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  1. #4101
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Fat Americans are a Space alien conspiracy.

    They are going to eat the fat ones first.....
    Been doing this too long

  2. #4102
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by bostosh View Post
    Fat Americans are a Space alien conspiracy.

    They are going to eat the fat ones first.....
    Just another conspiracy theory. Balderdash!

    "Friends are those rare people who ask how you are and then wait for the answer."

  3. #4103
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Geof View Post
    Considering droughts are events that occur over months or years I am not surprised they cannot be predicted on a monthly timer scale.
    It would appear that the models don't do so well on longer time scales either....

    Abstract: Geographically distributed predictions of future climate, obtained through climate models, are widely used in hydrology and many other disciplines, typically without assessing their reliability. Here we compare the output of various models to temperature and precipitation observations from eight stations with long (over 100 years) records from around the globe. The results show that models perform poorly, even at a climatic (30-year) scale. Thus local model projections cannot be credible, whereas a common argument that models can perform better at larger spatial scales is unsupported.


    What cracked me up is reading their view that the AR4 models don't do any better than the TAR models....We've spent how much to refine the models and get MORE dire predictions with wider temperature ranges??

    Lemme do the the FAR (Fifth Assessment Report), and I'll only charge $200Mil and give you an even WIDER range of predictions than ever!

    Ocean levels up as much as 600meters, Quebec could become a desert, and ALL the polar bears could die!!

    ...oh yeah...and Peru will sink.

  4. #4104
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    I think we can safely say that as the world in general is now coming to terms with the prospect of global warming/cooling, the events that will follow are going to cause a lot of people problems, if they just contiue to go deeper into denier mode.
    Superficially maybe. But, I sense the world has come to the conclusion there are limited resources and politicians at play, jockeying for their share of the profits they can rob. Also the prosperity of nations are at stake preparing for growth, with the elites using built in AGW excuses to reduce access and consumption to the only viable cheap energy resources in order to support their own power expansion. The trickery is to make the currently available energy more expensive by inflating real prices to make a supplemental and more costly yet less efficient alternatives more palatable. From what we have witnessed and experienced, many of these alternative do nothing to improve air quality or have other hidden environmental impacts yet to be disclosed. Along with this realization, while gold may be a vehicle for equal trade, energy is what drives the engine of capitalism to support that trade. Therefore IMHO the true value of energy is becoming the driving force of the politico's taking the lions share of their free gratis profit for doing nothing, using only a pittance toward the climate, they know full well, they have no measure of control over.

    The facts do not always fit the picture that some would like to paint. Take the US as an example. For some strange reason the miles driven are up 36% from last year. Hmmmm, the oil companies profits are up about the same amount. Out of the $20,000/second figure some quote the fuel oil companies take in, there is about $4000/second in taxes and $15000/second in cost with around $1000-1500/second in profit. Which works out to be what…. a 2-5% margin? Our government takes more out as 100% profit and still rakes it in on down the line from other products produced with this energy. I can agree fully with conservation, but those in government should set the example. Instead they create laws imposing greater taxation on everyone else. The DNC just got caught red faced accessing and taking advantage of government fuel depots so they could avoid the higher cost on taxed retail fuel for travel expenses. It is the fox in the hen house and it has no plans of leaving any time soon. They all seem to be awaiting a new batch of hens from time to time; all on our dime.

    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    Just saw a video from a flood event in Wisconsin, where whole houses were being washed away.
    What bloody fool builds a house anywhere near a river that is known to flood it's banks quite regularly?

    That's like buying real estate in Tornado Alley, real prime stuff I'll bet.
    The same bloody fools that issue permits for building in areas below sea level, on the sea shore, or in tornado and earthquake zones. Placing one's self in the path of nature where tragedy has happened before and is bound to happen again is somehow my responsibility to make good on either by higher insurance rates, federal legislation or some ridiculous assumption in reducing my carbon footprint to save their sorry arses?


