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  1. #5521
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    It's a pyramid scheme. The inner circle is exempt.

    I'm using Al Gore and David Blood's business plan as my model. Moral support and technical guidance will come from Bernie Madoff.

  2. #5522
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dufas View Post
    How much will it cost me to help you in your venture....
    Well what the heck? If someone can come up with a similar program like cash for clunkers, why sacrifice the virgins? That's like crushing new cars.....


  3. #5523
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by One of Many View Post
    Well what the heck? If someone can come up with a similar program like cash for clunkers, why sacrifice the virgins? That's like crushing new cars.....

    The government and others would love to crush new cars.......any cars.

    Cash for virgins....???? Government paid....??? I might turn liberal for a short time each day ;->

  4. #5524
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dufas View Post
    The government and others would love to crush new cars.......any cars.

    Cash for virgins....???? Government paid....??? I might turn liberal for a short time each day ;->
    I think the idea was you have to turn in your old one. Knowing the government has strict rules for such trade in programs. I'd stick my neck out and add that you must have owned the previous one for at least a year and the new one must be at least 4 years younger?

    No need to do anything drastic. Unless you like plaid shirts, tied on pink sweaters, argyle socks and Bruno Magli slippers. I.E stereo typical well dressed protesters.


  5. #5525
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by One of Many View Post
    I think the idea was you have to turn in your old one. Knowing the government has strict rules for such trade in programs. I'd stick my neck out and add that you must have owned the previous one for at least a year and the new one must be at least 4 years younger?

    No need to do anything drastic. Unless you like plaid shirts, tied on pink sweaters, argyle socks and Bruno Magli slippers. I.E stereo typical well dressed protesters.

    That was good.... ;->

    What about mileage? Mine has a whole lot, wore me out long ago..........................

    ( No wonder these well dressed people [right wing]are protesting, wasting all that finery and still a virgin...would they be classified as a herd of virgins or just a pack..??)

  6. #5526
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dufas View Post
    That was good.... ;->

    What about mileage? Mine has a whole lot, wore me out long ago..........................

    ( No wonder these well dressed people [right wing]are protesting, wasting all that finery and still a virgin...would they be classified as a herd of virgins or just a pack..??)
    Her Mileage doesn't matter. Yours might? But one drawback to the program I hadn't anticipated. The older the virgin, the less willing......back to the drawing board! Dho!


  7. #5527
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by One of Many View Post
    Her Mileage doesn't matter. Yours might? But one drawback to the program I hadn't anticipated. The older the virgin, the less willing......back to the drawing board! Dho!

    ROTFLMAO ;-> funny....

    The older virgins might appeal to the classic market, resale....maybe ???

  8. #5528
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by fizzissist View Post
    It's a pyramid scheme. The inner circle is exempt.

    I'm using Al Gore and David Blood's business plan as my model. Moral support and technical guidance will come from Bernie Madoff.

    Bernie Madoff, good choice but I would keep a triple set of books if I were you........

  9. #5529
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Why does it matter anyway?

    This is my first post to CNC Zone, I think it funny that it has nought to do with CNCs though,

    I suppose I'm one of the scientists, I spend my days designing low emission technology for heavy goods vehicles, so technically I'm an engineer, still pays about the same!

    I don't particularly see the scientific links as clearly as many of my peers, I see the "science" as very sketchy, but why does it matter;
    1. The sea level will rise,
    Sorry not a big issue, the sea level rose or land sunk, putting Holland and Norfolk under water hundreds of years ago, people built dykes around the areas and windmills to pump the water away, No problem.
    2. Pack ice will melt,
    a thing to remember is that a lot of the pack ice is floating ice, when floating ice melts the sea level does not rise, it seems a lot of scientists forgot about Archimedes, the reason that only 1/10th of the ice berg is visible is due to the lower density of ice but when it melts it is just water again and displaces the same mass as it always did.
    2. The good arable areas will dry up,
    Irrigation has been used to turn desert into farmland in Australia for many decades, the only example i could think of but there are many more.
    3. The rains will stop coming,
    Sorry but if it is hotter and there is more free water as the ice caps have melted, more of that water is bound to evaporate and it has to drop somewhere, go find it, and use it, I seem to have noticed that water often runs down hill, so somewhere at the bottom of a hill would be a good place to collect it and then pipe it to where it is needed.
    4. the average temperature will get warmer,
    I like the cooler weather, but to a lot of other folks this is the upside, it is still much cooler than in the 1400's or so the "scientists" say, if the peasants handled the heat in the 1400s we might just cope, after all we have air con and refridgeration.

