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  1. #7461
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Well isn't that God's one and only TRUE commandment? That the strong kill off the weak and take their resources so that all His creations get stronger and better for ever and ever, as evidenced by every form of life we know about?

    The bigger stronger tree takes the sunlight and it's roots strangle the smaller weaker tree. The bigger animal eats the smaller animal or just takes it's food and habitat. And the most powerful animal on the planet, man, eats all the other forms of life and prospers and takes over all the resources and turns all the habitats of lesser animals into our habitat instead.

    So if there is a "mother nature" or a "God" then they want us to succeed and evolve and take over the planet. Who said the ultimate and final form of this planet is rainforests? Maybe the ultimate and final perfect form of the planet is to be totally covered in concrete car parks, airports and highrise appartments... That's mother nature's way.

  2. #7462
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I suddenly remembered it's Easter, so that means the "faithfull" are getting all broody and religiousy.....Mother Nature and the Easter Bunny......I'm going to bed....maybe the Global Warming topic will come back into focus tomorrow when it rains.

  3. #7463
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    actually it is about being saved and the resuurrection, and ever lasting life. since you mentioned you might as well know it is not about bunnies, or mother nature or mother earth, it is about humans being saved.

    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    I suddenly remembered it's Easter, so that means the "faithfull" are getting all broody and religiousy.....Mother Nature and the Easter Bunny......I'm going to bed....maybe the Global Warming topic will come back into focus tomorrow when it rains.

  4. #7464
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Don't kid yourself Infantry, nowhere in the shops, Supemarkets or stores promoting the "Easter Parade" is there anything about being "resurrected" or saved because you buy the trappings that go for the second biggest religeous event on the Western World calender.

    In actual fact if'n you are over zealous and overdo (too much chocko) the format that promotes Easter, you just might get a huge increase in your cholesteral level and definately need the ministrations of the Clergy to get you "safely" to the other side.

    In that case the Easter Bunny could be interpreted as the Devil in disguise, gathering the souls of the chocolate munching unworthy who make merry instead of mourning the passing of you know who.

    What the aspect of chocolate has to do with a one time pagan festival beats me, but I just go along for the ride.....I like chocolate, so if'n Easter Bunnies make the stuff, who am I to argue....I'd like to see the Bunny that laid the chocolate egg I got for Easter....must'a been the size of a Kangaroo....LOL.

    Meanwhile back at the ranch, now that the rebates are being phased out for the production of PV panels, the next realisation comes that the dammed things don't make much impact on the electric bills anyway, the rush will be on to sell off the stuff, bringing in another form of revenue, but this time to the tax payer who funded the things in the first place and then bought the things and now will try to recoup the lost dollars that evaporated like morning mist once the PV panel makers closed shop and changed business names.

    Decentralisation of energy production to cut out transmission losses is one thing, but when the actual cost of home units that have a very limited life expectancy and an even lower efficiency rating makes burning candles seem like a viable alternative.

    Down in OZ we had/have, (I don't know which term is more applicable), a huge rave about the home power plant in the form of a fuel cell, running off of natural gas, costing about $7K and providing hot water as well.....supposed to be on line and in a lot of homes in Melborne this year, but I haven't heard anymore about it.

    I expect once the people involved with the promotion had done the sums, they found out that the supply of Natural Gas could never satisfy the needs of the heating and electric needs of the community, coupled with the fact that the cost of the FC would have to be doubled to make the maintenance and warranties mean something viable.

  5. #7465
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    "second biggest religeous event on the Western World calender."
    FIRST - christman is 2nd!

  6. #7466
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    EDITORIAL: Global-warming zealots to ban ice makers - Washington Times

    EDITORIAL: Global-warming zealots to ban ice makers
    Energy efficiency standards to expand scope of product confiscation

    Ice makers are the latest target in the left’s ongoing war against the conveniences of modern life. Earlier this month, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) issued a report that may condemn this essential household item to the contraband list that already includes functional light bulbs, toilets, washing machines and showerheads.

