Quote Originally Posted by moray
What I'd really like as a newbie, is something that explains each step in turn, and shows different ways of doing it (ie, for the movement - using linear slides, bearings running on bar......), and the pros + cons of each item.

Personally I'm not interested in a complete set of plans, as from past experience, this normally leads to difficulties in locating parts, and things can get complicated when you have to start modifying plans to suit what materials you have at hand. What I'd really like is a source that I could refer to when designing my own machine.
You are a very rare person, Moray. You actually *don't* want to be told what to do, in detail. The vast majority of newcomers ask certain questions, with "are there plans" being one of the most common. You seem to want to actually understand how things work, together.


Quote Originally Posted by moray
What I really want is a site that explains all these things, but not one that over simplifies things (the description of a rack + pinion, and screw + nut in one of the opensource discussions was far too simplified, as most people who are thinking about cnc, probably already have some machine experience, and would already know these things, and personally I find it patronising reading such things as I feel as though the poster is treating newbies as complete idiots).
Actually, it was me who wrote much of that thread. You'd be surprised how "simple and basic" most of the FAQs on this board really are. What is a linear slide is one of the more common ones...what is a lead screw is another. ACME thread...huh? Go back through the archives of the "Wood router forum" posts, and you'll see what I mean. Most of them are not about machining issues...most are asking for a definition of something as basic as backlash!

You have to remember...not everyone comes to this hobby from a machining background. I certainly didn't. I'm a programmer...I come from the computer and electronics side of things. This hobby is a synthesis of machining, and computer science, with a bit of robotics thrown in for good measure. That makes for an interesting mix of people.

Since I was asked to contribute to the "motion" section, I wrote out the answers to the FAQs that I saw, the best way I knew how. It was never my intention to be patronizing...and I would welcome your help to improve it. Between the two of us, I know we can make it better! So...what are your FAQs, as a newbie?

-- Chuck Knight