    The real problem is the lack of a good old fashioned enemy, when we had proper communists we had a common enemy and lets not forget they had us. We could band together and worry ourselves sick, design new and more interesting methods of warfare. Nowadays we have only Afganistan and Iraq, but they are a long way away, too primitive to really pose a great threat to Joe Average, and as far as communists go, sorry, but we all kind of rely on China, for all the cheap machine tools we convert into home made CNCs.

    The South Park creators summed it up best, ManBearPig, 1/2 Man 1/2 Bear and 1/2 Pig and 100% created by Al Gore in order that he get some attention.

    Whatever the issue Man has always created a solution to overcome it whether it be to drain the Fens, irrigate a desert or refridgerate left over Sunday dinner for Monday's packed lunch, we revel in a good challenge.

    Best Regards

  10. #5530
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Dear Rick,

    Can I extend a (erghh) warm welcome...?

    Best wishes,


  11. #5531
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by martinw View Post
    Dear Rick,

    Can I extend a (erghh) warm welcome...?

    Best wishes,


  12. #5532
    Ditto as well.

    A large percentage of the Northern hemisphere lies north of 50 degrees latitude. Global warming will greatly extend the growing season there while rains caused by global warming will make the newly arable lands fertile.


  13. #5533
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Is Rick for or against global warming?

    Gotta know so's we can tear him/her/it to bits and decide if'n he/her/it is a Dem Republican Commie Muslim Cristian Greenie unproven ideas extremist who hates animals.

    In the end Rick will probably just wither and die, having been dissolved by all the vitriolic expectorant that some think is cool.

    BTW, that green housing set-up, discussed sometime back, that referred to the "swamp coolers"...... (typical Yank ignorance), why not just call it an evaporative cooler system, which is what it is,
    but I digress, the said type of system has been in my humble hovel for the past five years now, and as I originally had a refrigerent air conditioner system in the wall, I can say definately that the refrigerent air con system is a dead loss.

    That is just MY opinion, like it or not, but from actual experience, not hearsay, I can categorically state that for unequealed dollar value AND PERFORMANCE, the water evap system is streets ahead of the refrigerant type, on a number of counts.

    Without listing them, the most important one is efficiency.

    I get WHOLE house cooling, not just local area chilling, for about a dollar a day.

    My neighbour along the road has the refrigerent type air con system, but he had to have 3 phase electrics installed to power the thing.

    I watched a science program on the cable TV Geograpic channel the other night, and this group of presenter were touring the US of A and showing innovative ideas that were Green orientated, and one of the people they interviewed was a guy that had built an evap cooler system for his monstrous multi level home somewhere out in the wilds, anyway, there weren't any other houses or people around for miles, but the system was home built, but hardly innovative, and hardly scientific, as it's pretty old technology.

    Long story short, the guy went to great lengths, I mean half the half hour programm including commercial interuptions, to explain the working and use of the system, but one thing he did go over board in explaining was the need to keep the windows and/or doors open to vent the moist air that had done it's job in the cooling cycle.

    If'n ya don't vent the moist air out you'll get a wet build up BIG TIME, make no error.

    This is probably why that green housing development went "sour" and got a bit mouldy.

    All the things they advocated in the development were based on sound principles, (except the two family co-ownership bit), but it takes people with a bit of intelligence to understand them, not your average Joe six pack scratching a living with limited education standards to work things out by.

    BTW....Rick, welcome to the melee.

  14. #5534
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Tiglon Eng View Post
    This is my first post to CNC Zone, I think it funny that it has nought to do with CNCs though,

    I suppose I'm one of the scientists, I spend my days designing low emission technology for heavy goods vehicles, so technically I'm an engineer, still pays about the same!

