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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > GibbsCAM > What is Vitrual Gibbs
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    What is Vitrual Gibbs

    I have never heard of this program, what is it and how does it work?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Cad cam

    They started out pitching this software as the machinist
    Cadcam. I used it back about 12 yrs ago, and really liked it
    I've since heard nothing but good news. But I'm stuck
    in Mastercamland. Who knows.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Although based in Calif. Gibbs seems to be popular in the south but in gaining popularity everywhere.
    It's touted as a CAM system NOT a CAD system. It specializes in cutting parts not designing them. It does not make Blue Prints but can do dimensioning. It's set up in a way that confuses most CAD people but is easy to understand for the machinist. It is Parasolid based and is also incorporating the Granite platform as well now. It will open just about anything. It's very quick to use if you know how to use it. I've been using for 3 years and can probably help with any questions anyone may have. It does up to and including 5 axis positioning, but no true 5 axis simultaneous motions. Also does multi- tasking machines.It's excellent at rendering up exactly what is going to happen in the machine and with the right post, what you see is what you're gonna get.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    Hey turbine,
    Thanks alot.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I was wondering myself thanks for the info.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Sorry-how rude of me

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I've since heard nothing but good news. But I'm stuck
    in Mastercamland. Who knows
    Stuck? Heh. I started out using the old dos version, like you. It was extremely easy to learn/use. I've used it off and on ever since. I've also used Surfcam, BobCAD, Cimitron, Mastercam and a few others.

    Aside from Cimitron, Mastercam has them ALL beat hands down. There's so much automation built in to Gibbs that you have very little control over most aspects of the program.

    I'm not bashing Gibbs, (much), it's great for beginners and for simple things. But that's as far as I would go with it.


  8. #8

    Cool Gibbs

    From what I learned Gibbs is an excelent product and if I had money to burn that would have been my first choice but unfortunately I could not justify spending approx. $6000.00 for a basic mill package when I needed lathe also (an additional $1500.00 or $2500.00), it is from my understanding rated as to be one of the top systems out there and I must agree I have a friend who uses it on a regular basis at work & I've seen this system at work WOW!, too bad this system requires a hardware lock. But anyway remember you have to strongly concider what your intentions are with a Cad/Cam package you are concidering to purchase don't get caught up with comparing all the bells and whistles like I did, the hardest thing to do when in the evaluation process is to be realistic and take a look at what you are currently doing and what your plans are and why you are concidering to purchase this type of software because if you are not carefull you may end up paying good money or wasting alot of valuable time evaluating something with features you may never use. Ok enough of that.
    If you are interested I still have and keep on hand a demo CD for Gibbs and a double VHS vidio pack describing the whole 9 yards about gibbs and its capabuilities if I see you at the flying field this weekend I'll let you borrow them for reviw just let me know and I'll bring them along.
    Part made by PowerStation. Lathe, Milling & 3 axis interpulation
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails hq14.jpg  
    L.S. Tool & Precision Inc.
    Taking machining to the
    next level, combining creativity, ingenuity and the technology of CAD/CAM & CNC Machining
    “When ingenuity makes all the difference”

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I am a full time Mastercam instructor and user along with being a dealer,But I got a Dongle for the new 2002 and I am going to play for a while just curious about.

    One of the big guys at Gibbs Bob Dunn is a great guy after working the westec show for the last few years next to bob I have decided to take another look just see how it has come along.

    I am going in with a full open mind.
    Wish me well.
    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)
    Software and hardware sales, contract Programming and Consultant , Cad-Cam Instructor .

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    As your Gibbs questions surface don't hesitate to post them. I've been using Gibbs about 3 years full time. (That's well over 7000 hrs. ) There are very few questions I can't answer, however, I am NOT a post guy. I have also had the opportunity to work on Gibbs, with someone who used to work for Gibbs doing testing (a1 thru beta) and post work. I have had the chance to learn things that "they just don't teach" as well. Being an instructor you know what I mean.
    Also I'm just starting out with MC and will probably be shelling you with MC questions through this site as they come up.
    I speak fluent Cadkey as well so learning MC should come quick.
    I can see by my first experiences with MC, that anyone switching from MC to Gibbs may find themselves in a frustrating fog. It's mainly a matter of learning HOW to use the "lean" selection of tools. It is ALL there. (some don't think so) You just need to know
    HOW when you don't see a button to do it .
    MasterCam seems to to have a lot of "secrets" too. There have been a few times I was hunting around for something and found all I have to do is riGht or left click a mouse button and THERE IT IS! hiding underneath

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    So on the post side are you talking about post hast that is in gibbs now.

