Quote Originally Posted by 307startup View Post
Perhaps I'm a bit thick, but I didn't think it was 'bugging them' to ask them to make product we want for money...I thought that was business!

Why would EDM tear up the table? Are you planning on burning holes into your table or a workpiece? This is a ram-type setup and there are a number of companies that make similar devices SPECIFICALLY for utilization of a mills axes. I doubt the Chevalier ALIC-1 would have many customers if their product were destroying people's machines...

Tormach had a 5 year lead on their competitors and is slowly ceding ground to them...Novakon is currently also designing their own CNC lathe (at least as far along as Tormach), Syil is really starting to gather momentum with their new offerings and MDA Precision developed a working 5 axis trunnion and they aren't even a MANUFACTURER!

Glacern Machine Tools has a CNC bed-mill and CNC lathe on the backburner waiting for the right economic climate to introduce...this is not the time to be meek for Tormach, this is the time to be bold and invest in their brand if they really believe in it. Growth happens during hard-times NOT easy times...
Ram edm my true opinion having two edm's that ram idea looks like crap. Waste of time edms are for under water cutting and for real special work holding real tight parts that ram thing looks like something you should just engrave with tiny cutters and an engraver really am I missing something it looks real cheap and if it really is 1300 bucks then just go buy one tormach needs a lathe the most toolchanger is ok but I dont think alot of people will spend the expensive amount for a tool changer for this small of a machine LATHE nad it wont be a cheap one either. I just dont see even any stepper lathe conversion kits besides tiny ones out there. Trust me edms are expensive and have their place but so does that cheap looking spark tool prove me wrong post a video showing that thing of use for making money compared to a lathe. This is in no way to piss you off just being practical.