    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    Given that the climate is going to take a turn for the worst, how yo'all gonna feed yourselves?

    I bet Obama hasn't a clue, he hasn't even mentioned how he's gonna handle the coming events, and as he might only last 4 or 5 years in office I don't suppose he gives a rats arsss, too many other problems to worry about while getting the most out of the appointment.

    I read an item on the CNN news about if the Chinese continue to progress at the current rate they will soon be consuming at the same rate as the US and that would then take the resources of another whole planet Earth just to sustain them only.
    How is climate change a given other than it always has and always will be a changing. You are only giving credit to one slim possibility that science has yet to agree will or will not happen. China and India combined in the next 10 years may consume equal to the US. Which I have heard is currently 25% of the oil pumped now. With reasonable conservation and far better fuel efficiency, we could all share 25-30%. The projections see 50% of all oil produced may be consumed by the US, China and India in the next decade. If there were better alternates out there, the world would be using them now without hesitation. CNN's sensationalized reporting has you hypnotized in the outer limits.

    When the US gets to the point of China and their governments methods of controlling the population by killing their surplus young, then I'll give your points due credibility.

    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    Dufa rants and Fizzwizz rails, but sticks and stones just break windows.

    BTW, according to legend when Confucius lost his way on a world trip, he ended up in Greece and was so taken by the Greeks and their philosophy that when he got back to China he wrote down the philosophical verses, and it is this for which he is remembered because the Romans beat the living sh!ts out of the Greeks and burned their philosophy and as the Chinese were never conquored it is this version which I quoted.
    Never quote or back a loser.

    OK, so the Greeks were great guys and wear skirts in the army, but you don't see anything "Made in greece" on the hardware supermarket shelves.

    There is no record of Confucius ever leaving China in his travels. There is no record of the Greek's giving him hospitality. I'd suspect that legend is made up out of whole ear cloth you've sewn a silk purse with!

    Just like most other great civilizations that fell, were terminated by some other despot that wanted something and war was the ends to their means.


  5. #4105
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by fizzissist View Post
    PREDICTING A DRY SPELL: Because there are so many factors that come into play, scientists can't really predict a drought in a particular region more than a month or so in advance.
    According to http://www.livescience.com/environme...kend-rain.html ,all that has to be done is to get a bunch of cars and drive them around in circles.....wallah, instant rain........ ;-)

  6. #4106
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Touche, One Of Many, I see some of the posters are awake.

    No, that was just to parabalise (I'm reinventing the Englosh) to make a point and keep it a bit on the light side, too many po faced knowalls with tunnel vision.

    But supposing Con foo actually made it to Greece, like that Chinese bloke who went around the world in a junk before columbus and co.

    They didn't have paper in those days and parchment costs a bob or two, so I expect he would have been a bit choosy as to what he commited to print, which probably decided him to put down his thoughts on philosophical issues as opposed to "My holiday travels to far off places now being influenced by Roman ideas"

    The whole point of the issue that will affect mankind is that, everyone et al, are using the present good weather, good times, good trading, good war results, good money making schemes using cheap energy supplies etc as a view of the future without actually visualising what it would be like to run out of simple things like turning on the tap to wash your hands.

    Supposing you had a meter on the tap and you were being charged $1 a litre for clean drinking water, would you consider that to be a hardship?

    No, because you'd pay the price willingly without a thought, seeing as by that time you'd be earning a billion dollars a day anyway.

    How about if you had to walk a mile to get a bucket of water (a bucket of water weighs about 20LBs) and a mile back without spilling it having stood in line for two hours, and the water was full of ugly bits that you had to drink anyway? Seems primitive? Some people still have that as their "modern" day option.

    Katrina opened a lot of eyes to the ramifications of reduced living conditions when the world goes pear shaped, but whereas katrina induced hardships lasted (for some) a short while, the coming climatic change will make a total rethink an actuality for long term.

