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  1. #7421
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    [nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThjG0fIuhVM&feature=player_embedded"]YouTube - What is This Loud NOISE?[/nomedia]

    Could you expect to enjoy a similar acoustic experience with the rumbling of windmills when conditions are just right? (yes, you could)

    Oh goody.

  2. #7422
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I doubt it....ground shaking earth shattering noise?

    I wonder why we don't get this phenomena in OZ....we also have wild imaginative people that look for publicity at any price, but if'n this is what windmills are going to be like, you can bet your boots we'all ain't gonna tolerate that kind of sound pollution, no way.

    Anyway, I think it's already been made clear that wind power is dead in the ground for a reliable source of energy, given that the PRESENT, not the forthcoming, requirement of increased population growth is going to make energy sourcing an even bigger headache for the coming generations.

    At the present the powers that be are only dipping their toes in the pond to see how wet the water is, and not seriously considering investing in ANYTHING that suggests alternate solutions to Oil, Coal, Gas or Nuke sources as has presently been tested.

    What are a couple of hundred million dollars, whatever, spent now on "experimenting" with all the forms of electric power derivatives for the replacement of Oil, Coal,Gas and Nuke, when eventually ANYTHING that can make a volt or two will be considered good, no matter what the original research costs.

    The only problem is with such low yield sources..... the ground space to utilise them will outstrip the living space the population growth will vie for, and real estate for living will take precedence in any case, even before food production, such are the Human animal's priorities.

  3. #7423
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    Apr 2006


    Went to Costco to minimize trips to the store.
    Bought a package of 4 filet mignons.
    Bought a package of King's Hawaiian rolls.
    Bough a bag of onions.

    Fired up the outdoor fire to minimize indoor CO and CO2 exposure.

    Cooked all 4 filets (cooked one rare). Ate 3. Saved rare one in the fridge.

    Next day for lunch sliced remaining filet very thin, and sliced some onion very thin. Heated up skillet and very lightly cooked slices of filet in pan with a splash of A-1, along with onions. At same time lightly buttered a compliment of rolls, and put them in another skillet with a cover to just brown/steam.

    Assembled all ingredients in a photogenic manner.

    The result was Stop Global Warming For Lunch Filet Mignon Sliders.

  4. #7424
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Does anyone know where the ORIGINAL UN Report on massive flooding and projected population relocation that was produced and published in 2005.

    Pushing radio buttons I heard someone talking about an original UN report published in 2005 that said by 2010 tens of millions of people in low lying areas were going to have to be relocated because man made global warming was going to cause massive flooding due to the rise in sea levels.

    Now the funny part is that when it was brought to the attention of the UN, they took the ORIGINAL report down. When someone pointed out that google kept "catch" files the UN put it back up BUT THIS TIME THEY CHANGED IT TO 2020.

    So is this how the UN pro man made global warming people work? If this is true why the hell should be ever believe any UN figures. After all what they want is to redistribute wealth with phony "carbon credit" allocations, and the UN would decide who gets how many and, of course, they would get a percentage of any money used to trade them.

  5. #7425
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Try WUWT...they're working on exactly that....archiving of past claims.

    New permanent feature: the “Climate FAIL Files” – help needed | Watts Up With That?

    They picked right up on the UN's disappearing 50 Million refugees..
    The UN “disappears” 50 million climate refugees, then botches the disappearing attempt | Watts Up With That?

    The U.N. embraces the old Lockheed classic "If it don't meet the specs, change the specs".

  6. #7426
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    Sep 2006
    I guess that all these 50 (now to be 200 million) million souls could be classified as "huddled mass material", and so by past acceptance strategy the USA will be bound to grant them citizenship, which as the US is the main bulwark of the UN, goes without saying......I expect the multi billions of convertible assets most the new wave will bring to the US will go to bailing the US out of the clutches of the Chinese dragon.....well sombody gotta fill all those empty houses the US citizens turned their noses up and walked away from.

    But we'all know it will never happen, because the UN is the biggest perpetrator of Climatology B/S, and only the "supposed" effects of the Climate Change will keep the UN debaters in business while they "debate" at great length on topics that will never and could never occur, but it does keep them in a job, and at their rate of pay, for B/S perpetrators, that makes the whole profession of B/S a Nobel Prize worthy cause.....Al Gore is a prime example of the success rate in this field.

  7. #7427
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I am all for attempting to make babys, I just make darned sure that I am not successful at it...

