Quote Originally Posted by joeavaerage View Post
SoftLimits only work and make sense AFTER you have Referenced or Homed your machine....and I don't just mean zeroing the DROs.

Consider this analogy. You have a rectangular paddock and an automatic lawnmower to mow it. You don't want the mower to bang into the fence....
so how do you do it. You could have a switch on either the mower OR the fence that stops it if it bangs into the fence, aka Limit switches.

Another alternative is SoftLimits. Lets say there is a single rock somewhere in the SW corner of the paddock, inside the fence. The fence is 75m to the North
of the rock, 100m East of the rock and 25m South and 25m West of the rock. You can now program the mower so it knows where the fences are, but you MUST
first take the mower to the rock so it knows where the reference point is. If you just turned the mower on at the middle of the paddock it would run into the fence
on the North side but never reach the South and Western fences because it was not Referenced (Homed) before starting.

Do you have Home switches on your machine? What is you Homing or Referencing procedure? SoftLimits only make sense once you have done so.

Hi Craig. Yes, I'm always homing my axis before starting to cut. I press the main home button, which is 0-ing all the axis. But the problem is really in the profile. With another profile, the Soft limits are working fine. I compared the 2 XMLs and there is no difference according to these values. I think that it might be related to the plug-in used to connect with the breaking board. In it, I also have offsets when 0-ing, and I'm not sure how these offsets are affecting the final dimensions.
But I think that the main problem is the profile. With the profile that Soft limits are working, the spindle is not working. So I'm really confused. Smells like a bug, but I can't get what is causing it.