    Those looking for an easy way to cool down their drinks with ice cubes are guilty of increasing their refrigerator’s energy consumption by about 12 to 20 percent. That’s unacceptable to global-warming alarmists at the Department of Energy (DOE) who are hard at work finalizing regulatory standards for the fridge. The proposed changes will increase prices by an estimated $2 billion per year, but DOE justifies this added expense by claiming consumers would save $37 in electricity costs over the lifetime of a typical side-by-side.

    snip============================================== ======================

  7. #7467
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Originally Posted by handlewanker
    "second biggest religeous event on the Western World calender."
    (Not religeous it is religious!)

    Quote Originally Posted by infantry11b View Post
    FIRST - Christmas is 2nd!
    You are absolutely correct AND this PROVES that willywanker does not have a grip on the concept of Christianity.

    Also proven is that he is nothing more than a troll and unworthy of your attention much less a reply
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  8. #7468
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by infantry11b View Post
    FIRST - christman is 2nd!
    As usual, he has it backwards. Or....he just likes to argue. Likely both.

  9. #7469
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Hmmmm, I thought I was on JH's ignore list..oh well...religious it is...but for that matter religion it AIN'T.

    Cristianity, for your information, is only the acceptable form of Judaism that the Romans agreed to accept, (in Constantinople, I think by the Eastern Empire leader Emperor Justinian), so that they could apply the practice of making a flesh and blood person into a God, as was standard Roman practice, and as Christmas came before Easter, (about 30 years before in fact), Easter is the 2nd biggest event....ask any Jewish shopkeeper...they sell more goods Christmas related than at any time o' the year, it's just a commercial break....don't kid yourself otherwise.....this is deep water...no more to be said!!!

    That bit in post #7469 about the ice makers......I always thought the Yanks were nutters, but now I'm sure.

    'Bout time yo'all started to pull the reins on the DOE mob before they drive yo'all over the brink and tie you up completely with their weird and wacky enviro pranks.

  10. #7470
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    that is why we need to eliminate the department of energy - it does not make any energy.

    Quote Originally Posted by dufas View Post
    EDITORIAL: Global-warming zealots to ban ice makers - Washington Times

    EDITORIAL: Global-warming zealots to ban ice makers
    Energy efficiency standards to expand scope of product confiscation

    Ice makers are the latest target in the left’s ongoing war against the conveniences of modern life. Earlier this month, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) issued a report that may condemn this essential household item to the contraband list that already includes functional light bulbs, toilets, washing machines and showerheads.

    Those looking for an easy way to cool down their drinks with ice cubes are guilty of increasing their refrigerator’s energy consumption by about 12 to 20 percent. That’s unacceptable to global-warming alarmists at the Department of Energy (DOE) who are hard at work finalizing regulatory standards for the fridge. The proposed changes will increase prices by an estimated $2 billion per year, but DOE justifies this added expense by claiming consumers would save $37 in electricity costs over the lifetime of a typical side-by-side.

    snip============================================== ======================

  11. #7471
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Almost comical, the hypocrisy and contradiction of purpose with the DOE proposing the elimination of ice makers? Ice...which aids with the prevention of sickness and disease, along with providing, in some cases, comfort and life saving cooling? Ask the old folks in Chicago during one of the last heat waves if they would mind giving up their ice makers?

    And the DOE....who funds the construction of some of the biggest resource pigs in existence? Every national lab in the country that's built a Big-O-Mac, Gig-A-Fuzer, TeraSpinner, or Googa-Collider has the DOE to thank for at least a portion of the funding for construction and operation.

    Then, we won't get into the countless flights back and forth from Washington, D.C. to attend meetings where the infamous words "Progress in all areas is excellent" is heard....just before they break for lunch.

    I know, I've been to 'em.

  12. #7472
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    Jun 2004
    In honor of Earth Day 2011, here are the Top 10 Environmental Scams:

    1. Global warming alarmism: Predictions from the early global warming alarmists that the Earth was rapidly heating, and would suffer untold damage as this trend continued, have already failed to come true. There has been no discernible warming since the mid-1990s. Coupled with Climategate’s disclosures showing bias among key scientists, and the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s laughable report predicting melting Himalayan glaciers, with no evidence to back it up, it is hard to accept the global warming alarmists’ constantly changing theories as anything other than hysteria.

