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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > HURCO > part setup Z &tool length offset
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    part setup Z &tool length offset

    I need some help with the above subject. I am new to the hurco brand (VMX24 winmax) and not grasping how to find the work offset in Z and also setting the tool length offsets. What's confusing to me, is how some operators perform this task, is completely backwards (my opinion), they use the "tool length by touch off" (I think). I use the "preset tool length" method on our Okumas: MCV4020 & MV-56B, both have OSP-P200M controls. I am hoping one day to get an offline presetter (reduce setup time). On the Okumas my proceedure (simply put) for finding the Z work coordinate is this; I jog the nose of the spindle (without holder & in clamped condition) onto a "50mm ZERO SETTER" which is placed (by me) directly on my part's Z0.0 surface. Then I go to my work coordinate (generaly H1), select Z axis (work coordinate page), then press control keys "CAL + 50" [ENTER]. This tells the machine that my work Z coordinate is 50mm below the spindle nose current Z position. With this way there is no manual measuring or calculating anything. It's all done in the control of the machine, the operator is less likely to fat finger inputs. Now to find the tool length offset; I typically place a 2-4-6 block on the table and then place the same "50mm ZERO SETTER" on top of that. I jog the spindle nose again on the 50mm zero setter, go into a different work coordinate (say H2), then go to the work coordinate page, for Z axis, press "CAL" [ENTER]. This zeros the spindle for H2 work coordinate, then I raise the spindle enough to load a tool, say T1. With T1 loaded, I lower the spindle with tool back onto the "50mm ZERO SETTER", then I go to the tool offset page, and for T1 slot, I press the control key "CAL" [ENTER], the value that appears (automatically) in T! slot is the length of the tool (from gage line to the tip of the tool).
    Does anyone know how to do this same "Process" with the Hurco VMX24 Winmax control? Do you have any written proceedures describing this process? Can you point me in the right direction? My reasoning to have the same process, is for standardization throughout the shop that I work in. Anyone else have this type of issues? Any and all information would greatly be appreciated. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Regardless of the machine/control, what a horrendously complicated way to do something simple!

    Go into Part Setup, set the z offset to zero.

    Place your zero setter on the table.

    Go into Tool Setup.

    Touch first tool on zero setter, press Set Tool Zero (or equiv. depending on which control you have).

    Repeat with remaining tools.

    After all your tools are set this way, you can touch off part zero with any tool. I have a Haimer 3d Taster in the carousel of all my machines that I use for setting part zero. If you don't have one and don't already have some means of part probing I thoroughly recommend you look at one.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    I agree with gthlm.

    If you work at a small shop, and you have the power too change the way you touch tools off, You might want to consider it. I've tried to using a Presetter on Hurco's with out much success and when I asked the Hurco rep's, they said "we'll get back to you".

    You mentioned that you want to standardized throughout the shop, but you purchased a machine with it's own, unique control. I'm not sure how the OSP-P200M controls work, but I use the same basic process gthlm had mentioned with the Hurco and Fanuc controls and it works quite well in my opinion. You just might want to look at the Program Parameters (General Parameters page 2) where it shows: Include Offset Z In Tool Zero Cal and set it to NO. this way it should always enter your tool offset from "machine zero" and not "machine zero plus Z offset in part set up".

    I would not worry about the whole tool presetting thing until your shop purchases one, at which time I would change the tool setting process to implement its use.

    Sorry that I was not of much use, but I agree with gthlm. Why make something so simple so complicated. But then again I'm don't know the OSP-P200M controls, and everyone has their own favorite flavor.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Cool Your working too hard, work smarter.

    Okuma doesn't really break the rules... they just made up there own.

    The OP is making life harder than required though.

    There is no need to use 2 work coordinates to set tools on the Okuma...

    After you set your (H1) Z just call up the first tool and touch off on your sensor and do the "Cal 50" right on the part just like you did with your workshift.

    On my Hurco I tend to leave the Z workshift @ Z0 and touch off tools directly off the part without a probe - but thats mainly because my KM3P is a quill machine with only 5 Inches of Z travel. If I had a BMC20 (still looking) or other bedmill I would use the probe.

    On Fanuc's I set all tools to the table surface (G53) then use the actual height above the table for the G54-G59 Z workshift value. I do use a probe with a stored in memory value to "Cal" the tool length values.

    ( Clear as mud?)

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