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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Wiring Chinese BOB for Mach3

    Started to read the 20 pages guide I found for this BOB but it makes no sense to me what they are talking, pretty unreliable.


    I attach a picture of the BOB and wonder if someone knows anything about it. For example talking about the X axis stepper connections they say to connect PUL to one side of the board as I marked and the DIR to another side of the board. And still there is one more motor connection on the X left to be connected.

    Looks like the spindle and limits should be easy to connect, I guess

    Any ideas?

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails BOB Wiring.jpg  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Wiring Chinese BOB for Mach3

    I also purchased the BOB from this link which includes only one relay


    however I discover that the printer cable was not included and since in my area I could not find printer cable, to buy one online was $25 + so it was less expensive to buy the other one which had 3 relays and included the printer cable

    What is confusing in the instructions, they are talking about "....the board supports the connection of common cathode and common anode. The common anode connection would be taken as an example..."

    What common cathode / anode refers to in relation to the BOB?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Wiring Chinese BOB for Mach3

    Hi does this diagram help you any.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Wiring Chinese BOB for Mach3

    I have found that Warp9 doesn't like all three relays, it turns one on permanently when in use. Other wise it works fine will run the surface touch plate and all the limit relays well. Tried using the edge finder in Mach3 but no response from the Bob. Either the file I'm using is incorrect or the Bob doesn't like it. Never looked any further. I switch between this board and the BD25 with the single relay across 3 machines.

  5. #5
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    May 2009

    Re: Wiring Chinese BOB for Mach3

    Quote Originally Posted by chopper13 View Post
    Hi does this diagram help you any.
    Thanks for your time mate, appreciated

    Currently I'm working on the BOB described in my post #2 below (with 1 Relay) which I purchased from MakerStore in Australia. Seems it has better instructions and some help is provided from the vendor. However I have been unabled to get it going, when I start there are 2 red LED lights on the BOB which I have no idea what they mean and no matter what connections I make they don't work.

    So I will switch to the one you posted the schematic (with 3 Relays). I have one similar schematic but the one you posted has more details. However I have these 2 questions?

    Where the +5VDC connection is going on the motor drivers?
    Where the Enable connection is going and is this the Enable+ or Enable- ?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Wiring Chinese BOB for Mach3

    I'll need to check my wiring harness late,r but this file should give you all the info for this board.

  7. #7
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    Dec 2016

    Re: Wiring Chinese BOB for Mach3

    OK, +5VDC Goes to all the positive connections, +Pul +Dir and +En on each driver. Negative goes from P2/En to - En on drivers. I have found this board works well but as I have Chinese wiring each time a cable falters it blows another circuit board. The wires last about 4 years with me then I replace them and hope they are better quality.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Wiring Chinese BOB for Mach3

    Thank Chopper13 for the help. I do have the same file you sent me and I find this file confusing because the English translation is not the best.

    Also I don't understand what you mean about "Chinese wiring" in your board.

    I will start working on this BOB tomorrow and post results when ready


  9. #9
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    Dec 2016

    Re: Wiring Chinese BOB for Mach3

    No problems. Here is how I have wired up my Bob. This being the second one I have blown with the crap wiring I made them plug in and out so my down time is very limited. It usually goes down when I'm starting a job, since replaced the wiring and have my fingers crossed it is the last one I blow. The first indicator is one of the axis jittering or doing unplanned moves in one axis. With my usual disbelief I push on and stuff it completely! This is why I stick with the cheeper Bobs although I have a alternatives but more expensive and mostly Chinese. In the process of building up another complete spare controller so I can just unplug the cables and be running again in minutes. I'm using a HY VFD but do not use Mach3 to do the speed adjustment as I find it is far quicker to adjust the speed on the VFD than muck around fumbling for the Mach3 control. I use one relay for the spindle off and on, one relay for the coolant pump and the last relay for suction. I'm changing to incorporate the cooling into the spindle relay so they come on together and as I have stepper motor cooling for running very long programs that is now done automatically with temperature controller. All coolant is run through a 6 fan computer radiator, dual core and is a mixture of engine coolant and water 4 to1 of coolant. This stops the spindle from rusting internally. I have fitted a sight glass in each coolant line with a spinner so the flow can be seen. Had a smaller coolant pump supplied with the router but it couldn't stand the pace and gave out without me knowing. Fortunately no damage to the spindle, only a short run job.