    2. Earth Day: Earth Day’s solutions to save the planet often include calls for stricter government environmental regulations that would strangle the economy. The Washington Times was right when it editorialized several years ago that Earth Day has “anti-business overtones and [a] message of guilt and limits. … Earth Day is a global guilt-fest that views the future with a sense of dread. … Rather than increasing their productivity, people are told to decrease their carbon footprints.”

    3. Cap and trade: The cap-and-trade legislation that failed last year in a Democratic-controlled Congress was a maze of environmental regulations that would have resulted in lost jobs and an energy tax for the American people. The Heritage Foundation estimated the cap-and-trade bill would cost the economy $161 billion in 2020—$1,870 for a family of four, rising to $6,800 for a family of four by 2035.

    4. Green jobs: By giving czar status to Van Jones, Obama chose an ex-Communist to come up with a plan to create green jobs. That pretty much tells you all you need to know about the economic viability of such a government-subsidized enterprise. Spain’s attempt at actualizing a green jobs revolution ended up costing the country more than $774,000 for each green job created, according to a study from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid.

    5. Environment activism: Many environmental activists are as eager to denounce capitalism as they are to save the planet. Their activities are often aimed at preventing the development of abundant energy resources in the United States that would help the nation move toward energy independence.

    6. Hollywood hypocrisy: The Lords of Malibu love to preach about saving Planet Earth from the evils of corporate America even while they dump tons of pollutants into the atmosphere from their high-octane cars and opulent mansions. Memo to Leonardo DiCaprio, Harrison Ford, and James Cameron: No more lectures about reducing our carbon footprint until you ground your private jets.

    7. Wind power hypocrisy: Wind power is another environmental dream that has proven to be too expensive to be effective on a massive scale. And even environmentalists can’t agree on where wind projects should be located when it soils a pristine scene. Members of the Kennedy clan opposed Cape Wind, a wind energy project in Massachusetts, because it threatens the view of Nantucket Sound.

    8. Carbon trading: The attempt to set up a system for trading carbon emission allowances to thwart global warming gave purveyors of alarmism a way to cash in on their hysterical ranting. Former Vice President and global warming guru Al Gore founded a private equity firm, Generation Investment Management, which trades in carbon offsets, and he made a fortune. He even purchases carbon credits from the company for his own personal use, which comes to $30,000 a year just for his posh Belle Meade mansion in Nashville, Tenn.

    9. Greenwashing: Greenwashing is a term used to describe companies that use marketing to portray false claims that they are turning green. Usually these companies spend more on advertising than any real effort to save energy. The next time you see a hotel room sign promoting the reuse of towels to save the environment, recognize that it is just spin.

    10. Al Gore: Al Gore transformed his movie An Inconvenient Truth into a mega-money maker (see No. 8). What is truly inconvenient about his Nobel Prize-winning film were the 11 falsehoods that it contained, as determined by a British court, including the misleading suggestion that Hurricane Katrina was caused by global warming.

  13. #7473
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    Sep 2006
    "Oh take me back to the land of cotton, where sanity and reality are long forgotton.....go away, go away, go away Mother Nature"...whatever.

    I watched a DVD last night called "The 'Burbs", wow... it gives you an eerie feeling to think that is how the land of the "free" are behaving, can't help but think the problems are self generated and unstoppable.......so ride on DOE, ain't gonna cure any ills no matter what legislation you dream up.

    OK, OK, I heard yo'all....it's just a movie....but it was an epitomization of the average day in the 'Burbs of the land beyond the sea.....couldn't be in Paris or Madrid or anywhere else in the World, 'cos it REPRESENTS the character of the people it relates to.

    The DOE is just another epitomization of how some people like to impress others by their weird and wacko idea of saving the environment, but all the guns in the world, in the hands of freedom lovers, won't cure that illness, otherwise they'd make a law to make cartridges for guns loaded with low propellent filling so's you could dodge the bullets aimed in your direction, thereby actually saving lives, but that wouldn't cure the overpopulation problem the World has, so in actual fact, maybe more powerfull handguns are the answer.

  14. #7474
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    Sep 2006
    BTW....Dufa....quoting the findings of a UK court finding, re the 11 inconsistencies of Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth", as you mention in #8 last post, is actually assuming the court is not being influenced by the current political party ruling in the UK, and is leaning in their direction by default.

