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  1. #7901
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Yeah I like that idea, a Nuclear waste dump in the Sun to consume all the waste that could ever be produced.......er, how we gonna get it there Doc....no problem son, we'all gonna put a few ton at a time on one 'o those rocket shuttle thingies as a by product pay load to the space station and just let it keep on going to the Sun....yo' mean Batman, like the Apollo 13 rocket shuttle thingie, the "Housten we got a probmem" type....gee Batman, imagine severl tons of hot stuff coming back in to make a forced landing somewhere, anywhwere away form where I'm standing right now.

    You wanna go Nuke solution to the finite energy problem......the Japanese are now eating and drinking the stuff.....that's how hopless it becomes when you can't clean up the contamination......one heck of a testimony for a system that was primarily and only designed to make the biggest bang in history....the further useage was an afterthought.

    You wanna play with fire...yo' done gonna get yo' fool fingers burned boyo.

    BTW, what can you actually predict that can be prevented before it happens....it has never been done.

  2. #7902
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    10 guage sheet metal in a nuke reactor is no more a containment system than tin foil.

    Quote Originally Posted by petersenonmain View Post
    infantry11b, Chernobyl did to have a containment system, it only happened to be 10 gage sheet metal but it was there. LOL When the military came in and ran an experiment to get a a specific isotope and caused a runaway reaction that they were not able to get under control and it was down hill from there.

    Japan was caused by the Japanese trying to save face. There was an ability to get the generators there in a timely manner if they had of asked. they could have sent enough Caterpillar gen. units from Illinois to keep the cooling running and I know they have similar units there.

    Always remember no matter how good you engineer something, you always have to have a backup plan because if something can go wrong it will. You can't engineer for the worst case scenario or the price tag would be so high it would be impossible to build.

  3. #7903
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    infantry11b LOL means Laugh out loud as in a joke.

  4. #7904
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    You wanna go Nuke solution to the finite energy problem......the Japanese are now eating and drinking the stuff.....that's how hopless it becomes when you can't clean up the contamination.....
    And that small leak (that gets SO much media drama hype) has hurt exactly who?

    Don't you remember oil leaks wiping out entire areas of animals and sea life, health tolls of air pollution from car smog etc causing a lot of illness and respiratory related death toll, chemical spills in rivers killing quite a lot of people in some "less regulated" countries, etc.

  5. #7905
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    LOL.....oh I see, I thought it meant "LIKE it OR LUMP it"...or was that too shortened, no matter.....anyone who thinks Nuke solution is a risk worth taking better be wearing lead undies, even if'n you can't see the internal damage eating and drinking food contaminated with Nuke fallout can cause you, at least they'll bury you looking good, probably in a mass grave dug with a bulldozer to make sure you and all the others don't contaminate the ground water....LOL.....this gives a whole new meaning for someone who's "The Hottest Thing In Town".

    One things for sure, with a Nuke industry on every street corner (you'll need that many if'n you gonna replace coal and oil as prime energy producer) the next thing you'll need will be a 100% top dollar healthcare system and a social service plan for the new unemployable to cater for all the ailments that suddenly start to occur.....can't see it or smell it but you still get to suffer from the effects terminally.

    Hot HOly jumping Jehosephat Batman, you mean with the President giving all that money away to prop up the economy there's no healthcare system.....I'm outta here Batman.

    Anyone who goes for a Nuke industry plan better have full shares in a very productive Uranium mine, otherwise you not only owe your souls still to the Arab League for all that oil your sons, daughters and fathers shed their blood for out East, but to anyone else with Uranium deposits worth mining.

    So, do windmills and PV panels look good now....at least the only danger from a windmill would be if'n the blades fell off while you were sleeping under one of them...LOL.

    It has been said that the PV panels are relatively inneficient.....so make lots of them....more jobs for the unemployed....and they only have a lifespan of 25 years max....so once again, the unemployed will be well catered for, for many many years to come....now that's put a whole different interpretation on the term "renewable energy", probably someone left the word "producers" off the end of that phrase.

    There would have to be two new industries to cater for the new Energy needs...one to actually make the things and another to pull them down and break them up....sounds like a full time job.....you can't do that with old "HOT" Nuke facilities, and if'n you think you got problems with dumping all your rubbish now, wait till they start dumping Nuke waste by uncertified private contractors.....Tony Soprano et al.