  10. #10
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    May 2009

    Re: Wiring Chinese BOB for Mach3

    Thanks for the picture, nice way you have to switch BOB's as needed. I also use HY VFD and I find it easy to change the spindle speed with Mach3. Also I only use 1 relay to turn ON both the coolant pump and spindle at the same time and works well as per attached wiring schematic. However you have a much more complicated system and perhaps you need to use more relays.

    I still can't get my BOB working, have 3 red LED's on it at all times regardless what I do. If you happen to know what these LED means let me know otherwise soon or later I will find the answers.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Wiring Chinese BOB for Mach3

    The 3 red lights are for the relays when energised. When you power on the Bob you should be hearing the relays click on as they light up. At a guess you may find that the ports and pins settings are what's causing the relays to be on. I run my spindle speed as slow as possible to reduce any wear from high speed. I tend to let the cutter do the work with torque. Typically I'm running around 6K but vary it as needed topping out around 10K. Driving the feed from 600 to 800 mills/meter My spindle is a 1.5Kw ER10 at 65 mm diameter which allows me more room around the spindle. L have run some 3D cuts and then would crank up the speed and feed rates as they take many hours to cut if you are looking for a fine finish. This is why I have water cooled the stepper motors, they can run 24/7 if required. The steppers will take the heat generated but with heat come eventual degredation of the copper laminations. I have incorperated a manual relay reset on the power into the system so that with power failure it shuts down and can't power up without my activating the power relay. Did this so I can just walk away and leave the router to its own self to do what it is instructed to do, hopefully! The longest run single cut I have made lasted 8 hours on a small 3D sculpture.
    As an after thought check the relay jumpers are positioned as required. They are the yellowish rectangular items on the otherside of the capacitors, check against how mine are set if in doubt.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Wiring Chinese BOB for Mach3

    Thanks for the tip on my LED lights, it helps...

    You are doing heavy stuff mate, 8hrs cut....water cooled motors,,, woow I only do hobby work, no 3D, just 2D, longest run about 30 minutes, lol.. Looks like we have the same water cooled spindle, pretty quite and a good unit. I also do the same regarding the cooling water, 50/50 antifreeze/water, helps to prevent rust


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Wiring Chinese BOB for Mach3

    Nah, just a hobbyist these days. Thirty years ago set up and ran a CNC facility for NZ Govt science facility. Bought my router for model making and clock parts while I ran my own business. Had the 6040 router for around 8 years now and am relieved to find all the forgotten CNC know how has come flooding back. Built a 4030 router and am in the midst of building a CNC lathe for my model making. Been building miniature woodworking gear for downsizing. Heavily modified the 6040 router and increased the height to take 150mm objects. Had the foresight to buy a heavy duty router and have spent at least double the cost on it since. Just sold off my big mill and am slowly getting rid of the contents of my workshop. I had the foresight to set myself up with all the equipment I thought I might need in retirement so there is minimal $ going out these days. If I didn't have it it wasn't worth having. Future proofed myself with double of everything for spares and put aside some top CNC Bobs etc. Have a Gecko G540 I need to get up and running with my Warp9. But that is one of those get a round to it things while the router is working as it should. I occupy a double garage space under my home behind my double garage and can hardly move for gear. My passion is building things and improving yet more things. Hit a brick wall this year with being told I have Autonomic polyneuropathy, kind of put a dampener on things. So the race is on to finish up all the started projects before I can't. When I'm not pottering around I spend my time designing "stuff" can't resist it. Can't resist the challenge. Finally clocked up 72 years and on the down side of aging although I still think I'm 39. The biggest CNC job I ever did was a one cut 13 hours when working for the Govt making a soap die for a commercial company. My design is still being used 30 years later.
    I'm into designing and building RC models. Been getting rid of alot lately, left with 13 10th scale rock crawlers,15 yachts and a handful of planes/gliders and thousands of $ worth of gear. Figure I will never have to buy anything else to continue playing!