    I don't particularly see the scientific links as clearly as many of my peers, I see the "science" as very sketchy, but why does it matter;
    1. The sea level will rise,
    Sorry not a big issue, the sea level rose or land sunk, putting Holland and Norfolk under water hundreds of years ago, people built dykes around the areas and windmills to pump the water away, No problem.
    2. Pack ice will melt,
    a thing to remember is that a lot of the pack ice is floating ice, when floating ice melts the sea level does not rise, it seems a lot of scientists forgot about Archimedes, the reason that only 1/10th of the ice berg is visible is due to the lower density of ice but when it melts it is just water again and displaces the same mass as it always did.
    2. The good arable areas will dry up,
    Irrigation has been used to turn desert into farmland in Australia for many decades, the only example i could think of but there are many more.
    3. The rains will stop coming,
    Sorry but if it is hotter and there is more free water as the ice caps have melted, more of that water is bound to evaporate and it has to drop somewhere, go find it, and use it, I seem to have noticed that water often runs down hill, so somewhere at the bottom of a hill would be a good place to collect it and then pipe it to where it is needed.
    4. the average temperature will get warmer,
    I like the cooler weather, but to a lot of other folks this is the upside, it is still much cooler than in the 1400's or so the "scientists" say, if the peasants handled the heat in the 1400s we might just cope, after all we have air con and refridgeration.

    The real problem is the lack of a good old fashioned enemy, when we had proper communists we had a common enemy and lets not forget they had us. We could band together and worry ourselves sick, design new and more interesting methods of warfare. Nowadays we have only Afganistan and Iraq, but they are a long way away, too primitive to really pose a great threat to Joe Average, and as far as communists go, sorry, but we all kind of rely on China, for all the cheap machine tools we convert into home made CNCs.

    The South Park creators summed it up best, ManBearPig, 1/2 Man 1/2 Bear and 1/2 Pig and 100% created by Al Gore in order that he get some attention.

    Whatever the issue Man has always created a solution to overcome it whether it be to drain the Fens, irrigate a desert or refridgerate left over Sunday dinner for Monday's packed lunch, we revel in a good challenge.

    Best Regards
    Well, I don't know where to start...

    1. Yeah, the sea level will rise, and just think about Manhattan. The new Venice? It will be quite nice! As for the no problem, maybe just the cost of that kind of things...

    2. A lot of the pack ice is floating ice. But a lot doesn't mean everything. Do you realise that Antartica and Greenland are covered by kilometers of ice in some places? Do you realise that if that ice melts, it will flow in the oceans? Do you realise that the sea level will then rise?
    And, another problem with that. Ice is freshwater. And when that freshwater will come in the ocean, it will dilute the saltwater, lowering its salinity, change its density and thus stopping oceans streams that creates (for example) the temperate climate!

    2 bis. Oh yeah, Australian irrigation. EPIC FAILURE MAN! Have a look at the Western Australia! The soil is now saturated in salt, mainly because of poor irrigation habits. And, saturated in salt means, no more farmland (or plants for that matters).

    3. There will be more free water as the ice caps have melted, and thus, there will be more rain. That's retarded! Half fill a glass. Some of the water is evaporating. Now fill it completely. The exact same amount of water is now evaporating (in the same amount of time of course). But I admit that you're right that more water will evaporate when the climate will be hotter.

    4. Yeah, just because some of us like warm weather, we should just destroy our planet (we only have one planet, just remember that!). And, after all, we can just pollute even more to stay cool. Well, that seems a good idea to me!

    I don't know how you became an engineer, but I glad I didn't choose your school. For half of what you said, it's just basic observation and deduction, the rest, man, read some books, that helps. At least you will not say some idiotics things (like with the Australia for example).

    I admit this post is a bit agressive, and I'm sorry for that, but after all, the post I was answering to is just a whole bunch of idiotics things...

  15. #5535
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    Is Rick for or against global warming?

    Gotta know so's we can tear him/her/it to bits and decide if'n he/her/it is a Dem Republican Commie Muslim Cristian Greenie unproven ideas extremist who hates animals.

    In the end Rick will probably just wither and die, having been dissolved by all the vitriolic expectorant that some think is cool.
    Like the arrogant incivility that often starts with you, Ian?

    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    BTW, that green housing set-up, discussed sometime back, that referred to the "swamp coolers"...... (typical Yank ignorance), why not just call it an evaporative cooler system, which is what it is,
    but I digress, the said type of system has been in my humble hovel for the past five years now, and as I originally had a refrigerent air conditioner system in the wall, I can say definately that the refrigerent air con system is a dead loss.

    That is just MY opinion, like it or not, but from actual experience, not hearsay, I can categorically state that for unequealed dollar value AND PERFORMANCE, the water evap system is streets ahead of the refrigerant type, on a number of counts.

    Without listing them, the most important one is efficiency.

    I get WHOLE house cooling, not just local area chilling, for about a dollar a day.

