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  1. #7941
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Ease up Infantry, no sense in getting banned from the forum for becoming too personal with your remarks.....cool down a bit.....the other guy, whoever, is just expressing his right to free speech, and I think we'all are intelligent enough to decypher the bull from the blather without taking it to heart.....now go across and give him a big sloppy kiss and make up...LOL.

  2. #7942
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by fizzissist View Post
    This outlines some of the primary problems with PBRs pretty well.
    I found the article very interesting. If I may ask on more question? A friend of mine insist that coal fired power plants release more radiation (Radon gas)
    into the atmosphere than nuclear power plants do. How could this be possible?

  3. #7943
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Keep it simple

    First for Mr. 11B, by using the MOS of a ground infantry soldier in the US Army you should try and be more respectful of the uniform and the meaning of serving your country with pride, not acting angry and disrepectful of others whose opinions, are their own and they have the right to them. Becoming angry and chastising everyone you disagree with, I am sorry to say makes you look foolish, and I am sure this is not your intention.

    Secondly no matter what all of the Man Made GW crowd thinks or how many times they repeat the talking points of the likes of Al Gore, and his ilk over and over again, the fact still remains that if the world stopped using fossil fuels tomorrow there is nothing to take its place to go online and fill the massive void left from no coal, natural gas, or oil fired electicity generating plants. So this being said if all the GW and Green lovers would agree to stop using all power generated through evil "Coal and fossil fuel" the amount of CO2 would be greatly decreased thus furthering their agenda. So we take all the "Greenies" and give them all the big liberal cities and let them take care of them without any fossil fuel while we take the rest of the nation and live like we have for a couple hundred years and see how long it takes the "Greeenies" to leave their "Socialist" compounds in great masses! Reality sucks but it will proove the point that the green agenda is just a way for folks like Gore to make tons of $$$$$ of the backs of those who can't see that they are being duped into following a bunch of theives! They are the "Useful Idiots" needed to keep each foolish movement alive and it is the same thing that happens time and time again in history when the "Progressive" machine worms its way back into the light from its dark hiding place, but it had never worked and it is time to put the progressive mindset back into its deep dark hole forever!

    Here is another thing that seems to get forgotten and not mentioned: What is expelled from every human and all the other mamals in the world when the exhale? Well it is CO2 of course! So if all the greenies and the GW fanatics stop breathing, just think of all the tons of CO2 that would not be produced!!! This is where common sense should come to play in all of these discussions, but it rarely does.

    The old radicals of the 60's are the leaders of the new radicals of today.

    The new radicals of today are the same part of society as the 60's, young college students, unemployed, minorities, and anyone who believes in entitlements from the government.

    The tactics of the old radicals was to create havoc and slow the system through protests, violence, chanting and waving signs and banners.

    The tactics of the new radicals is to slow the process of government and create havoc through massive protests, riots, violence, technology, hacking and manipulation of the internet for planning and implementing larger and more sign and banner waving.

    It is true that history will repeat itself if we forget what has happened in our past. If those who want "Revolution" look back at history they will see that their way of forcing change does not work and never has, it ends in bad ways and bloodshed, most of it the radicals.

    So everyone needs to look at reality and truth on their own, not follow blindly to the ranting and raving of the likes of the "New Black Panthers" SEIU, Al Gore (Who has lost his marbles!!) Geaorge Soros, Michael Moore and the list goes on. But look at the leaders who the radicals follow, they all have power, money and will still be standing in the end. Because those who are the "Foot Soldiers" will be the losers or the pawns sacrificed for the cause, for they don't give a darn about any of their minions, they are just tools in the big agenda and can be replaced at any time when one is lost to death, prison or if they open their eyes and see the light of reality and truth and leave the ignorance behind.

    Seems simple to me!

  4. #7944
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by fish1234 View Post
    First for Mr. 11B, ..........

    Seems simple to me!
    Thank you for the note of civility and common sense!