    It is distinctly possible that the Brits have a very real distrust for anything Yankee originated, and view the 11 exposes of The Inconvenient Truth as just another Wild Western, so as Brits do, they dismiss it with a wave of the hand.

    The consensus of informed opinions, World wide, is still on Al Gore's side, otherwise the current trend for Carbon Trading practices would have died a natural death, which it hasn't, and the machinery of environmentalism at any price is gathering momentum like no other cause in history.....THE NEW WORLD ORDER will see that it succeeds, come what may....coming from nowhere they have nothing to lose and all to gain.

  15. #7475
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    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    The consensus of informed opinions, World wide, is still on Al Gore's side, otherwise the current trend for Carbon Trading practices would have died a natural death, which it hasn't, and the machinery of environmentalism at any price is gathering momentum like no other cause in history.....THE NEW WORLD ORDER will see that it succeeds, come what may....coming from nowhere they have nothing to lose and all to gain.
    if consensus counted we would all be sitting in europe, japan, china, etc. staring out at the ocean wondering why all the water did not fall off the earth into the void.

    actually this is part of the great communist/marxist/ paul pot type of action. while pot used the gun to empty the cities and force everyone into the jungle, obama and the un minions want to use, at times and only for now, the carrot, to do that to us. getting us to give up the energy that made our civilization, in favor of living in the dirt, in mud huts, with all of the inventions of mankind long lost in the dust of unrecorded history.

    i vote NO when it comes to "returning us to nature" at the point of a gun or the result of the department of energy or even the un.

  16. #7476
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Sorry to dissilusion you Infantry, the majority of people vote for the strongest party, 'cos they get things done, no matter if'n they be Communist, liberal, Conservative, Labour or Democratic leftist with leanings to the centre right, or if'n you really want to be left out in the minority parade corner, the Enviro Nuts and Green Brigade.

    All parties worth their salt are playing the Green card, 'cos that's where the action lies and to appear to be Green is to appear to be good for the Planet Earth saviours.

    The end result is you get to go along for the ride, 'cos you are the ones paying the Enviro bill, and you did give them power of attorney over you, so whatever they dream up you gotta like it.

    Do you want to protest against the Carbon Tax....they'll put you in a straight jacket and sedate you to keep you under control.....tell me it can't happen.

    I love taxes....I don't actually pay any taxes, being retired, and the taxes yo'all pay help to keep me in my comfort zone, so keep on with the good work.... Grey Power rules.

  17. #7477
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Something that will make a few people happy............

    Predators in Your Backyard | Watch Free Documentary Online

    The scientist's statement at the end of the last segment says a lot about scientific ethics....

    Predators in Your Backyard

    Across the world scientists are releasing predators, nature’s ultimate killers, close to where people live.

    In Florida, a new population of panthers, feared as ambush predators, have been released near to the busy town of Naples.

    In the Italian Alps, bears have been reintroduced after they became virtually extinct, and now try to get into people’s homes in the middle of the night.

    And in Yellowstone National Park, wolves have been brought back 70 years after they were exterminated.

    Horizon meets the scientists behind this radical scheme, and the people who now have to share their backyards with these dangerous predators.

  18. #7478
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Well the people don't "have to share their backyards with predators". They can choose to if they wish, but they don't HAVE to...

  19. #7479
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Climate Modeling Circuitry

    No wonder I couldn't make it work.....all this time I've been using a fivefiftyfive!!!

    xkcd: Circuit Diagram

  20. #7480
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Being an Alchemist you would of course wave your magic wand when you "process" this circuit, but at the same time you must also intone the magic words, "Magaliah Magaliah, Hokus Pokus", otherwise it doesn't work...... the G in Magaliah is pronounced like the CH in the Scottish Loch....clearing your throat at the same time also helps to pronounce the word.

    BTW, the 666 is only an alternative to the 555, and has two more legs on each side, and is used in the confobulator mode.

    Back to the Climate change topic, the Spanish ambassador recently adressed the UN closed Council for Climate Control, and proposed that all windmills currently supplied by Windmania Inc from the CPRGC, (Chinese Peoples Republic of Greater China) be fitted with armoured blades to prevent the followers of Donald Quotey from sabotaging them with long pointed wooden poles on horseback.

    The resolution was passed unanimously, and all current models World wide are to be recalled and modified accordingly.

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