    My neighbour along the road has the refrigerent type air con system, but he had to have 3 phase electrics installed to power the thing.

    I watched a science program on the cable TV Geograpic channel the other night, and this group of presenter were touring the US of A and showing innovative ideas that were Green orientated, and one of the people they interviewed was a guy that had built an evap cooler system for his monstrous multi level home somewhere out in the wilds, anyway, there weren't any other houses or people around for miles, but the system was home built, but hardly innovative, and hardly scientific, as it's pretty old technology.

    Long story short, the guy went to great lengths, I mean half the half hour programm including commercial interuptions, to explain the working and use of the system, but one thing he did go over board in explaining was the need to keep the windows and/or doors open to vent the moist air that had done it's job in the cooling cycle.

    If'n ya don't vent the moist air out you'll get a wet build up BIG TIME, make no error.

    This is probably why that green housing development went "sour" and got a bit mouldy.

    All the things they advocated in the development were based on sound principles, (except the two family co-ownership bit), but it takes people with a bit of intelligence to understand them, not your average Joe six pack scratching a living with limited education standards to work things out by.

    BTW....Rick, welcome to the melee.
    Hmmmm, swamp coolers, green housing, high humidity, high potential for mold?

    Since water vapor makes up the majority of greenhouse gas. With all the clamoring politico's self righteous targeting of CO2 emissions with cap and tax fees to reduce additional eco-sins to the atmosphere. Wouldn't "evaporative cooling" be ignorantly adding to green house effect that seems to be the larger part of the proposed problem in comparison to the minimal output of CO2 at a higher cost?

    Cheaper yes, more effective;for dryer areas only, but greener is somewhat questionable, as to cheap and efficient AGW hypocrisy verses the same excuse used of fossil fuels.

    If this were the case, taxing the heck out of swamp cooler users would seem more appropriate and a great revenue source the elites ought to be seriously looking into!


  16. #5536
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    I don't know how you became an engineer, but I glad I didn't choose your school
    Yes but i am affraid that the french engineer school are not much better if you are one coming from there too.
    I know that most of our engineer are working in economy and banking. We all can appreciate their efficiency (LOL)
    So Gromain where are your evidences of the warming of the planet earth since 2003 ?

  17. #5537
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Once again Handlewanker displays his lack of intelligence plus, he can't read. But, like the flu, he comes charging in right on cue, his ant brain always runs on schedule.

    If'n he'd read the post, he might have noticed that the mold was forming in the duct work, not in the house itself. We are going to have the kids draw pictures in crayon so Handlewanker can get things straight in that pea brain of his......

    Seems to me that not too long ago, he got on someone's case for using TV as a source of information yet he, in his great lack of wisdom, can point with great pride to the various TV shows that teaches him everything he doesn't know..

    In an attempt to give Handlewanker a leg up on his lack of education, I direct him to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swamp_cooler where he may ascertain that the evaporative cooler has many names although I doubt anything of substance will soak in..

  18. #5538
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Wow, Thanks for the warm welcome

    To answer just a few,
    I am pro planet, I definately think the planet is a good idea. (now Gromain, this is called humour, quite often it is used in the english speaking world, I use it in order to foster a friendly social environment, even when talking about serious matters)

    "Gotta know so's we can tear him/her/it to bits and decide if'n he/her/it is a Dem Republican Commie Muslim Cristian Greenie unproven ideas extremist who hates animals."

    While i am a Him, i'd rather not be torn to bits, I am politically "Independant" I make a "decision" before i vote, (and i do vote) based 1st on who seems to use common sense and if that is not clear, i look at who is likely to do the least damage. In 1998/9 i stood for state Parliament in NSW, Australia as an Independant, not in order to win as Independants never do where i was standing, but rather to experience the process, such that i would be able to comment with some insight in discussion,

    Not a "Commie" but not of the opinion that the current democratic method has found all of the answers either, I could explain it further, but suffice to say, while we do live in a pretty good time, there are many that do not.
    Christian, although i have been to mosques, synagogues and budhist temples, amoung others. to study "non western" philosophies. I believe that we all have much to learn from each other, maybe even the French! (Now gromain, this is another example of humour, please see note above).

    I have spent the last twenty years creating technology aimed at reducing the greenhouse gas output of heavy transport vehicles, does that make me a greenie? i promise i haven't made any money out of it yet, (Gromain, humour).