  14. #14
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    May 2009

    Re: Wiring Chinese BOB for Mach3

    Sorry to hear about your health mate, we are humans which means tomorrow we never know what will happen. I'm 83 and still going strong but as I said tomorrow its another day. 20 years ago when I retired I saw a thread on a forum where this guy started builing a cnc all in wood. At the time I didn't even know what a cnc is but I got hooked and now I'm on my 12th machine. I make them all in 3/8" thick aluminum plate, table top mills about 3ft x 4ft cutting area. Then I sell them to get my cost back and start a new one. You are much more knowledgable than I am, my weak point is electronics, I will never be able to grasp this field regardless how many cnc I will make. Glad to hear your story and I wish you the best of luck.


  15. #15
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    Dec 2016

    Re: Wiring Chinese BOB for Mach3

    The only difference between what I have and a massive heart attack is they get a warning and the pain, I just get nothing, the heart can just stop without warning instantly. The end results are the same, we all end up dead one day. For the time being I'm still mobile and so far only seriously affects me from the waist down. Screwed up my ability to digest food and so far only had one devastating seizure where I couldn't make my legs step or move, momentarily. I'm sure I have forgotten more than I knew with electronics. I haven't opened my solidcam software yet as I'm managing OK with Aspire and Autocad. Once you figure out how to wire up the Bobs it become second nature. I have used 4 different Chinese Bobs and they are all very much the same for wiring. It usually comes down to the configuration settings which can change everything heaps.
    I set up a Bob on the bench with one stepper and driver, then play around with the settings until something eventually works. I have been fixing some routers for people I know which I find fun, after ripping the hair out, what's left of it!
    In the final stages of building a mini thickness sander for the planking on model boats. Just an adjustment knob to make and finally wire it all up. Finished a small dust extractor last week which performs better than expected, so now must wire up the table saw, table router, chop saw and sander to finish the model making tools off.
    Always wanted a bigger router but with $10G into this one I could never get my costs back. I can use an American built one I have been helping to setup which gives me 4 foot square to work with. The big problem with machinery is I always want bigger and the tendency is to find work for it once I have bigger. Finally been able to temper that to being satisfied with what I have.
    Well the workshop is getting cold and I'm too cheap to turn on the heating, so what's left today can wait until tomorrow when I have free electricity. Sat and Sun from 9am until 5pm, then the heating and every electrical device is in full action making the most of life while it's free. Back to the upstairs computer and start organising everything ready for tomorrow.
    Forgot I also have a LED laser which I'm converting to run on Mach3, it is 1 meter square and has both an eighteen watt and 5 watt output lasers. Was looking at a 50 watt output laser but no sure if I could find enough work to make it worth while.

  16. #16
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    Re: Wiring Chinese BOB for Mach3

    I can see you keep very busy with all these projects you have which is good. Also noticed about the temperature in your garage which means you must be in the winter season now and I am in summer. I like both, in the summer I work with both garage doors open and enjoy the fresh air, in winter its cozy with the doors closed and the heat up.

  17. #17
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    Dec 2016

    Re: Wiring Chinese BOB for Mach3

    Yes it is winter here, although they have become more mild over the years with global warming. Strangly enough it still chills me regardless, I suspect age and health are behind it.
    This is my main router and the homemade controller built from an old computer case. The auto cooling system is mounted on the left of the bed with a temp guage above to monitor the spindle cooling temperature. I use dial indicators on the X and Y axis so I can return to 0,0 in times of failure, be it power or programmer! I tend not to use the limit switches in preferance to the Mach3 limit settings. I have changed the X and Y axis over to reflect a traditional CNC mill so that my longest axis is X.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Wiring Chinese BOB for Mach3

    Very nice build mate and your workshop looks nice

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Wiring Chinese BOB for Mach3

    Just got my thickness sander and dust extractor running. The feed belt is a little fast but am able to compensate with increased belt speed on the sanding belt. If it starts to annoy me then a change of gearing may happen. Over the moon the extractor sucks up all the dust. That was the unknown factor. Now just the adjuster knob to make. I'll send you some photos of the workshop and gear through a private message later.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Wiring Chinese BOB for Mach3

    Seems I can't upload photographs to a private message. Anyway :
    1 My lathe.
    2&3 My CNC lathe in progress. 4 operations center, messy at present while trying to do everything at once. 5 No2 CNC router which I use to trial different settings and electronics, my test bed. 6 just finished thickness sander with extractor and finally. 7 Chop saw, table saw rise and fall, table router and at the end a belt sander.

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