    I don't think for one moment that the previous bustling economy of the mid 50's is ever going to return, for to have that scenario today would mean that all the present highly paid and highly skilled machine workers in the Western world would have to be retrained to enable them to push green buttons when red lights flash etc and do it for $2 a day, otherwise who wants their cheap consumer products when the Chinese are already making cheap consumer products.

    To compete against the Chinese the US would have to give all the college education away and retrain their growing work force to push more green buttons than the Chinese and do it for $1 a day, that's competition for you.

    The other alternative is artificial intelligence and robots doing the manufacturing (before the Chinese et al do it) making the total work force redundant and so creating a new order of peasant workers ripe for working on the land.
    The Mexicans can show you how.

    Then your food production can be assured.

    Only one fly in the ointment, there will be too many redundent drones to feed seeing as how the growing population is going to take over the prime real estate leaving less arable land to actually produce the extra food required.

    You Humanoids just gonna have to shed a bit of the deadwood, or not create it in the first place.

    Ultimately you can blame the appearance of oil in the 1800's as the root cause of all your problems, beacause oil created a Cornucopia mindset that although only 200 years old has tainted and warped the thinking of the world forever.

    Even now, the Humanoid thinking is to equal the gross consumerism way of life of 21st century living, based on the free energy aquisition currently available from oil, by using the free power locked up in sunlight, as opposed to scaling down resource uses and promoting conservation and crowd control.

    Who was it who said," If you continue creating the same problems and curing them using the same solutions, you will never eliminate the problems at all?

  7. #4107
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    "..."If two things happen at the same time, it doesn't mean one caused the other," Bell said...... Ya mean like CO2 and temperature???

    Of course there are very likely thresholds, but if that theory of pollution-rain holds true, it should be pouring rain in Beijing all the time! But no, even with all the particulates/aerosols from coal, charcoal, diesel and dust, the Chinese were still trying to seed for cleansing rain.

    V. Ramanathan of Scripps is going to be heading a CAPMEX study using an UAV flown out of Korea to learn about extreme pollution and possible mitigation. One thing they've learned so far is that "brown clouds" can interfere with normal cloud formation....

    ....So, if you drive too much, you're screwed. If you drive too little, you won't get there!!

  8. #4108
    I think the origin of the problem precedes the discovery of oil by a few hundred thousand years. Rather I think it started with humans developing a wrinkled cerebral cortex and becoming sentient as an unfortunate consequence. Clearly you must have come to the same conclusion seeing as how your writings are so decorticated, perhaps an attempt to personally correct the original cause of the problem? Thinking gives your brain wrinkles.:-)


  9. #4109
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    Touche, One Of Many, I see some of the posters are awake.

    No, that was just to parabalise (I'm reinventing the Englosh) to make a point and keep it a bit on the light side, too many po faced knowalls with tunnel vision.

    But supposing Con foo actually made it to Greece, like that Chinese bloke who went around the world in a junk before columbus and co.

    They didn't have paper in those days and parchment costs a bob or two, so I expect he would have been a bit choosy as to what he commited to print, which probably decided him to put down his thoughts on philosophical issues as opposed to "My holiday travels to far off places now being influenced by Roman ideas"

    The whole point of the issue that will affect mankind is that, everyone et al, are using the present good weather, good times, good trading, good war results, good money making schemes using cheap energy supplies etc as a view of the future without actually visualising what it would be like to run out of simple things like turning on the tap to wash your hands.
    No, you are confirming my suspicion that you'd rather bend the facts to fit your fiction than stick to the ethics taught by these philosophers you quote. By Passing off a fabrication as intellectual prowess in historical annals places much of your claims to superior knowledge in jeopardy. Parable my a$$, but I guess it proves you are human with all the character traits still intact. In all walks of life we meet knowall's, knownothin's and poker faced liars. The genuine are rare indeed.

    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    Supposing you had a meter on the tap and you were being charged $1 a litre for clean drinking water, would you consider that to be a hardship?

