MasterCAM support got back to me yesterday. I sent the link for this discussion, but I dont know if the guy looked at it. I sent them my MC9 with the corrugated pattern and the profile of the building. Im sure the guy knew what I was trying to do because of his previous email responses, but the final email just said to use xForm-->Roll. That was the best they could come up with, so I guess:
There is no way (and no C-hook) to make one contour pattern follow another contour in MasterCam (all versions). :bs:
They didnt have an answer for my problem of not being able to roll properly from the front C-plane, but whatev. Its already enough hassle having to move the geometry because it only rolls around the origin, so having to translate it to another C-plane isnt really a big deal. MasterCAM is not MasterCAD, but I still think a C-hook should be written to do this.
And that about sums it up for this thread.
Thanks Gogego and Superman for trying to help.