i have asked them (via ebay) to call me but it was late in the day and i have yet to hear from them. i have been researching this level of cnc for a while.
i can say i am highly impressed with shop sabre and techno. as a cabinetmaker i am looking for the ability to have a slave drill z axis on board with the main z axis as we need to machine shelf pin holes then cut parts
i don't mind changing bits for carving. i gotta tell you shop bot has well figured
this out. digirout has a unit that has an extended x axis over the table and can put two z's next to each other. i am working to find the right machine
and i am sure that will happen soon. i will speak well of xfactory i have bought large equipment from them and was very satisfied with how thier process worked.

so lets do this heres my specs
5x 96 or 4x8 clear cutting area (my only true 5' material is 5x5 baltic and i can work around this.
fast, strong cut mdf and melamine at 6-8" per second plus
parts (steppers/servos) mostly non proprietary for easy replacement
gantry that can handle slave z axis in line (not side by side)
digitizer probe and related software
cad cam software

i can or will provide new laptop and vaccum and dust collection
(i got enough Dells)

what do you guys know that i havent seen yet.