    No, because you'd pay the price willingly without a thought, seeing as by that time you'd be earning a billion dollars a day anyway.

    How about if you had to walk a mile to get a bucket of water (a bucket of water weighs about 20LBs) and a mile back without spilling it having stood in line for two hours, and the water was full of ugly bits that you had to drink anyway? Seems primitive? Some people still have that as their "modern" day option..
    Let's see. I live in an area that has an abundance of water with a well on my property that may cost $8-15/month to run the pump. So your example is not to far off from my current daily usage to future wages at $1/liter. If I were making 1 billion dollars each 24hr period.... Heck, at that rate of income to water cost, I am just guessing at the math here, but water will be much cheaper than city water is now. If I stay at my average rate of maybe 15 gallons/day=56.78118 liters would leave me with plenty of my daily Billion for other life expenses. Life goes on. Inflation has compensated the value of water.

    Is that supposed to force guilt on me enough to ship milk jugs of my water footprint to those less fortunate? Or is this another parable that just didn't quite work to your advantaged scoring system made up to suit the tide as you go along?

    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    Katrina opened a lot of eyes to the ramifications of reduced living conditions when the world goes pear shaped, but whereas katrina induced hardships lasted (for some) a short while, the coming climatic change will make a total rethink an actuality for long term.

    Here we go again?

    Another city permitted BELOW SEA LEVEL waiting for the right conditions.

    Katrina's are bound to happen. The result was a failure of people that lived there, the local officials and anyone else they can pass the buck too while ducking responsibility. The geography of the land and historical recipe for disaster was pre-ordained with well known risk factors covered with band-aid engineering, corrupt government and lack of leadership in their hour of need. It is so dense to conclude that when people get in the way of natural weather conditions, they can somehow cling to the notion that Americana carbon sins were the chickens coming home to roost and it only gets worse from here.

    We get the same disjointed mentality from radicals connecting the American toleration of gay life styles as the reason for our soldiers dying in Iraq. Well, now that I think about it, this may be why San Fran Sicko has complaints with military recruiters in their area.

    Paranoia doesn't require any connection to reality. Outsiders and deniers are always expected to conform or there is hell to pay.


  10. #4110
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Arctic Ocean Getting Warm; Seals Vanish and Icebergs Melt.

    I found this on another forum and it may have been posted before, but........

    "The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consul Ifft, at Bergen, Norway.

    Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers, he declared, all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met with as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm.

    Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared. Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts, which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds."

    The above is an article from the Nov. 2, 1922 edition of The Washington Post and can be found on the NOAA archive website below:


    In the words of the great Yogi Berra, "It’s Deja Vu all over again"
    "Friends are those rare people who ask how you are and then wait for the answer."

  11. #4111
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I'm almost embarrassed to admit....

    The disjointed sentences, warped logic, the apples-to-oranges analogies, the ignorance of history and facts....
    ....and the constant reference to "humanoids".....

    Koko has learned to type.

    We've been arguing with a primate.

  12. #4112
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Malthusian Muhammad -- We Don' Need No Steenkin' Evidence!

    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    No, that was just to parabalise (I'm reinventing the Englosh) to make a point and keep it a bit on the light side, too many po faced knowalls with tunnel vision.
    Caught. Lying.

    But supposing Con foo actually made it to Greece, like that Chinese bloke who went around the world in a junk before columbus and co.
    No. Why?

    The whole point of the issue that will affect mankind is that, everyone et al, are using the present good weather, good times, good trading, good war results, good money making schemes using cheap energy supplies etc as a view of the future without actually visualising what it would be like to run out of simple things like turning on the tap to wash your hands.
    Especially the doomsayers who are destroying the very things that made all of this possible. Your doomsday predictions can only come true if you are successful at destroying the freedom from which your sustenance comes.