    Anyone doubting him should read Cloward–Pivens.
    “ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson

  5. #7945
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by infantry11b View Post
    what a load of crap.
    next you will tell us the government really has et.
    the cia killed kennedy.

    and I have never seen a story about anything you mentioned - NEVER and you seem to have left a link to your source [lmao] out.
    Bearing the Burden of IMF and World Bank Policies



    Coca-Cola sued over bottling plant 'terror campaign' | World news | The Guardian

    'Coca Cola, U.S. fund Colombian atrocities' - Michigan Quarterly Review | HighBeam Research

    Coca-Cola's Murderous Record in Colombia Exposed

    Coca-Cola Hit with New Charges of Murder, Rape, Torture

    and i never said you said anything about lightbulbs - i said lightbulbs, child. i said loonies like you think fake global warming is requiring it.
    "atrocities" - did you really use the word "atrocities?" making people put glass bulbs full of mercury and lead vapor is not even an atrocity.


    to think that someone like you is ever taken seriously makes me sure that union teachers in public schools, who cannot be fired for being idiots themselves, is really hurting the youth they are supposed to teach.

    you really are funny - and i got a great laugh out of the coke murdering people crap.
    I suspect you would.....

    so do people really talk to you in your room when no one is there and you forgot to put on the tin foil hat? rofl.
    Better a tin foil hat than blinders and ignorance

  6. #7946
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by fish1234 View Post
    Just to set the record straight..I do NOT believe, think, or even contemplate that AGW is a fact. The climate goes through natural variances and the political community is using the global warmists for their own agenda. Go back and carefully read the post that got 11B shorts in a knot and you will see that I stated that the warmist's forest manipulations are a zero sum gain meaning a huge waste of time. I probably didn't make it clear enough.

    The "atrocities" comment was in regard to the warmists killing villagers in the name of AGW and the recognition that there are a small amount of large corporations that saddly do the same things only it is done for their own gain.

    I would not post anything that was just rumor other than to ask a question about something I am not sure of.

  7. #7947
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    "Good Golly Gee Batman, seems the folk at Coca Cola 'bin drinking their own concoction to make them do those things, I think I'll stick to the Rum and leave out the Coke"

  8. #7948
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    So, before Coke came to Columbia the people who now work for Coke subsideries were sitting on their butts picking their noses, not a brass razoo between them....now they work to put coke in bottles and Coca Cola is intimidating them and killing them off.....are we missing something here......the people, whoever, are being forced to work for Coke, slave workers?.....why'nt they just go and sit on their butts and pick their noses again....better than pissing off the Coke hit brigade and getting terminated...or is that too much to work out?

    In all the Third World countries you can name, those with the most to lose usually end up losing the most, and they do it willingly, no one forces them to work for these "repressive" organisations, and to ensure that they are allowed to work for these organisations they form into groups to force the organisations to employ them, then the organisation has to cull a few workers to make way for the others standing in line waiting for the jobs they wilingly want to work in.....is this for real?....Coke is better than life!!!!

  9. #7949
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    you don't remember what is was to be a child and how to think like a child - thank God!
    children here people say 'evil corporations" and they mimic it. but the man made global warming children don't actually understand business. they don't know that for every business that is a success, hundreds fail. they seem to think that if coke stayed a local drink the world would be better off. they don't think beyone their noses.

    they don't see the millions of people that actually earn a living and can afford food, clothing and shelter, because of coke, and other businesses. they are children so they don't see expansion based on the sale of stock, and lots of those companies don't make it. they don't see the grandmothers who own stock in coke, and their aunts and uncles, that financed coke to make it global, and got income out of it. is grandmother a capitalist pig to them? no grandmother is the lady that gives them cold hard cash on their birthdays.

    they are children so they don't see the business that grows up around coke plants. the home builders, the carpenters, the plumbers, the dry cleaners, the baker, the clothing stores, the shoe stores, the movies houses, the car dealerships, their friends partents who live a nice life because of those evil corporations.

    they only see the evil corporations and their executives who make a lot of money to make sure that the company survives so that millions of people make a living, directly and indirectly.

