Yes Bill purchased my machine and refitted it with a vaccum table, a 5hp Colombo spindle and Win CNC. I'm not like some of these guys that are really smart or have plenty of money to play with. I didn't know anything about a cnc router when I started and definitely didn't have lots of money. I didn't just invest in a machine. I invested in Bill. He's helped me a lot more than I ever expected. I've said it before and I'll keep saying it, after sale support is as important as a good machine. Think long and hard before you make your decision. If you don't believe me, talk to Jim McGrew (cabnet636). Also, consider that the Chinese machine comes with a 3hp liquid cooled spindle. There's a lot of difference in the price of a 5hp Colombo. Win CNC is about $1,000 more than Mach 3. Good support is priceless! Sounds like a Visa commercial doesn't it !? If you're in Atlanta, why don't you go talk to Bill? He's not that far from Atlanta. Come to Camden and see my machine if you like. Good luck!