Thanks Jim
Perhaps I was exaggerating the 45° Angle, it was more like 30°
I have just cut some 304 Stainless Steel 16swg and the cut was not bad at all!
I think there is still room for improvement, but I can definitely live with the cut quality that I got!
I currently have these parts Laser cut, which costs me £10.58 ($20.81 USD) for a set of parts.
I calculate that with my Plasma I can produce the same set of parts for £3.50 ($6.88 USD)
So you can see that I will be saving a lot of money
Its a pity that I have only just got my Plasma up and running, I have had approx. 2000 sets of these parts made in the last 3 years or so...... I would have saved myself a fortune!
As soon as I get the batteries charged on my Digital Camera, I will post a sample or two of the Cut Quality that I currently have, and see what you think I can do (if any) to improve it.

