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  1. #9181
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Does the current IPCC report change your opinion about the global warming problem? Or does it make no difference?

    Now the IPCC said the global warming of 2°C will be exceeded during the 21st century. Unless rapid and deep reductions in CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions occur in the coming decades, achieving the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement “will be beyond reach

  2. #9182
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    The weather jesters can't tell us accurate weather for the rest of the week. What makes anybody think they can tell us what the climate is going to do 20, 50 or 100 years from now?'

    All these predictions are based on computer modeling. Garbage in, garbage out.

  3. #9183
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by wendtmk View Post
    The weather jesters can't tell us accurate weather for the rest of the week. What makes anybody think they can tell us what the climate is going to do 20, 50 or 100 years from now?'

    All these predictions are based on computer modeling. Garbage in, garbage out.

    You're right, exact predictions are always difficult. But working against global warming getting too high generally makes sense, doesn't it?

  4. #9184
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    We're doomed.... DOOMED!. I tells ya.
    Cull 50% of the worlds population. It's now due to double every 20 years. Usustainable.
    That'll sort it.

    Or we all get rid of everything , have nothing , live in mud huts!!.

    Electric vehicles are a red herring. Lithium is another fossil fuel (rock). We're just doing the same again. Lithium not easily recycled, landfill site the size of texas full of dead batteries in 20 years. Everyone dead of Lithium poisoning in 50.

    Invent alternatives to CO2 emmitters like combustion engines... THAT ACTUALLY WORK!!
    U.K. are having expensive 'heat pumps' shoved down there throat atm, they are NOT an alternative.... They're absolute crap compared to gas boilers.

    The world has had extreme weather events since time began.

  5. #9185
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by dazp1976 View Post

    The world has had extreme weather events since time began.
    Right, but I think not with the frequency as recently.

    2021 we had ongoing wildfires in Greece, North America, Turkey and Siberia. In July, there were devastating floods in mainland Europe with many deaths. There has never been anything like this in the last 50 years.

  6. #9186
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by burs View Post
    Right, but I think not with the frequency as recently.

    2021 we had ongoing wildfires in Greece, North America, Turkey and Siberia. In July, there were devastating floods in mainland Europe with many deaths. There has never been anything like this in the last 50 years.
    I don't know about the fires in Europe but the size of the ones in the western U. S. are mostly caused by poor management. Too many trees are left to die in our forests which adds fuel to the fire. Years ago the Indians managed the forests with fire to clear out the underbrush and the dead trees which kept the forests living and great for the animals. We have allowed people to build homes and towns right in the middle of the forest and then have to suppress the fires to keep from burning these buildings and we NEVER clear out any of the underbrush or the dead and dying trees because were told it costs too much. Then we spend millions fighting the fires that get out of hand because of so much fuel and whole towns burn to the ground and our leaders shrug there shoulders and say "what a shame that the town burnt" and it goes on and on.

  7. #9187
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    But the fact that so many trees are dying is certainly also a consequence of climate change. Forests cannot adapt quickly enough to climate-related changes and die. (According to some studies, I´m not a scientist). And the incredible heat wave in North America has for sure also fuelled the forest fires.

    You are probably right that the local government could manage this better, but they can only treat the current symptoms. But it doesn't change the fact that the cause of these problems lies elsewhere. And I fear that the problems will increase.

  8. #9188
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    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by burs View Post
    You're right, exact predictions are always difficult. But working against global warming getting too high generally makes sense, doesn't it?
    You're presuming that the climate is actually warming, and that it's warming at alarming rates, and that humans actually had something to do with it. The planet has gone through many climate swings over it's existence, some much colder and some much warmer, long before humanity entered the industrial age. The world becomes much greener with more CO2 in the atmosphere, as proven in past warm periods.

    This whole global warming garbage is based on limited computer modeling, which woefully lacks the resources and programming to actually determine climate. In fact, the last almost 20 years show the temperature has remained mostly flat. So no, basing radical changes in the world's economies based on nothing more than politicized guesswork to address the nonsense of global warming does not make sense. Wasn't that long ago the so-called scientists predicted we were on the verge of entering the next ice age. Haven't seen a glacier forming in my back yard as of yet.

  9. #9189
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    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by burs View Post
    Right, but I think not with the frequency as recently.

    2021 we had ongoing wildfires in Greece, North America, Turkey and Siberia. In July, there were devastating floods in mainland Europe with many deaths. There has never been anything like this in the last 50 years.
    You're talking local weather not climate. Huge difference. Weather patterns change a heck of a lot more often than the climate does.

  10. #9190
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    I don't think these are just local weather phenomena. There have been too many extreme cases recently compared to the past.

  11. #9191
    Join Date
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    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    And yet, we've had a cooler summer where I live than normal, and the past few years winter temps were below normal. That's local weather. You can't equate what happens locally with what is happening globally.

  12. #9192
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    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by wendtmk View Post
    That's local weather. You can't equate what happens locally with what is happening globally.
    I agree with you on this point. But I think we have different conclusions to this. A few days ago scientists determined that the July 2021 was the hottest month ever. The previous records were set in 2016, 2019 and 2020. something like that is hard to ignore in my opinion.


  13. #9193
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    Jan 2018

    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    Quote Originally Posted by burs View Post
    I agree with you on this point. But I think we have different conclusions to this. A few days ago scientists determined that the July 2021 was the hottest month ever. The previous records were set in 2016, 2019 and 2020. something like that is hard to ignore in my opinion.


    Set since proper records BEGAN. Which is probarbly only since 2010.

  14. #9194
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    The report says: "It is the highest temperature since record-keeping began 142 years ago."

  15. #9195
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: The Coming Climate Change

    The rocket science part is :- The earth warms up (that killed the dinasours) the earth gets flooded then it freezes. The clue is the fact they had to drill 300ft down into the polar ice caps to carbon date the ice age. The ice is currently melting, so if it melts 300ft off the top sods law says the world will freeze over. The interesting thing is man didnt cause the last one and the gap between ice ages is getting longer (yes there has been more than one). There has been an ice age every 75,000 years roughly, The calculations show that this ice age is currently 33 years over due. Climate change is happening and there isnt anything humans can do about it. When they stop talking crap and disaster finally happens you will discover im right. Some people are making a lot of money by peddling lies. There is a few issues that have seriously affected our climate, the moon is moving further away from the earth and the earth has moved on its axis in the last 10 years. As a child they used to say grid to mag add and mag to grid get rid for calculating magnetic compass to grid map reading. In 1980 it was -7 degrees today it is +2 degrees. That has shifted the jet stream by 9 degrees effectively rotating the earths climates suerly. Entinction Rebellion fail to acknowlege all the facts prefering to just give you the bull **** bits instead. We do need to clean up our act, as engineers we need to find solutions its what we do. panic cancelation is for the Wokes and effects humanity far more than a disaster ever will. We need to find new ways of manufacturing steel - oh we have engineers in Germany have just discovered a way of producing steel whilst reducing the requirement of using so much carbon based fuels. we need to produce cheap energy which is clean (ok and green), we need to find a way to harvest and use carbon/co2 not dispell it. But the climate will still change. What has suprised me is the speed at which it has flipped, 15 or 20 years at the most we have seen biblical changes to the climate. At this rate the world will end on Sunday. The rich will try and buy there way through the disaster, people like us will use our skills to survive and its highly likely after all the migrants are heading west towards the UK and US it wont be long before we are heading back towards Africa where civilisation began (and its a lot warmer, didnt freeze in the last ice age). Bezos will be floating around in the atmosphere in a huge penis shaped space ship and all will be right with the world.

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