    you see children are born welfare recepients. no it is not called welfare, it is parentfare. mommy i need a car. mommy i need a $150.00 pair of tennis shoes because anything less is not what my friends have. mommy and daddy i can't go to a local jr college i need you to pay $80,000 a year so i can party with the ivy league students, who are my friends. mommy, daddy, I want , i want, I want. and when these children get older they think wanting is enough. they don't see their successful parents worrying about how to pay the bills. they don't see their parents putting a 2nd and 3rd mortgage on the home to make payroll, working 22 hours a day to fight competition to make the family business a success. they don's see the parents having sleepless nights thinking if they are going to go under, because the parents "protect" them from the realities of life.

    instead the children complain becuase they have to do the dishes, or take the trash out or mow the lawn.

    and the children who by into man made global warming have everything that the "enemy" produces but don't see to understand that anyone can have those things. they buy into "unions" but don't seem to understand that products cost mroe becasue unions bleed the companies, force prices higher, and not one successful company that exists today was started by a union paying union wages to its workers.

    anyone can share in corporate wealth by buying stock and at the same time buy into the possibility of shared loss.

    funny how the man made global warming children want, want and want, but they sure as hell don't want to pay for it themselves. they want to steal it from others. in time they will learn that there will always be those who have less than they have and according to the rules that man made global warming children want established, those with less than they have will be able to just take it from them, just as the globalwarming children take from others.

    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    So, before Coke came to Columbia the people who now work for Coke subsideries were sitting on their butts picking their noses, not a brass razoo between them....now they work to put coke in bottles and Coca Cola is intimidating them and killing them off.....are we missing something here......the people, whoever, are being forced to work for Coke, slave workers?.....why'nt they just go and sit on their butts and pick their noses again....better than pissing off the Coke hit brigade and getting terminated...or is that too much to work out?

    In all the Third World countries you can name, those with the most to lose usually end up losing the most, and they do it willingly, no one forces them to work for these "repressive" organisations, and to ensure that they are allowed to work for these organisations they form into groups to force the organisations to employ them, then the organisation has to cull a few workers to make way for the others standing in line waiting for the jobs they wilingly want to work in.....is this for real?....Coke is better than life!!!!

  10. #7950
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by infantry11b View Post
    you don't remember what is was to be a child and how to think like a child - thank God!
    ----- .

  11. #7951
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    handlewanker: Remember something, the 3rd world countries are also the lowest users of fossil fuels. I wonder if this could have something to do with their low standard of living. If you will look at history you will find that all improvement in living conditions has been because of or traceable to low energy costs not great inventions. It doesn't make any since to force the poorest to pay a premium for wind or solar energy as the UN wants. This is the utmost in almost genocide to make money off the poorest of the poor.

  12. #7952
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    the third world was not always the third world. there was a time they were first and they allowed themselves to sink to last place.
    africia had a full set of rail systems and a political system that actually worked - now they are back to the tribal warefare that caused them to sink into the slime of poverty while a few gangsters murder and rape everyone not part of their party.
    the 3rd world deserves to be the third world.:violin:

    Quote Originally Posted by petersenonmain View Post
    handlewanker: Remember something, the 3rd world countries are also the lowest users of fossil fuels. I wonder if this could have something to do with their low standard of living. If you will look at history you will find that all improvement in living conditions has been because of or traceable to low energy costs not great inventions. It doesn't make any since to force the poorest to pay a premium for wind or solar energy as the UN wants. This is the utmost in almost genocide to make money off the poorest of the poor.

  13. #7953
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Hey Infantry...do you actually drink the stuff, or just have some money invested in the company?....I suppose either way that makes Coke good.....it's only a company after all, and if'n it plays dirty tricks, having money invested in the joint doesn't make you liable to pull all your dough out and invest it with some Green establisment that promises to make a New World for you....that's been tried before, and the American Indians can tell you where that got them......in the end money talks.

