Hey all-

I was thinking about Hoss's extended base for the X2 freak the other day and I think I have another idea I'm hoping I could get some feedback on- one that might get you up to another 2+ inches of Y travel beyond even the legendary Freak...

What if you were to take 2 super x1 bases (the ones with the extended Y travel), square off the ends, mill out some clearence through the column block on one of them for the y axis screw and bolt them togather similar to the X2 freak's base? From what I've been reading online, the super X1 base seems superior in design to the X2's to begin with, and the travel of 1 super X1 base is 7 inches, meaning 2 bases would mean about 14 before trying to message out a bit more by grinding down supports or screw mounts. The size of the mounting block for the tippable column angle plate looks similar to the one for the X2- if not, a bolt/spacer plate would be a quick fab job, I would think.

Has anyone ever tried an X1/X2 hybrid on here before? Does anyone have any opinions on this or am I just talkin' crazy?