    If you are then go to the home of post hast and download the info on the company and look under programming support there you will find my old mug.

    But I will most likey have vthought for you on gibbs ,thank you for offering your time.
    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)
    Software and hardware sales, contract Programming and Consultant , Cad-Cam Instructor .

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I have messed with post haste and didn't come out impressed.
    It seems to be something offered through Gibbs only out of partnership, or for "political" reasons. Granted it's better than not having anything. But nothing can substitute for a good custom post. A couple of mine have been tweaked so many times I can't even remember. My post guy was starting to hate me . After my post haste adventures I started calling it, "Post Waste"
    perhaps unfairly, because I've never looked into the real version of that software. Actually I would love to sink my teeth into ComPost. But they would have to hire me first and then once they tell ya...they have to kill ya. (Come on Bill!! it's just a compiler )
    One of the things to have fun with if you like this sort of thing is to write your own model and template files for "Reporter".
    It's possible to get some pretty slick tool sheets, operation reports and all kinds of "stuff" Gibbs spits out automaticlly. I made a sheet (Excel) that's aimed at the tool kitter. This made it possible to lean out the tool sheet. There was just too much information to pack onto one document making it hard to read. Now the tool sheet only has information the operator wants and nothing else. All the specific tooling details (the Kitter wants) are on a seperate sheet. The operator still gets it, but doesn't have to look at unnecessary info.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Talking GibbsCAM Capabilities


    Just to clear a few things up you wrote about. Gibbs has (not publicized)full 5 axis support. I run this module currently. It of course, can't do everything (yet) is has only been avalible for about 2 years (guess) and can handle most stuff, Also, for the Post Haste disscussion, the version that ships with Gibbs is a basic (at best) version. All posts are long hand but, DO support canned cycles. There is no support for Sub Programs or Work Fixture Offset (G54, 55 etc...). The version can be upgraded to a full version and this works very well. (Not even close to a COMPOST post) But, very good none the lest, if you don't want to pay for post mods, or can't use Com Post.

    As for the rest of GibbsCAM keep an eye out for 7.0. (late Summer) Many improvments and new features (135 in all).

    Reporter is very cool. It works the best when combined with VB scripts, Intranet server and new tool images.(the tool icons suck)

    User, beta tester for 8 years +

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Hi God (couldn't resist)
    Dan P. was saying sometime in late July for v7., but not to get my hopes up. I can wait .....as long as you guys are finding and fixing bugs, that is a good thing.
    I have made contact with Jason H. at Texas Offline about
    ProXYZ. The suspense is killin' me I sent him a file of an impeller to try and run a toolpath on. Can you PM me with a price?
    They seem busy as hell there. (training/classes maybe?) Is the bulk of the MTM training over? Must be..long time ago right?
    Joe C. chewed my ear off about his MTM post training.
    I have been nagging Gibbs about "multi axis simultaneous milling motion" for a couple years. It's great to see someone else interested and experimentimg with possibilities. However if they don't break soon I'll be forced to change cams. I am learning MC now! Very cool.. but it doesn't leave a good first impression due to some bugs. So.....I am still clinging to my Gibbs

    Thanks for the reply GibbsGod and... ya'all come back now.
    "The source of expertise is not in the memorization of the minute details of a subject but in the thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts on which it is based." --author unknown

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Pro AXYZ

    Guess I should have posted a Gibbs question here instead of the cad cam programming forum. Anyways, anyone really know anything about this expensive module ($8000) ? The only info I got from Texasoffline was a pdf file of the web page on their site. Productec has almost the same info, just a few more pictures. I may be in the market for a Tri tech 5 axis head and would rather not spend another $15k+ for another cam system. Gibbs has been the best investment I've made in my shop, besides the machining centers. Does ProAXYZ support a C axis (rotary head) ?