    BTW, how do you compare working 22 hours a day to WINNING against the competition, and taking out 2nd and ....holy f...k 3rd mortgages just to make the payrol to ensure the "SUCCESS"????? of a family business....are you drinking double strength Coke with a straw or snorting the stuff?

    Anyone who has to go to those lengths has lost the plot and the boats far from shore.

    Success is when you get it right with good advice and follow it, and failure is when you don't know when you are beaten.....and bankruptcy is when you didn't know when to quit.....anything in between is pushing sh!t uphill with a sharp stick.

    I quite agree that Third World countries are the lowest users of fossil fuel...they haven't got the means to dig deeper than a shovel will go so coal mines are out, and oil is way down the list too, that leaves them with good old fashioned wood, and that's been used for millions of years......too bad some people with big ideas forgot that....but as the saying goes, "The higher the top the longer the drop".

    Once the fossil fuel dependency dies, as it will, then the realisation that the dream built on the philosophy of "something for nothing" will take a hard tumble too, but as it will only happen in our great granchildren's time...why get too upset.....life is good as long as you don't get too serious about it.

    We are talking about approx 3 generatioons in the future, or approx a 200 year time span, and with the advances in technology presently being made, all their worries are not even a problem, as we can't envisage what they will use to boil their water, any more than H.G.Wells could when he dreamed of a time machine, and 200 years ago (1800AD) they didn't even know that electricity existed.

    It's ironic to think that in 200 years time electricity may cease to exist, when the means to produce it ceases to exist, and all other means failed to get off the ground due to the need to compete with the existence of oil coal and Nuke sources at the same price.

    Today is an Earth shattering moment in the history of OZ, 'cos the bill for the imposition of a Carbon Tax goes before Parliament to be voted on, and the Greens have indicated that they will support the motion....what more can you ask....a consensus of the majority of opinions.

  14. #7954
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    Sep 2006
    Infantry, the Third World mostly was a colonial environment, yes, that means it was a pseudo 1st World economy far from the mad crowded cities of the West.

    After they were "liberated" from Colonial rule, they became what they now are, a collection of tin huts with people dressed in old jeans and tee shirts, but wanted what their colonial masters had but could not understand the need of.

    Africa, as we know it today, is just a Colonial impression of how the Western world is subdivided, but just 400 years ago they were a tribal system, with hundreds of thousands of tribal areas, not one of them in a distinctive Country.

    Africa was only a word the Romans gave it 2,000 years ago, that is how they still think, except now they are bound by one collective law system that is alien to all the previous tribal beliefs, and not all of them believe that God made the World in 6 days with a day off for a rest......that is stretching the bounds of credibility too far for an African, but the Western World expects them to be their own masters now as long as they adopt Western ideals.

  15. #7955
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Reva4Jay View Post
    This is the utmost in almost genocide

    Nice pictures! I just love those red Xs! Please send more.


  16. #7956
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Ja3nice567 View Post
    the third world was not always the third world. there was a time they were first and they allowed themselves to sink to last place.
    africia had a full set of rail systems and a political system that actually worked - now they are back to the tribal warefare that caused them to sink into the slime of poverty while a few gangsters murder and rape everyone not part of their party.
    the 3rd world deserves to be the third world.

    Part 2 ---
    Nice pictures! I just love those red Xs! Please send more.

    Larry :cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:

  17. #7957
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Give it a rest and read a little hisotry.

    Africia had civilizations going back 10,000 years. So did the arab countries.

    It was not the fault of Europe that they turned into crap holes.

    and Africia was not liberated, the european powers just left during the 60's and Africia went back to tribal warefare, that kept them in poverty before and after europe arrived.