    <snip all the stuff that will happen when you get your way>

    Katrina opened a lot of eyes to the ramifications of reduced living conditions when the world goes pear shaped,
    Arguable. The reason the hurricane was blamed on the administration was because it had the effect of moving huge numbers of parasites out of the area. Parasites aren't survivalists!

    but whereas katrina induced hardships lasted (for some) a short while, the coming climatic change will make a total rethink an actuality for long term.
    Here you are pretending to be prescient again. You may go ahead and live your life in the desert, thinking it will soon be waterfront property. I don't think so. But the doom you foretell will come about if your kind try to seize power with guns. Those of us who don't think so will make sure it turns ugly if you try.

    I don't think for one moment that the previous bustling economy of the mid 50's is ever going to return, for to have that scenario today would mean that all the present highly paid and highly skilled machine workers in the Western world would have to be retrained to enable them to push green buttons when red lights flash etc and do it for $2 a day, otherwise who wants their cheap consumer products when the Chinese are already making cheap consumer products.

    To compete against the Chinese the US would have to give all the college education away and retrain their growing work force to push more green buttons than the Chinese and do it for $1 a day, that's competition for you.

    The other alternative is artificial intelligence and robots doing the manufacturing (before the Chinese et al do it) making the total work force redundant and so creating a new order of peasant workers ripe for working on the land.
    The Mexicans can show you how.

    Then your food production can be assured.
    Whatayaknow, a Malthusian machinist! Your knowledge of economics is as useful as your knowledge of weather. If anything you say is true, then it is the machinery you operate that should be destroyed. Your own code declares you to be the evil one!

    Only one fly in the ointment, there will be too many redundent drones to feed seeing as how the growing population is going to take over the prime real estate leaving less arable land to actually produce the extra food required.
    The Population Bomb scenario is based on a set of false premises, the most basic of which is reliance on socialist economics to make predictions. All of which have not come true. When these premises became calcified into your brain, it blinded you to the evidence, didn't it? Because it presented a Utopia where you imagine yourself to be omnisicient, where the Enlightened Ones like you get to lord it over the rest of humanity with God-like power, right? A world where you can dictate who is redundant and who is not? You sure are full of yourself.

    You Humanoids just gonna have to shed a bit of the deadwood, or not create it in the first place.
    Here again, the God syndrome hand in hand with a prescription for genocide and even the power to regulate sexual activity. I bet as a God, you will rule like the Islamic Muhammad, wouldn't you? Where the power to regulate sex brings you special benefits, ahhh, dream on!

    Ultimately you can blame the appearance of oil in the 1800's as the root cause of all your problems, beacause oil created a Cornucopia mindset that although only 200 years old has tainted and warped the thinking of the world forever.
    Apparently you skipped history class. The Cornucopia was created by the freedom that allowed capitalism. The oil didn't 'appear'. It was there all along. It was inventions that aid living that made the oil valuable, and freed the common man from living under the boot-heel of your kind. Which angers you to the core, that they can live happily and just ignore you, without depending on you, without needing your permission to work or live. And, they can live better than you do, too, whether you think they deserve it or not (and you don't, do you?)

    All through history, knowledge has been regarded as evil, innovators have been punished. Once freedom allowed the mind to reign free, the jealous incompetents were restrained from using force to crush the inventor and the businessman. But it never stopped them from trying. And even now, the atavistic, nihilistic Mediocre Ones want to put the toothpaste back into the tube, using the same weapons as always -- faith, ignorance, and force. Your concern for mankind is fake. You don't care if people live in misery and poverty, or if large numbers of them starve to death. You hope for it, yearn for it, and imagine yourself having the power to make it so. You can't have the world you want by just letting people alone, so you have to grab any claim to try to justify using force to get them to do what you want. And what you want is to have God-like power over those who demonstrate that they are better than you by doing things you don't have the intellect or guts to do.