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    More on 5 Axis

    If the number you got was around $8000 then about 1/3 of that is the custom post work. Tne maintenance makes up another small peice of the cost as well. There are a few things that you need to know about his module:

    First, It runs IN GibbsCAM. you will see new machining icons (other than HOLES, CONTOUR, POCKET, SURFACE and THREAD). The surface, solid and geometry in Gibbs is utilized as well. This is not a ADD ON. This inegrates into your existing GibbsCAM.

    Second, You use the same posting menus. There are extra options added her, but it uses the same post menu.

    Third, GibbsCAM CUT PART RENDER (CPR we call it) can simulate all 5 axis tool moves.

    So, you can program a part with all your standard GibbCAM functions (2D, 3D programming) and any 5 Axis in one file for the machine.

    This 5 axis stuff supports (as far as I can tell) any 5 axis configuration. Tables, heads etc..... I have only tried it on a DMG and all is well.

    Hope this long winded answer helps.


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I started using Virtual Gibbs back in the DOS days. I also used GibbsNC, (GibbsCAD/CAM??) on a MAC, when it was 3 seperate modules for CAD and CAM and NC. GibbsNC was COMPLETELY different, but it seemed much more powerful.

    I've been programming with Gibbs off and on since the late '80s/early '90s. I've seen them come a long way. They've got some great features, like the geometry expert and creating a toolpath with multiple tools at the same time.

    I've been highly dissapointed with their lack of toolpath options, particularly in pocket and surfacing. Also with their post guys. Seems every time I sent a post in to have a simple change, it came back with 2 other problems. That happened literally 90% of the times I sent posts in to them, throughout my career.

    I haven't used it in almost a year, I'm hoping for a look at the new features some time soon. Just curious how they're progressing.

    'Rekd teh been there done that, moved on to bigger and better things.
    San Diego, Ca

    ___ o o o_
    l---L - □lllllll□-
    ( )_) ( )_)--)_)

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Originally posted by Turbine

    I speak fluent Cadkey as well so learning MC should come quick.
    I can see by my first experiences with MC, that anyone switching from MC to Gibbs may find themselves in a frustrating fog. It's mainly a matter of learning HOW to use the "lean" selection of tools. It is ALL there. (some don't think so) You just need to know
    HOW when you don't see a button to do it .
    MasterCam seems to to have a lot of "secrets" too. There have been a few times I was hunting around for something and found all I have to do is riGht or left click a mouse button and THERE IT IS! hiding underneath

    I can see you're going to really enjoy MC. In about a year or 2, you're going to wonder why you didn't switch a long time ago.

    And with custom posts, you can REALLY do almost anything.

    'Rekd teh Never bring a knife to a gun-fight
    San Diego, Ca

    ___ o o o_
    l---L - □lllllll□-
    ( )_) ( )_)--)_)

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2003
    If I remember correctly, when I was placing an order for VG some years back, I found out that you couldn't edit your posts out of the box, but in order to arrive at that capability you had to take a 1 week posting class in Calif. (Cost=I don't remember $) and buy a CD (I believe the CD was $1500). So a class + CD + air fare from the east coast = I cancelled the order. I'm wondering if that is still the way it is???

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    Well, you have many more years on the product than I do. I started on the last MAC version. There were some cool machining options on the Gibbs System that I wish they had now.

    As for new roughing, yes there are more options.

    Offset, Zig Zag, Offset w/ Large step over (V7.0)
    All support, plunge, pre-drill, ramp and Helix entry. (ZigZag also has periphery ramp)

    There is a new engine comming just after the 7.0 release (Gen3) that will be cleaner and faster. This will output true arc moves from solids and surface files.

    There has been a big improvment for open pockets in 2D and 3D milling as well. Also, Z Level re-machining. This is good but, a little to many retracts for large jobs. (Ok on smaller ones, less travel)

    As for the posts, you just need to know the right guys to request to do the work. There are some that are better than others. Also, There is a generic posting utility that ships with the product that you can customize. Very general suport for 2 axis and 3 axis work, NO subs and NO WFO allowed.

    V7.0 Should be a big hit. There are many (135) enhancments in this version like (new contour engine, AFR for hole machining, new interface, copy/paste, geom, solids, tools, ops between GibbsCAM sessions. (yes you can run more that one now)

    For a taste check out the image.

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