  8. #7428
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    I guess that all these 50 (now to be 200 million) million souls could be classified as "huddled mass material", and so by past acceptance strategy the USA will be bound to grant them citizenship, which as the US is the main bulwark of the UN, goes without saying......I expect the multi billions of convertible assets most the new wave will bring to the US will go to bailing the US out of the clutches of the Chinese dragon.....well sombody gotta fill all those empty houses the US citizens turned their noses up and walked away from.

    But we'all know it will never happen, because the UN is the biggest perpetrator of Climatology B/S, and only the "supposed" effects of the Climate Change will keep the UN debaters in business while they "debate" at great length on topics that will never and could never occur, but it does keep them in a job, and at their rate of pay, for B/S perpetrators, that makes the whole profession of B/S a Nobel Prize worthy cause.....Al Gore is a prime example of the success rate in this field.
    It must be awful dark in there... :wee:

  9. #7429
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Right on. I got it and a few more from another site and yes it was and is true. the un is faking information to get control of the brokering of a new world asset "carbon credits."

    and i have mentioned this before, but in the early 70's there was a pbs program here in los angeles and it talked about the un wanting a new asset that they would delegate to the people of the world - and developing countries would not need all they got so they would sell that asset to the developed nations - yes the un would get a brokerage fee.

    that new asset was 'CARBON CREDITS!'

    the new independant wealth of the un would allow them to do other things, without permission of member nations - no it was not funding relief programs, IT WAS RAISING AND ARMING A UN MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT.

    this fake global warming crap is just that and the un grabbed onto it as a way of getting to is "carbon credits" scheme.

    i keep trying to find that pbs program to put it on youtube but i cant find the darn thing. anyone else remember it or know where a copy is that can be posted?

    Quote Originally Posted by fizzissist View Post
    Try WUWT...they're working on exactly that....archiving of past claims.

    New permanent feature: the “Climate FAIL Files” – help needed | Watts Up With That?

    They picked right up on the UN's disappearing 50 Million refugees..
    The UN “disappears” 50 million climate refugees, then botches the disappearing attempt | Watts Up With That?

    The U.N. embraces the old Lockheed classic "If it don't meet the specs, change the specs".

  10. #7430
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I think my tinfoil hat must be too tight!!!

  11. #7431
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    is that supposes to pass for intelligent response to factual issues?
    your **** is in the wind troop.

    Quote Originally Posted by bsimages View Post
    I think my tinfoil hat must be too tight!!!

  12. #7432
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by infantry11b View Post
    is that supposes to pass for intelligent response to factual issues?
    your **** is in the wind troop.

    No! No!! Not at all!!!
    I am simply blinded by your extreme brilliance!!!!
    I am sure that all will be better after the 5150 is over.

  13. #7433
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    When it comes to collecting the money in any country, who is the end receiver.....the Government of course....and they don't willingly give it away for no gain.

    So with all this fever to promote Carbon Taxation, who's the winner....apparently nobody?

    The Carbon Tax money is just another way of divering part of the tax gathered to build the new industry drivers that will be needed for the day when oil, coal and other fossil stuff eventually become so scarce it won't be worth using the stuff.

    The full story is, now the money in the form of Carbon Tax is diverted to a special fund, it can like a nationalised industry be used at the behest of the Government to generate full revenue from the soon to be new energy industry without the need to get only that which a tax can gather.....why settle for 30% when you own the store and get 100%.

    In actual fact the Government, whoever, won't own the new energy industry, but certain people in the government will own most of it, having ploughed the money they gathered by the new Carbon Tax.

    This is probably the New World Order scenario, where if'n you hold the keys to the energy machine you hold the keys to the Golden Goose too.

    Judging by the outcome of the Japanese disaster with private management of their energy industry performing like a Formular 1 race car on flat tires, the New World Order individuals can only have control if THEY have control of key industries, and energy is one key industry like none other.

    The man in the street won't pay more taxes, the present taxes will just buy less value for those that pay them.....to pay more taxes you have to be earning top dollars above the average.

  14. #7434
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    Sep 2010
    i did not write or produce the pbs movie - the un did - or assisted in it as it was full of un people talking about the need to redistribute wealth.

    i did not just make up the un's desire for a permanent source of income and their desire for a standing army - the un did.

    i am not the first person to even mention it - many people have advocated for it and against it.

    the un is composed of 187 nations, less than 30 are actual democracies the rest are some type of dictatorship not subject to actual elections. and with a make up like that the un wants permanent funding not subject to countries giving them grants of funds and a military not subject to countries saying yes or no. this is not a new un idea - hence the blue helmets with un on them and the un aps and tanks too.