    And what was the main market of africia; slaves. islam took over eastern and north europe around 800, and enslaved most of the mediterian world. they took spain, southern itals, all of the mediterian islands, spread into turkey and took the first home of the christians under constantine. and they turned the slave trade into a global business. if you want to get a slave today, you need to go to islamic sfricia, where the salve trade, including children, still exists. and don't tell me about eh crusades, they took place after islam had been attacking the rest of the world for 400 years, and that was far to long to wait to fight back.

    africia is an examply of how far a civilization can fall without any help from the ourside. the 3rd world was not always 3rd, but they sure as hell deserve to be.

    and what pictures is eveyone talking about?

    read history, and don't pay attention to what some union, can't be fired, public school teacher tells you, actually pick up a real book and read it.

    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    Infantry, the Third World mostly was a colonial environment, yes, that means it was a pseudo 1st World economy far from the mad crowded cities of the West.

    After they were "liberated" from Colonial rule, they became what they now are, a collection of tin huts with people dressed in old jeans and tee shirts, but wanted what their colonial masters had but could not understand the need of.

    Africa, as we know it today, is just a Colonial impression of how the Western world is subdivided, but just 400 years ago they were a tribal system, with hundreds of thousands of tribal areas, not one of them in a distinctive Country.

    Africa was only a word the Romans gave it 2,000 years ago, that is how they still think, except now they are bound by one collective law system that is alien to all the previous tribal beliefs, and not all of them believe that God made the World in 6 days with a day off for a rest......that is stretching the bounds of credibility too far for an African, but the Western World expects them to be their own masters now as long as they adopt Western ideals.

  18. #7958
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Huh....it's a matter of opinion in an argument, but you can't overlook historical facts and relate them to "a Christian idea of how the World was made" or even where it came from, (the Pope might disagree strongly on that one but he's got vested interests to look out for).

    So, going back into deepest darkest history, (300 years would do) where the teachings in the schools were of the highest calibre, and by teachers who had instruction from the highest pulpits of the time, and you get "The World started at precisely 10.00 o' clock on a bright sunny morning in May ...." something of that order or similar twaddle that ruled at the time, but if'n you want to quote history, get your facts straight....the Third World was as it was right back to the beginning of time, low technology and only those people that knew better and applied their logic and free thinking did the 1st World or life as we know it come to be.

    There are people today, probably the major part of the existing Human race, that given Stone Age technology would die for lack of the skill to apply it.

    You may think of someone who came down from a tree and walked upright for a few steps as being "civilised", but it takes more than a few steps for mankind to even know the meaning of the word.

    South East Asia and the major part of Africa are probably the areas that usually gets referred to as being the Third World, but it also applies to someone who is jobless through illiteracy, lack of any training and walks barefoot in Summer on dirt roads, be it in Africa, the outback of OZ or in downtown Memphis Tennessee, the outlook is the same.

    At least the people living on watercraft in the Mekong delta of South Vietnam are doing what they are skilled at doing and will never aspire to do anything different, and have been doing so for centuries, long before the Romans or Greeks stared into the entrails of a ram and formed Earth shattering conclusions about the origins of matter.

    If'n you think that because you eat your food with a knife and fork or a spoon or even with a pair of pointed sticks is civilised, then watch a Chimpanzee dig grubs out of a rotten tree stump with a pointed stick, and you can ascribe the word civilised to them too....the difference is the Chimp does it by choice not by convention.

    By your own admission, if'n Africa was considered to be uncivilised due to the slavery practice, then America has only been civilised since 1860....for the last 150 years....no wonder you have problems with a veneer of civilisation so thin.

  19. #7959
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    deepest darkest history and you limit it to 300 years?
    let's just pretend that the last 10 or 11 thousand years did not really happen?
    best techers 300 yeara ago?
    the great enslavement of mankind has not been whites vs blacks - it has been free vs those who would take our freedom.
    the USSR did not come about by majority vote. even they called themselves Bolshevik's [which meand majority] they were never the majority. they were just the onces with the guns. that little fiasco put about 130,000,000 under communist rule. by 1945 you could add another 150,000,000 when we allowed russia to take over all of eastern europe. then add another 1/2 billion into the mix.
    so even if you want to limit human history to the last 300 years - the greatest threat to man has been communism.