    Some of my ideas are proven some are not, but that is the whole point of research and development if we worked only with proven ideas we would still need to wait for a lucky lightening strike in order to make fire. Extremisim definitely not, my only extremist view is that extremisim should be banned. (gromain, humour)

    Hating animals, well, i don't like pets in the house, i have dust alergies. but I am a Vegitarian, mainly because animal fat makes me feel unwell, but ten years on, i just no longer see the point of eating meat, I don't push my views onto others, but someone did ask, A friend of mine says " it's not that i love animals but rather that i hate plants, is the reason for my vegetarian habits. (gromain, humour)

    For Gromain, It is quite lucky that you would not want to have been schooled where i was, it was a very tough environment, if you were not english speaking you stood very little chance of getting on at all, they were none to fond of the French either, due to some issues in WW2 where some of my teachers had served, i do not condone these sentiments, but it was a long time ago now and views have changed a lot in the past few decades. i worked in an engineering cadetship at an integrated steelworks, while studying at various colleges and universities. The truth is the steelmaking folk were good people with all sorts of views, but they would not have accepted your rather unfriendly, abrupt and frankly uncalled for manner, If the human race is to survive the coming issues of "Global warming" or "climate change", we will need to do it by working together not calling names like schoolyard bullies. The human race has survived serious climate change in the past, and there is a very good chance we will survive this time. based on our past performance. My opinion is worth as much as anyone elses, and i would venture that it is worth twice that of a hysterical man calling names and proclaiming that the end is nigh. In the words of a world full of Mothers, if you haven't got anything nice to say, say nothing at all. My comments on soil salination were intended only to inform you from an eyewitnesses point of view, Have you been there personally? I have. soil salination is a terrible thing, but nature responds so brilliantly to adversity given a little help, many areas are being reclaimed. There have been a number of models created recently looking at the speed with which nature would take over in the absence of man, some of these use data taken from Chernoble so are at least based on accurate assumptions, don't be fooled into thinking we have beaten mother nature.

    For the reasonable folk, I have spent the last ten years working on one particular project, it takes what are commonly thought of as byproduct gases and helps to power heavy transport vehicles with a 10% reduction in CO2, a 50% reduction in raw particulates(pre catalyst), a 35% reduction in NOx (pre catalyst) (all data ratified by third party testing agencies within the EU) while maintaining engine power and drivability, the system requires no specialist education for users and only minimal retraining for technicians, in many developed countries the infrastructure is in place already and the system actually costs 20% less to run in a real world environment, much cheaper again under test conditions, the technology has been reviewed by the "experts" in government bodies, the heavy automotive industry, Some oil companies and most importantly by the customers. Due to contractual requirements i cannot go into further detail about the system. So if you "need" to decide my value on this issue please take that into account.

    My focus is now, and will continue to be, the improvement of the efficiency of systems both Automotive and Stationary, in order to reduce wasted energy and as a byproduct reducing cost. Sorry gromain if that makes too much sense.(gromain, sarcasm as i am sick of being nice to you)

    Best Regards to all,


  19. #5539
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Well, I'm sorry. It's hard for me to get the feelings through a written message.
    I didn't realise you were the same guy that send me a private message. I would have understood you humour then (at least, I think).
    It's just that since I started reading this thread, I've been amazed quite a few times. So for me it appeared only as a "new dumb who is saying a bunch of stupid and idiotic things". I'm really sorry for that.
    Now, I'll double check the names before answering.

    I'm currently in Australia, doing an internship in a solar company (Yes, we are installing solar panels, the same thing that a lot says it's an unreliable energy). So I've been there, but I reckon that my experience must be very different from yours as I didn't live in this area (I'm in Canberra).

    Once again, I'm sorry.



  20. #5540
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by gromain View Post
    Well, I'm sorry. It's hard for me to get the feelings through a written message.
    I didn't realise you were the same guy that send me a private message. I would have understood you humour then (at least, I think).
    It's just that since I started reading this thread, I've been amazed quite a few times. So for me it appeared only as a "new dumb who is saying a bunch of stupid and idiotic things". I'm really sorry for that.
    Now, I'll double check the names before answering.

    I'm currently in Australia, doing an internship in a solar company (Yes, we are installing solar panels, the same thing that a lot says it's an unreliable energy). So I've been there, but I reckon that my experience must be very different from yours as I didn't live in this area (I'm in Canberra).

    Once again, I'm sorry.


    If someone sends you a private message, you can answer them from the private message or click on his/her name in the forum and chose to send a PM from the menu

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