    Welcome to the United Nations is the un site - they brag about the 120,000 troops under their command but they like to call them "peace keepers" - yea right - they are soldiers with guns and ammo - that makes them an army.

    the un has no accountability as to any funds it gets and how it uses them. not my idea of a great organization.

    not a big fan of the un, nice to have a place for everyone to meet and talk but the rest of it is crap.

    the un forces in africia seem to spend as much time rapeing and looting as the people they are protecting others from.

    waste of money.

    here are a few that talk about the un and a standing un army

    Cronkite wants standing U.N. army - walter cronkite wants it.

    Millennium Summit this is the un's site for the 2000 summit -

    what they proposed at that summit was as follows:

    1. Placing the UN in oversight of all international agencies, financial institutions, commerce, trade and labor relations, human rights (including abortion) and education.
    2. Abolishing veto power and permanent status on the UN Security Council.
    3. Establishing a permanent UN standing army.
    4. Making registration of all arms mandatory.
    5. Forcing countries to comply with “Human Rights” treaties.
    6. Establishing a global Environmental Protection Agency and create an international EPA court to enforce treaties on the environment.
    7. Creating a commission to set limits on economic activity by allocating carbon emissions based on equal per -capita rights.
    8. Strengthening the International Court and make its jurisdiction compulsory.
    9. Implementation of global taxation to fund the UN.

    now i did not make the agenda for the un in 2000 the member states did - so when the very organization wants these things, "I" and supposed to be nuts?

    when someone tells you want they would do if they could - you better pay attention - because if they can they will. repeating what they said they would do does not make the person who repeats it as a warning irrational. hitler said what he wanted to do in mein kampf and everyone said he was crazy and would never do it. he told them what he wanted to do.

    well the un has shown us its wish list on many occasions. yes i think they are crazy ideas, but that does not mean that the un would not do it if they could. the un thinks success means it ws stolen from those not successful, but that only appears to apply to developed nations. notice they don't tell saudi's to give their oil away for free to keep the price down?

    people lock doors not because they are paranoid, but because people actually do break in and take others property. while theft might be crazy it does not stop other from doing it.

    try again child.

    Quote Originally Posted by bsimages View Post
    No! No!! Not at all!!!
    I am simply blinded by your extreme brilliance!!!!
    I am sure that all will be better after the 5150 is over.

  15. #7435
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Pretty sad what scientists and big business are doing to this world . This is also happening in the US with natural gas drillers . Saw a 2hr special on how drillers are either killing or making people sick while at the same time destroying the value of there property and homes . Cant do a damn thing about it because there is no scientific proof the drillers are causing this . Hmmmm . :bs:

    Welcome to the era of 'extreme energy' - CNN.com

    Donald Trump for President .

  16. #7436
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    Sep 2006
    Infantry11B, while I do think that an organised body is a formidable body, but the UN is after all THE UNITED NATIONS, acccent on the UNITED part, and correct me if'n I'm at all wrong, but the USA is a member, so is the UK, so is Australia, so is france, so is Germany, so is Sweden, so is Japan.....so on and so on....nations we like to think have integrity and purpose for peace as opposed to World wide domination.

    Do I understand that the aforementioned nations have a World Wide brotherhood approach and are systematically carving up the Globe to form what is laughingly called THE NEW WORLD ORDER, well that is a new World form of collective policemanship....for the betterment of all?

    Surely not.....nobody could suscribe to the notion that peace in our time is a desirable state of affairs.

    Supposing the UN did get total control and all armies and military institutions were disbanded...I hesitate to use the word BANNED....but when you have a controlling body, all other controlling bodies must pay homage and step aside, no matter what the mindset.

    Am I incorrect in stating that the first Gulf war was sanctioned by the UN for the greater good?......and how about the Saddam Hussein thing.....was that also sanctioned by the UN to depose a dictator who was tried, condemmed and executed by his OWN people, (not a foreign power as happened in Nuremburg in '46), after the UN had liberated them....surely not?......but it WAS so......the UN are, as you say, a force to be reckoned with, but by whom and for what reason.....and if'n you condemn the UN, you also condemn yourself....quite ludicrous.

