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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    LPT PIN 1 Voltage Problem - (with TB6560)


    i have problems getting x axis to work on my TB6560 Board.

    The TB6560 Board has the X axis step pin on PIN 1 (LPT). On this pin i measure permanent 0,22V.

    The y and z axis are working fine. On the step pins of them, i measure 0 V when axis is inactive and -0.02V when active.

    So it seems that the not working X axis is caused by a permanent voltage on the step PIN 1. Can somebody give me some advice how to get rid of this voltage - or is there another may to change the step pin to a different PIN ?

    Regards from Germany

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    I know this is an old thread but I have the same exact problem, the x is dead. The led for the x lights up when x is called to work but no current to the motor. any help. I am using Mach3 controller and TB6560 3 axis blue board.

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