    Quote Originally Posted by handlewanker View Post
    Huh....it's a matter of opinion in an argument, but you can't overlook historical facts and relate them to "a Christian idea of how the World was made" or even where it came from, (the Pope might disagree strongly on that one but he's got vested interests to look out for).

    So, going back into deepest darkest history, (300 years would do) where the teachings in the schools were of the highest calibre, and by teachers who had instruction from the highest pulpits of the time, and you get "The World started at precisely 10.00 o' clock on a bright sunny morning in May ...." something of that order or similar twaddle that ruled at the time, but if'n you want to quote history, get your facts straight....the Third World was as it was right back to the beginning of time, low technology and only those people that knew better and applied their logic and free thinking did the 1st World or life as we know it come to be.

    There are people today, probably the major part of the existing Human race, that given Stone Age technology would die for lack of the skill to apply it.

    You may think of someone who came down from a tree and walked upright for a few steps as being "civilised", but it takes more than a few steps for mankind to even know the meaning of the word.

    South East Asia and the major part of Africa are probably the areas that usually gets referred to as being the Third World, but it also applies to someone who is jobless through illiteracy, lack of any training and walks barefoot in Summer on dirt roads, be it in Africa, the outback of OZ or in downtown Memphis Tennessee, the outlook is the same.

    At least the people living on watercraft in the Mekong delta of South Vietnam are doing what they are skilled at doing and will never aspire to do anything different, and have been doing so for centuries, long before the Romans or Greeks stared into the entrails of a ram and formed Earth shattering conclusions about the origins of matter.

    If'n you think that because you eat your food with a knife and fork or a spoon or even with a pair of pointed sticks is civilised, then watch a Chimpanzee dig grubs out of a rotten tree stump with a pointed stick, and you can ascribe the word civilised to them too....the difference is the Chimp does it by choice not by convention.

    By your own admission, if'n Africa was considered to be uncivilised due to the slavery practice, then America has only been civilised since 1860....for the last 150 years....no wonder you have problems with a veneer of civilisation so thin.

  20. #7960
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    Sep 2006
    Going into history, as far as I'm aware, the Commie empire came into being at the point of a gun....a groundswell of deep resentment.....it was after all the returning Russian soldiers from WW1 that were armed and dangerous that took the oportunity to throw off the yoke of the Tzarist rule and do their own thing, with a little guidence from Comrade Lenin et al, so if they were misled or just too stupid to see where the path was leading them, that's their problem....70 years later they woke up and did their own thing once again.

    The whole point is the Third World did not occur because the rich and powerfull denied them the means to better themselves, they were the original type of living standard humanity that evolved to become 1 st World by going the extra mile and becoming affluent by their brains and ingenuity.

    You are born naked and dumb, and you'd live that way all your life if'n you didn't ride on the backs of giants to get to where you wanted to go.

    It suits some people to live in third world communities, because sophisticated living standards are too much to maintain, even when the money is around to make it so.

    You cannot compare 3rd World poverty as being the norm for them.....many communities thrive on very low technology, but when they aspire to live like 1st Worlders the means to sustain the lifestyle is not available, so you get fringe dwellers with tin shacks in urban jungles that spawn malnutrition and crime due mostly to lack of a structured living environment and overpopulation.

    BTW, no one forces you to support the Chinese economy, you do it willingly....and if'n you're too stupid to realise that buying from a foreign non benign economic group is better than supporting your own group....open your eyes.....appraise your situation....do something about it.....or just sit on your butt and blame those that you put into power because you're too stupid to help yourselves.....changing the political group won't help 'cos you voted them into office, and they're only here for the beer.

    Perhaps Communism was a good thing after all....the torch that burned everything clean to enable regrowth to happen....been happening in Nature since the beginning of time.

    BTW again, you are a slave by your own choice, the alternative is the reason you choose to be a slave....it takes courage to turn the corner and look beyond the pail....slavery is a nice warm glow that won't go away and you get used to being warm and cosy and having somone else to think for you, but it is after all your choice to allow 51% of your society to force 49% to do their bidding.

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