I am starting this thread to help gain some support for my local high school Technology Program. I wish to build them a CNC machine, and thought this might be a good place to solicite help, and share some experience. Comments and ideas are welcome. I will share pictures, ideas, tips and tricks as I go. Those who donate may also be entitled to free software that I am developing as it becomes available. Here is what I am proposing...

I have been selling plans to build my cnc mini-mill for several years now. I have decided to help out my local high school Technology Education program in building their own CNC machine. With my help and plans I will build a CNC machine for the Westerly High School Tech Ed. dept. The school does not have the money in their small budget to fund a machine so I am going to help. I am donating all profits from the sale of my plans over the next few weeks, or until all of the materials they need have been purchased. I hope to employ some new design and building techniques to help save them some money. I will post pictures and tips as we build.