when needed.

    I am not a person who praise and exaggerate our products, If you need more information, please check http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showth...=14100&page=38. Some people give some posts in points.

    Thanks to Neil,
    Based on your help, the new models have been successful developed and been test for a long time, the machine has already been put in the Chinese Market and will be put in the North American and Europe Market when they have past the Chinese Market Test from the customers.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2004
    First off the laser tube was broke when I received my machine.

    1)you will weld the laser tube and fix the problem under our instruction by MSN camera

    no I installed it myself and all was fine. It was a simple install almost anyone could have done.

    2) you will send the machine back if you meet any other problem because you have done too lot about our machine without our permission when it is still in warranty

    I never agreed to send the thing back at anytime. If you rember I said there was no way I could aford to send it back to China.

    I have done a lot to OUR machine? I do rember paying the company in full for it.

    As for doing a lot to it. I replaced the bad laser tube that I had no idea was bad when I received the machine, The bad tube caused the laser tube power supply to burn out. The first day I had it.

    So I guess it is my fault that the machine was not working when I received it.

    I honistly think I was on the receving end of a poorly built machine.

    Anyway I have someone intristed in buying it, He seems a bit more knowladgable of electronick so he may can still make a good machine of it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Laser machine reliability

    Damage done in transit does not mean that the build quality is poor. Perhaps it indicates that the packing could be improved; which is exactly what Redsail have done following feedback from their customers and ourselves. Also I suspect that postings here have helped to make them aware of the problems.

    This shows one of the community beinfits of CNCzone.

    I think we all feel for someone who is on the receiving end of a damaged machine. Unfortunately sea freight is not a bed of feathers and the likelihood of some significant knocks and bumps is high.
    This is why we test every machine when it arrives in our factory in the UK before delivering them to our customers.

    These glass laser tubes are normally OK, but occasionally one will be cracked in transit. This is not always obvious to see. The best time to spot a crack is when the coolant water first flows through the tube. Air bubbles and the meniscus effect will show where the water has got to in its progress.

    For those new to these tubes, they are basically three concentric glass tubes. The inner one is the actual laser generating tube and is about 3/8" or 10mm dia. The next tube is the water jacket, about 7/8" of 22mm dia. the outer tube is gas filled. Water should only be between the inner and middle tubes. If it is inside the smallest tube there is a crack in it somewhere! Do not even think about turning it on! This is the most difficult type of tube failure to see. If water is in the outer tube this is easy to spot, and still represents a broken tube which will not work.
    The EHT power supply can be damaged if the tube is cracked. On the other hand, when laser output drops towards the end of the tube life, it is very unlikely that the power supply will suffer any damage.
    Another point to consider is that the higher the voltages and current in any electronic circuit, the more highly stressed are the components. Sooner or later there will be a PSU failure. But this is not likely to be before the machine has made significant profit and paid for itself many times over.

    For all who are community minded, we would encourage those who have bought Redsail lasers to contact us via our web site http://www.ctrlasers.co.uk/supportwith a brief description of their experiences. There is no prize or reward for this, just the knowledge that the information will be used to improve the products and help to give better customer satisfaction in the future.
    We are looking forward to hearing from you.
    Best regards. Neil

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Feedback about Redsail Lasers

    Sorry folks, I gave the support page link in the previous message. For feedback please use http://www.ctrlasers.co.uk/contact to access the email form.
    Regards. Neil
    PS. Although our form requires some specific info. any contact info supplied will not be passed on. If you are particularly concerned then send an email to me via [neil(at)ctrfuture(dot)co(dot)uk] without personal details.

  14. #14
    Hi Neil, where abouts in the UK are you based? If I eventually get one of these I might be able to drive over to collect it.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    CTRlasers UK location

    Quote Originally Posted by thkoutsidthebox View Post
    Hi Neil, where abouts in the UK are you based? If I eventually get one of these I might be able to drive over to collect it.
    Hi, Thanks for your interest. We are just outside Northampton and would be pleased to see you.
    If you collect a machine from us, it would be a good idea to have the training at the same time. We would also adjust the price of the machine to reflect the fact that you will be doing the on-site installation yourself.
    Please continue communication through our web site contact form http://www.ctrlasers.co.uk/contact. Then we can keep this offer 'in the system' for the time when you decide to buy.
    Best regards. Neil (for CTRfuture Ltd.)

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    good evening, someone little to help me!! I have a redsail 6090 beautiful machine, but I do not arrive to do fine engravings

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    RE: engravings on Redsail RS6090

    Hi Laurent,
    Please give more details.
    What type of file are you working with?
    What settings are you using?
    If you like, send me your file. I will run it on one of our demonstration machines and see if there is a problem.
    Best regards.
    Neil (for CTRfuture Ltd.) http://www.ctrlasers.co.uk
    Sent the email to sales(at)ctrfuture.co.uk
    Use the @ symbol in place of the word (at)

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Hi Laurent,
    Do you have a problem when you engrave pictures, and you can't get a good results?
    I think normally you can send the vector files for cutting and engraving without any problem, or also you have a problem in both picture files and vector files?
    What is your software, easycut 2 or easycut 4 ?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I did not get it via sea freight I got it by air. All I want to do is recuperate some of my lost money on this machine. It would make someone a good machine. I have around $2.500 invested in it and have only got to use it 20 days, I admit when it was working it did a pretty good job. I am just over the whole idea of dealing overseas, Due to the language barrier. It seems China can not understand some of the words we use and this is very aggravating repeating the same thing over and over. I try to tell the tech support my findings and they ask the same questions over and over,

    Anyway I would like to get $900 for the machine or trade it for a small cnc mill.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Possible solution

    Quote Originally Posted by LOLO80 View Post
    good evening, someone little to help me!! I have a redsail 6090 beautiful machine, but I do not arrive to do fine engravings
    Hi Laurent,Thank you for sending the files and details.
    I hope my reply solved your problem.

    The focus distance is very important for good results. The laser beam is at its smallest diameter at the correct focus distance. Also it is a lot more powerful as all the beam is working in a very small area. If the beam diameter is twice the size, the power is reduced by about 4 times.

    If anyone has lost the focus gauge for their Redsail RS6090 (or 5070) the height from material to the standard lens housing should be 15mm.
    You can also use a trial and error method:
    Set the lens somewhere near. Try a sample cut at low power on a piece of card (so you do not cut through it).
    Adjust the lens up, or down by a couple of milimeters and cut again in a different place.
    Compare the laser cut beam width of the two sample cuts. Continue adjusting and trial cutting until you have found the height that gives the thinnest cut line. This is the correct height for your machine.
    Hope this is of help.
    Regards. Neil for CTRfuture Ltd. http://www.ctrlasers.co.uk

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