  6. #7906
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    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by infantry11b View Post
    actually chernobyl did not have a containment system, like all of ours do. the soviets did not care much about safety, they just needed the energy and fast. they went broke trying to keep up with the west.

    as for japan, no one can predict the largest quake in recorded japan history along with the largest tidal wave - 75 feet in some instances - that would shut down the secondary systems. the primary system functioned like they were supposed to.

    nuke energy is still the best and cheapest and we make it safer every day. got a problem with waste - we not a nuke storage plant 93 million miles from earth - it eats tons of nuke material every second.
    Didn't the Russians finally admit that their scientists were engaged in an experiment [without saying what it was..]and it got away from them and this experiment started the meltdown ??

  7. #7907
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    oh, you were attempting sarcasm. must have missed it. rofl.:cheers:

    Quote Originally Posted by petersenonmain View Post
    infantry11b LOL means Laugh out loud as in a joke.

  8. #7908
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    dufus, yes that is right

  9. #7909
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dufas View Post
    Didn't the Russians finally admit that their scientists were engaged in an experiment [without saying what it was..]and it got away from them and this experiment started the meltdown ??
    And don't forget the difference between 1950's/60's vacuum tube technology operating some rather poorly designed machinery - compared to modern design and safety practices.

    Comparing Chernobyl to a new design reactor of 2011 is like saying "cars are unsafe" because the wooden wheels on Model-A Fords used to break and cause a crash.

    HW- I took the time to read through your speech on nuke safety and didn't see any logical or factual argument... Only fear and emotional bias. You seem like the people in Victorian times scared of steamships, or electricity, or "those infernal flying machines". There's always some old-timer who just doesn't understand anything about some new technology and is therefore scared of it and thinks it is "bad". It's just human nature.

    That is why we have facts, and research, and constant technological improvements making things better and safer every decade.

  10. #7910
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    Sep 2006
    Yeah, infernal flying machines, Bahhh Humbug....but as I'm currently ignoring you Roman for your racial and biased comments a way back, I will rise to this occasion and say, I didn't get to be an oldie fuddy duddy "old timer" by jumping off tall buildings with my coat tails flapping in the breeze to see if'n I could fly, or jamming my fingers into light sockets to prove the Electro Safe circuit breaker really does cut the power off in a millisecond or so....nay lad...I leave it to idiots like you who think new is the only way and old is old hat.

    You wanna go Nuke...be my guest....ain't gonna be me that "lives" to tell the tale.....LOL.

    As far as embracing new technology....what's new under the Sun....Nuke?....heck man that's oldie stuff, started way back in the last century, '45 or so, 65 years oldie techno B/S, and they still ain't got it fail safe for the likes of you to want to go live next to one in your neighbourhood....

    But when they do....gonna make Chernobyl and Fukoshima seem like a picnic when all the safety measure they now think are not needed are dropped, 'cos they think they got it right finally and cost cutting seems more important than people..... only a fuddy duddy old timer fool from way back when wears belt and braces to be on the safe side....LOL.....at least it won't be me with my pants flapping round my ankles when you get to kiss your fool arse goodbye....LOL.

  11. #7911
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    as you like this post i too like this post very much .a Nuclear waste dump in the Sun to consume all the waste that could ever be produced.......er, how we gonna get it there Doc....no problem son, we'all gonna put a few ton at a time on one 'o those rocket shuttle thingies as a by product pay load to the space station and just let it keep on going to the Sun..

  12. #7912
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by RomanLini View Post
    Comparing Chernobyl to a new design reactor of 2011 is like saying "cars are unsafe" because the wooden wheels on Model-A Fords used to break and cause a crash.

    That is why we have facts, and research, and constant technological improvements making things better and safer every decade.
    that's blasphemy. 97% of scientists agree that Model A Ford wheels were wire. The science is settled.

  13. #7913
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    Sep 2006
    'Ray for new technology....I hear that there's a space thingie....a quite big space thingie....a coupla' tons size big space thingie that's past it's use by date and's gonna make a hard landing anyday soon....better get my hard hat on, never can tell with all that "new fangled technology" on board, probably coming to your neighbourhood soon.

    I draw the line at getting the damm things up there and flying about for years, but when they eventually run outta' steam and decide enough is enough and want to come home, that's where the technology is wanting......"I shot an arrow in the air, it fell to the ground I know not where".....arrows were one of the oldest applications of technology, and that phrase describes how technology mishandled and in the wrong hands does more harm than good.

    It's gonna be a pretty cold day in Hell before I change my energy provider to one that derives their power from Nuke sources......ain't no sense supporting a system that's got the potential to ruin a good bit of wind, water and sunshine that you can have for free.

    I see there's an advert (to one side of this forum) that proposes a group buying of PV panels, savings of 50% on full retail price....now we're getting there...now the price has already plummeted to the half way mark....and they ain't proposing to buy second hand or reject junk either.....full top dollar regular production stuff.......wow an $8,000 set-up for $4,000....gotta be good.....that's the way to do it....group control of your resources to get the savings.....I wonder if'n they have windmills in mind too?