    Even now, the Humanoid thinking is to equal the gross consumerism way of life of 21st century living, based on the free energy aquisition currently available from oil, by using the free power locked up in sunlight, as opposed to scaling down resource uses and promoting conservation and crowd control.
    Here again, we see the God Syndrome with dreams of total control over everybody, using the socialist construct of "consumerism" to attempt to smuggle some justification into the argument. "Conservation and crowd control", oh, yes. Control over what people can have, and control over what they do, control over whether they will even be allowed to exist. Dream on. The only people who deserve that happening to them are those who wish it upon others. I will fight it happening to me, but I will be busy elsewhere when they come to rule over you. Which might happen if you tried any of that on a neighbor, for example. You might get a taste of the tyranny you pine for; the deafness to reason, the powerlessness of an infant, in a place very near you. A place where evidence is meaningless, and the man with a degree that gives him the agreement of the community has total and absolute power over others. But it might be YOU wearing the straightjacket. And the padded walls will heed you not.

    [/quote] Who was it who said," If you continue creating the same problems and curing them using the same solutions, you will never eliminate the problems at all?

    Lots of people said it. Your problem and your solutions gave us tyranny for ages. This time, we might be able to prevent a slide back into another dark age. No thanks to people like you.

    People adapt to climate change, recover from disaster, and improve their lot continuously, unless prevented by tyrants and their sycophants. Your arguments might be convincing to the credulous masses. Maybe even a majority of them. But there will be a lot more people to fight you, this time. This time, we know the stakes, we know your cheap intellectual trickery, and will not let you or your kind disguise your illegitimate claim to superior knowledge nor your plan for genocide.

    What's this got to do with Global Warming? This is the Al Gore argument laid bare.

    Word of the day: "Quisling".



  13. #4113
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by NinerSevenTango View Post
    Caught. Lying.

    No. Why? etc, etc, etc.........


    97T.....You are talking way above Handywipes mental capacity, He can only understand and react to simple, childlike words and expressions.

  14. #4114
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    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    Dufa rants and Fizzwizz rails, but sticks and stones just break windows.
    One does not have to rant to describe an idiot like handywipe. One can whisper and it will sound exceedingly loud especially to Handlewanker, the one with obvious mental problems..

    Fizzwizz has more collected intelligence in a single post than you have displayed in everything that you have written here. Keep reaching up though, you may reach a higher low.....

  15. #4115
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    Sep 2006
    Oh Dufa, but he does go on at such great length don't 'ee?

    All that freedom yo'all got, 200 years back some, gone to yor fool head boy, now you think you gonna rule the world.

    Didn't it ever occur to, you some folks don't like your kind of fooling about in your trying to rule their world?

    Well bigger and more prepared folk been and tried that lark some time back and it took more than the likes of you lot to put them down.

    How come you got so many problems if what you say is the "preferred" way, like how come the "Ugly American" is a synonym for all that is undesirable, less of course inflation and poverty is one way to get the others to see your point of view.

    Possibly you think yo' gonna outbreed the Chinese, well they're streets ahead of you on that one.

    Like I said, if you only took the time to read instead of frothing at the gills, you'd see that I prefer the method of limiting population growth from the beginning, but you seem to preferr to breed your damm fool selves out of existence.

    How many eminent thinkers in your fair and distant land does it take to change your light bulb?

    Apparently none, seeing as the light in your tunnel is fast becoming a mere glow.

    You think I'm being unfairly critical of your way of life, well unless you plan to radically change it, perhaps the way of life you once enjoyed will be only a side note in some history book.

    The world is changing, but from the posts many and varied it seems the only solutions so far posed is how to get back to how you were before. How stupid can you get?

    Conficius said, and I have it on good authority that he probably did, :- The reed that will not bend in the wind will break.

    Answer me one question if you would, how yo'all gonna feed all those extra mouths when the power base that funded all your activities has been so eroded by the cheap foreign imports you once made and earned you revenue, that now you are going to go bankrupt.

