AH - just a few? Use resin!

heres what you need: http://www.smoothon.com/

Or some other material supplier. You need to make a pattern - either CNC or hand carve it.

make a mold of the pattern- this can be easy or hard depending on lots of variables

pour a resin into the mold and let it harden - take out part - hand finishing

i can recoend this approach: get RTV Rubber from a supply Shop. Get the resin you want - lets jsut say your gonna make em clear plastic. get some clear plastic resin of a acceptable durability.

Now CNC your pattern from CAD drawings. take this patern, mount it on a board on a dowel rod about .5" round and .1-2" long. This will become your pour spout. its upside down. Coat the whole thing in petrolium jelly.. light coat - with a brush. this will pick up brush strokes! so be carefull to make it smooth.

Mix Up and paint on a coat of rubber. Repeat when cured. Next, add something like fine sand, cabosil glass powder, or some extender to make your liquid rubber thicker. gump a bunch onto your mold and smooth down. Get an even coating all around the handle - maybe 1/2-3/4in. Remember, you will be cutting this guy along 1 seam to make an opening to get your handle out, make one side thicker. Next step is to make a plaster mother mold. I like to use tuperware containers with some release agent to make perfect plaster molds-

take the coated handle and dowel rod off the board. put this whole thing in a tupperware dish about 1inch deeper than the rubber mold is tall. mix plaster and pour upto 1/2 of the handle. Let harden. mold release palster surface and mold-mix and pour plaster over the whole thing-let harden

the halves will release easily! its amazing the first time you do it.

if you want more info - i will tell you what products to get, then walk you through it. I have done this a bunch. i will take pictures and post them ina minute. ive got some good examples of this.