  14. #7914
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    we move billions if not trillions of tons of "well everything" all over the place. garbage disposal has always been a booming business.

    hell you shoot it up into space and have it sit between earth and the moon. you put them into containers that will stack togetehr. you just stack them there and in 40 or 50 years your put a rocket on one end and point it to the sun. it is not like there is a time limit, or that radiation will polute space, it is full of the stuff. it does not have to go fast, it just needs to start moving in the correct direction. if scientists can hit the moon, and mars, and jupiter and even pluto, they should have no problem hitting the sun.

    oh yea of little faith.

    and don't you dare sail way out there, the science is settled, you will fall off the earth and end up on the back of the turtle that carries the earth around the sky.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aalina View Post
    as you like this post i too like this post very much .a Nuclear waste dump in the Sun to consume all the waste that could ever be produced.......er, how we gonna get it there Doc....no problem son, we'all gonna put a few ton at a time on one 'o those rocket shuttle thingies as a by product pay load to the space station and just let it keep on going to the Sun..

  15. #7915
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by fizzissist View Post
    that's blasphemy. 97% of scientists agree that Model A Ford wheels were wire. The science is settled.
    Yes, but is there consensus ???

  16. #7916
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    My dear Infantry2B, what are we going to do with youse....we are toting the scenario of alternative energy to REPLACE the dwindling current energy sources aren't we....I mean that is abundantly clear to you, innit?.....where then oh where are you going to get the fuel to lift ton after ton of Nuke waste material into Earth orbit....(why Earth orbit????) and then shoot it off to the big Nuke generator in the Sun to burn up?

    More to the point who's gonna do the sending....the government of the day...Nahhh, they got no money honey, and seeing as how the Nuke industry is going to be privately managed, the Government ain't interested...not their problem....so that leaves private contractors with cost cutting and unaccounability programs to shift the most toxic and lethal waste material the World has ever mass produced.

    First you gotta collect the wast and then transport it to a central holding area, then transport it to a space launching facility........WOOOoooooaaaaa, there boy....did you say space launching facility....ain't that NASA as in Government owned and operated?

    Imagine the heads at NASA evacuating the space launching facility big time every time a load of Nuke waste arrived on their doorstep, just in case they had a premature "Housten, don't look now but we got a biggy problem, and it ain't ever gonna go away for a thousand years or so"....like a rocket that wasn't able to quite get off the tarmac and just fell back over and spilled it's pay load a bit.....everybody gonna get a bit, even the President will be wearing it.

    Oh, but I forgot, it's new technology that is going to cater for the Nuke waste disposal bit.....OH YEAH?..... and we all know that Apollo 13 was a hoax and never caused a problem, seeing as how the Moon landings never took place, which means if'n the Moon shots never occured, all that Nuke waste will end up buried somewhere in area 52, back of the movie set.....LOL.

    The bottom line is, it will cost far more than your tiny mind can imagine to cater for and dump Nuke waste, and that cost will outstrip the cost of ANY green alternative initiatives even if'n they were just .01% efficient in the energy generating process.

    You should be running for President with dumb ideas like that...then you can get the green light to promote the total waste of what money yo'all got left to clean up the expected aftermath of a Nuke contamination event.

  17. #7917
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by fizzissist View Post
    that's blasphemy. 97% of scientists agree that Model A Ford wheels were wire. The science is settled.
    Proof that cars are totally unsafe!


    We must ban all cars ASAP for the benefit of humanity.

  18. #7918
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Model A, Model T.....
    Wire, Wood.............

    Tomaaato, Tomahhto......

    Both were safe during it's time span.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails A.jpg   T.jpg  
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  19. #7919
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    All "A" model cars had wire wheels and 1927 "T" model had them also!
    All the new fangled technology is great-until it fails you and because it is manmade it will fail at some point! Remember the “unsinkable” Titanic! Keep it all in perspective, nothing made is infallible!
    I am looking into some other form of powering up my home and workshop or at least supplementing the supply a little and it really isn’t because of my concerns of some BS “greenhouse” emission reductions, with the ever increasing price of electricity in the “lucky country”, my main kwh tariff now at just shy of 28cents a unit is getting a little lumpy and with the carbon tax applied should manage to bump past the 30 cent mark and our power is generated predominately with “cheap” coal.

  20. #7920
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    That appears to be a '31 Model A :cheers:

    I'm fascinated to see how much you're paying for electricity, given the vast wealth of coal in Australia. This would be the equivalent of Saudis paying $8/gal for gas.

    It's more than twice what I pay.

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