    If'n all nations suscribe to and are eventually bound by the UN law, it is the law of ALL nations, not just ONE powerfull nation, and the law of ALL nations will bind ALL nations to that law, no matter what religious group you support.

    Taking the 9 recomendations (proposals, whatever) you mention in post #7437, which one do you find repulsive to the point you'd shed your blood to oppose it?

    Going down the list we come to #9....yeeeesss, #9.....paying someone to mind your backyard.........correct me if'n I'm again in the incorrect status, but do you or do you not pay taxes to have a police force that in the event of a crime is the FIRST agency to be called given the fact that YOu MAY NOT TAKE THE LAW INTO YOUR OWN HANDS....EVER?

    One things for sure, the #4 will be a bitter pill to swallow....which would mean changing the terms of the Constitution a bit to comply with the greater will.

    All in all I think the 9 proposals would make a saner if not safer World, the safer part would come later when the sanity part prevails for all.

    Having had Pax Romanica, Pax Brittanica, some form of Pax America, we now could do with a large dose of PAX UNIFICA, the universal law of the NEW WORLD ORDER, and may it come to pass.....when the fossil fuels run out UNIFICATION will be your only saviour.

  17. #7437
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Watchout latheMaster, lab rats have sharp teeth.

    With the Global Climate Change making headlines everywhere, I decided to experience the aspect of total lack of electric energy supply for 24 hours to see what it would be like.

    Certain aspects of total shutdown came to the fore.

    I had to face the fact that the freezer had to stay on, so crossed that one off the list, too much food to risk spoiling, then the fridge with the milk cold meats and cheese also had to stay on, so that one got crossed off too.

    Then we came to the underfloor heater....and although it's gas fired the controls and the blower, being electric, are needed to make it work, as it's 15 deg C outside, so that also got crossed off'n the list.

    Next came the TV, now that did get turned off, as I have a portable DVD player with battery power for dire emergency, so as there was nothing much on TV that day/night it got turned off.

    Cooking, well that had to get crossed off too, as the microwave is need to thaw the food, and you can't get much out of a gas oven with solid frozen microwave food packs from the freezer.

    That left the porch and back patio lights and they are a definite cross off option for home security, which finally got to the light in the toilet, and you don't need light to do your business, so the synopsis is....yes you can live without electricity if you are carefull and don't need to read a book in the toilet, but I have one of those wind up torches so that didn't bother me a bit.

    The crunch will come when the much awaited windmills start turning full time, if ever, and the electric prices (OZ rates) go up from 16 cents/kWH to 20 cents or so.

    Then the effects of Carbon Taxation, making it necessary to use windmills, will be an inconvenience I'm sure, but I expect the Government will give the homeowners a subsidy to put all those PV solar cell thingys on the roof, and make us independent from the windmills for a long time to come.

    We don't really want the windmills, prefering to have the PV cells on the roof, as they look more like roof tiles anyway, and if'n the PV cells fail you can get a ladder and replace the things....try that with a windmill.

    I believe that the technology to make PV cells is more user friendly and advanced than a dirty great noisy bird scaring windmill anyday, and it's an industry that will give continuous job employment for many people for years to come, especially with the Carbon Tax input for renewable energy boosting the wage structures....win win all the way back to the bank...LOL.

    The manufacturing and infrastructure cost of a windmill, and its maintenance, is 100 times more expensive than a comparable PV set up for the same output, and at the same time the PV Sun derived output is more reliable than if'n the wind decides to blow, there being more days with sunshine than strong winds, and you don't get to mess up the view across the real estate.

  18. #7438
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    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by fizzissist View Post
    Heart wrenching CNN story. Makes ya wanna cry.

    Big businesses that sell big valves and pumps to these land-rapers just for the money? Big businesses like Ebara??

    Maybe I should send off a copy of your complaints and observations about the evils of big businesses to Ebara....You'd like that, right?

    Only question is which office to send it to....the one in Sparks, or ....
    Ebara Technologies - Location
    Ebara isn't the one pumping chemicals into the ground . The dumbass scientists came up with this method . You can send them anywhere you want . I make the highest quality parts and the minimum amount of mistakes for them . Thats called taking pride in ones work just like the natives are doing in Canada that have to destroy there land for survival.

  19. #7439
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    Quote Originally Posted by LatheMaster View Post
    Ebara isn't the one pumping chemicals into the ground . You dumbass scientists came up with this method . You can send them anywhere you want . I make the highest quality parts and the minimum amount of mistakes for them . Thats called taking pride in ones work just like the natives are doing in Canada that have to destroy there land for survival.
    No, Ebara is just supplying the pumps. That's called taking pride and making money too!

