Quote Originally Posted by CNCMAN172 View Post
The key parameters you need to check are as follows:

Parameter 2 - selection of control mode
set to 0, position pulse row control mode

Parameter 0B - Numerator of pulse frequency division
set to 2500

Parameter 0C - Denominator of pulse frequency division
set to 2500

These two parameters control the number of pulses/revolution. The highest resolution is 2500/ppr, so initially you set it there.

Parameter 0D - Pulse inversion
set to 0, no inversion of inverted logic

Parameter 29 - Pulse input mode
set to 3, Plus & Sign (this sets it to take step and direction from Mach3)

In mach4 you need to set you steps/unit

2500/ppr * 2:1 reduction because of your gearing, so on X and Y your steps per unit should be 5000 p/unit

Test your system tell it to go one unit either in MM or INCH mode and determine if it moves that distance exactly.


Hi Russ - again thanks for the post.

All paramaters set as you suggested, but if I put 5000 steps per in the motor tuning on Mach4... for every millimeter I set the axis to move it moves 12.37mm. The lower the number I put in the nearer it gets to the 1mm. I got it down to 400 steps per before it was anywhere near. But it was very clunky.

I have the feel some other setting is wrong. Perhaps something to do with the Numerator/Denominator of pulse frequency division? they were set to 10,000 at factory, but the installer set the latter to 1,000???

Also the axis direction is reversed, is this a Mach4 thing or should I try and correct with Param [2 8] ????

thanks again