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IndustryArena Forum > Employment Opportunity / RFQ (Request for Quote). > Employment Opportunity > RFQ 400 Easy manual or CNC lathe parts out of 304SS
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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    kyle, this problem is for everyone, if we can't make any money how are we to consume anything? are to resort to theivery or start working at McDonalds? oh wait, sooner or later no one will be able to afford a big mac so we won't need mcdonalds any longer either. granted this is an extreme case but asking US companies to compete with companies that have no regulations is ridiculous. although i do have to believe thatthe playing field will level sooner or later as the chinese wise up and start demanding better wages, and the cost to ship products goes up and the weak dollar drives up prices overseas.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    This is worthy of a whole other thread, and if you'd like to start it I'd love to discuss it, but the only comment I have is: A big problem for who? Your company? Oh yea. Retailers? No. Consumers? No. Like I said definitely worthy of another thread. This thread is for telling me what a little ******* I am.

    No, I'am not here to call you names. Your still young and have alot to learn. Retailers and consumers alike are suffering from the lack of balance in our trade with China. This problem is not hard to see. Yes, there are a few people benefiting from this, that's why it exsists.
    Your right this thread has gone astray. Perhaps, you should start a thread about the benefits that America receives from this trade problem.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Talking Why is anyone......

    First I'd like to know why everyone is letting a 19 year old get them upset, second he is ignorant as all h*** to even come on this site and ask for a part to machined. If he can get it done over in China.....well then let him, let him find out on his own that there quality of machining cannot even begin to compare to American/Canadians......who even cares about the Republic of China and what they do with there money, if you are so caught up in Communism then you should probably stop going to an American college and ship you sorry pathetic A** to China.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    The high paid auto workers are easy to target, thats why I chose them for what I had said, they are the extreme in overpay. Heck, I think McDonalds here is paying $8 or $9/hour, just to assemble a precooked cheese burger and drop some fries. I would be surprised if the average tool maker in China makes money compatible to what a first year apprentice makes here. The large gap in material prices also come from wages as well as regulations, they honestly don't care if a person in China is safe at work... safety is extremely overlooked there, the environment is overlooked there, people are overlooked there. To say that we couldn't compete even with free labor is only looking at your own shop, if all of your suppliers used free labor and all of their suppliers used free labor all the way to the site where the iron ore was dug our of the earth by free labor I would have to say that you could compete. I don't like it any more than the next guy, I tend to spend more to buy as much American made product as I can while not throwing away money. I think this will be one of the largest issues that the US has ever seen.

    As far as the quote on the parts that this thread was started for, enjoy your Chinese parts. Try explaining to all of your friends why they can't afford to eat anything but cat food in 10 years how it was not you that caused it. Here's a though, if the economy fails you will be right there with us regardless of how cheap you can buy the parts, there will be nobody here that can afford them.


  5. #25
    KyleH2 Guest
    I have PM'd a moderator, hopefully they'll close this thread down. Taking a macroeconomics class from the local community college is something everyone should consider as well as looking into Mercantilism, Classical and neo-Classical theories of economics as well as the phrase rent-seeking as it relates to economics.

    There is also a pretty good, mostly unbiased online video textbook called TTC economics 3rd edition by Timothy Taylor. Its a set fo macro and micro economic lectures that does a good job of stating proven policy and providing examples that show why it is so good.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    RFQ Closed Per Author's Request
    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

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