    ...and btw, you might want to keep in mind that it was dumbass scientists that provided the foundation for the technology you're using to make the highest quality parts for them. You are using semiconductor technology in your controller, advanced metallurgical technology in the metals you machine, and in the inserts in your tools?

    I'm going to presume that you're not using those old fashioned oak wood smoked coated granite WNMG 432's anymore, right??? Some dumbassed scientists have come up with some very interesting carbides and coatings for the tools your boss would like you to be using.

    Mitsubishi? Sandvik? Valenite? Iscar? You might want to mention to them they've been paying some dumbassed scientists to develop materials and methods. You're stickin' with Flintstone inserts....Tried and True!

    Using coolant or cleaners? Chemical engineering scientists were likely responsible for those....

  20. #7440
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by fizzissist View Post
    No, Ebara is just supplying the pumps. That's called taking pride and making money too!
    You are correct. and let's not forget to mention a few other things they neglect to mention in their socialist mother earth eutopia.

    OMG! Did CNN really print something as stupid as “Mother Earth is going to be all torn up??” Wow how corny.

    You can always tell when children try to reason something out – the leave everything beyond the tip of their noses out.

    So how you going to build all those windmills without oil, coal, roads, without digging for material to use for wire, or are you going to use boo bad oil?

    And how are you going to build those roads to move things from one point to another? And what form of transportation are you going to use?

    And you do realize that wind will not always be there? So how you going to build and install all those solar panels, knowing that the sun will not always shine there.

    So now you can’t dam rivers – poor fish can’t get up over the dams. You can’t use nuke energy – mother earth might run a 9+ earthquake and the ocean may have waves over 72 feet – so unless you can make life free of hazards, well nukes are out.

    Then there is oil and gas – so dirty – who cares if millions of people lose jobs – and don’t tell me they will be replaced with green jobs that don’t exist and you can’t make them exist.

    And be sure to use pig tail light bulbs and forget they are full of mercury and lead gas – both heavy toxic heavy metals that cause brain damage and death. And who makes them, the Chinese communists, who don’t care if mercury and lead vapor get into the air – which we get to breathe.

    And how do we story that pretend energy – batteries? Ever see how much energy it takes to make a battery? Mined in Canada – you think oil or coal is nasty. Shipped to the coast – sent to Europe on ship – unloaded, sent to the east for initial smelting, where they don’t care about the environment. Transported back to the ship, then around Africa, or through the Suez, to china where they do more nasty smelting, shipped to Japan where they put a made in Japan sticker on them and you get to pretend you are so environmentally conscious driving a car like a Prius.

    And how are we supposed to produce and move food and clothing? Ok you only want us to have what we grow. Except most of the world would starve – but you children don’t care about that. After all we will not have any airplanes anymore, no smelting or mfg allowed, not enough energy – got to keep mother earth happy.

    And what can we eat – well nothing really. Not animals – after all mother earth needs little furry animals to crap all over the earth. And you can’t wear fur, immoral, and you can’t build homes from wood – trees have rights too – and you can’t use wood for heat – you should freeze before you burn mother earth. Did I forget to mention all the birds killed by windmills? At least 500,000 a year – bird people don’t like that.

    So we can’t live in houses anymore – nothing to build them with. Can’t wear clothes – because you can’t kill animals to wear fur, can’t use synthetic because we can’t use oil. Can’t grow crops for clothes, we need all that space just for food – which does not grow in winter.

    But there will be a lot fewer people. The old and sick will die of starvation and exposure. Not as many babies born alive – no prenatal care, no real medicine, no hospitals, no colleges, not enough resources available after all our energy is used just to get enough to live day by day. And for get your computer, dates, cokes, all your salad days will never exist.

    And you will not have to worry about evil business – there wont be any business – so no one to tax because no one will have jobs.

    And according to some we will still have the UNITED nations, where America and Canada, and GB, Sweden, France, Spain, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, and the other democracies will have just one vote, the same as say, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Somalia, the republic of the Congo, after all if the un gets all the money and they control everything, how long do you think we will exist if we don’t have independent militaries or even weapons, especially if we let a bunch of stupid children with a sky is falling mentality, destroy western civilization under the guise of protecting mother earth.

    Here is a little something about mother earth and mother nature, they are twin sluts, and they will get around to screwing you sooner or later.

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