I work for a millwright company, we have a Dynatorch table. Its a plasma table thats all i know, our code generation software is We-Cim. We usually draw parts and stuff with TuboCad. Not very savy with CAD and none of us really understand what our table is capable of, we liek to keep things simple.

Anyway my mom wants me to make her a sign saying "@ Liberty" 2 signs, one with the "@" and one with "Liberty" I'm pulling out what little hair i have left trying to figure out how to draw this on CAD and then get it so i can cut it on the table. So i have to draw the letters out or is there a shortcut so i dont have to spend all that time. I'm sure there's a faster way out there, just don't know how to do it...


might be wrong forum sorry if im in the wrong spot new user one here...