Quote Originally Posted by Donkey Hotey View Post
Are you wanting to do this for length only? What about insert cutters that don't indicate off the center? Don't you have to include all the rough dimensions in the tool table before it can do automatic, sequential offset measurements?

I keep a standard library of tools in the machine so it always has a 1/2 3-flute, the 2" shoulder mill, etc. So I'm not breaking the setup each time and needing to touch off all these tools. It's usually a few drills and taps and I'm ready. I've never done what you're trying to do. My machine also predates all of this and uses the VQC templates to do these tasks so I can't try out what I'm asking here. I've used the later stuff but, it's been too long to remember.
Hi Greg,

the only field that I want to clear out is the "probe type" column. All of the rest of the tool offset data will stay put.

I have close to 75 tools in my list, and If I had values set in that column it was preventing me from doing a Probe all tools since it would give me an error when it attempted to probe a tool that wasn't physically in the machine.

So it was time consuming to go down the list and clear out the probe type on the tools that were not in the machine, so that's why I wanted to clear out just the "probe type" column, and then go back to the list and turn on just the ones I wanted.

As mentioned in my second post I did figure out how to clear out just that column by pressing the "origin" button while I was in that column.

What my plan now is to just go in and turn on the tools I want to probe based off my list of tools for that job...

Eventually I want to figure out how to call out that probe type field and build that code right into my gcode for each job.

Example: if my job was going to use the following tools: 1,5,8,10 then it would turn on the appropriate numbers in the probe type column.

The next challenge is trying to figure out what haas named the data field where these probe type values get loaded.