    Your population will increase, your arable land will decrease and your earning capacity is shrinking, so how you gonna do it?

  16. #4116
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    Oh Dufa, but he does go on at such great length don't 'ee?

    All that freedom yo'all got, 200 years back some, gone to yor fool head boy, now you think you gonna rule the world.

    Didn't it ever occur to, you some folks don't like your kind of fooling about in your trying to rule their world?

    Well bigger and more prepared folk been and tried that lark some time back and it took more than the likes of you lot to put them down.

    How come you got so many problems if what you say is the "preferred" way, like how come the "Ugly American" is a synonym for all that is undesirable, less of course inflation and poverty is one way to get the others to see your point of view.

    Possibly you think yo' gonna outbreed the Chinese, well they're streets ahead of you on that one.

    Like I said, if you only took the time to read instead of frothing at the gills, you'd see that I prefer the method of limiting population growth from the beginning, but you seem to preferr to breed your damm fool selves out of existence.

    How many eminent thinkers in your fair and distant land does it take to change your light bulb?

    Apparently none, seeing as the light in your tunnel is fast becoming a mere glow.

    You think I'm being unfairly critical of your way of life, well unless you plan to radically change it, perhaps the way of life you once enjoyed will be only a side note in some history book.

    The world is changing, but from the posts many and varied it seems the only solutions so far posed is how to get back to how you were before. How stupid can you get?

    Conficius said, and I have it on good authority that he probably did, :- The reed that will not bend in the wind will break.

    Answer me one question if you would, how yo'all gonna feed all those extra mouths when the power base that funded all your activities has been so eroded by the cheap foreign imports you once made and earned you revenue, that now you are going to go bankrupt.

    Your population will increase, your arable land will decrease and your earning capacity is shrinking, so how you gonna do it?
    You are nothing but a one note samba. I don't think that small brain of yours can do anything else but proclaim doom and gloom, hate and despair, or is it that you do hate so much that you wish America to just disappear. Judging from your prior posts and this one, you hate the US so much, it probably gives you headaches or works on your mental inefficiencies and deficiencies..

    I suggest that you begin reading a different class of comic books, the ones you are reading now are filling you with falsehoods and other dangerous thoughts... You sound like someone who would have been proud to stand at Hitler's or Stalin's side, goose stepping in concert and smiling at the dirty deeds....

  17. #4117
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Ok Dufa, calm down, just go and bury your head, and it will all go away......nothing left.

    Just remember, we sent our people out in the Mayflower to colonize your world and look what you've done to it.
    Makes you weep.

  18. #4118
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    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    we sent our people out in the Mayflower to colonize your world
    Trust you to try and slip in a subliminal rectum reference...

  19. #4119
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Never mentioned the word, but then apparently it's quite a fetish over on your side of the pond.

    I prefer to stay with the Global climate change ramifications as documented by eminent scientist that are gaining world wide attention.

    If you don't think this is going to be an issue in the near future, ask Obama or McCain how they stand with the impending climatic change, that is if you can get them to reply to you seeing as yo'all are considered just grist for their personal mills.

    Never could stand the silent minority wingeing all the time.

    Ha Ha I just had to read your post again to see what you were driving at, colonise, is that what's getting yo'all excited, weirdos.....

  20. #4120
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    In the lemming-rush towards the cliff, there are always opportunities. Once enough inertia is gained, any rent-seeker who doesn't get into the game early enough will lose out on the opportunity to get free money, and any politician who doesn't jump on the bandwagon will be overtaken by rivals on account of missing the chance to grab influence, power, kick-backs, and bribes with lots and lots of contracts to award.

    The first step in the transformation has begun: simply pass regulations that make it unnecessary to run energy calculations before building power-generating capacity -- in other words, make the power of the gun supreme over the laws of physics and economics. Any time the law is contrary to the laws of physics or economics, a new class of wealthy is created; those who climb aboard the pirate ship first will rule it.

    The process is fully underway in New York now:



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